Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1932, p. 13

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thought of as more important ti the message ,of the picture itself. In-1 formation about thé artist and thei picture adds to the child's uinder- standing. Some of the pictures selec-, ted are related to the regilar- school subjects. The best examnples iii our schools are the fine color prints aa4 statuies given ýto the -school 15y the Art league. Each room haE at least one- good picture-some have two or three. A Junior Art. league was o rganized in -the scboels two years ago. Thrle first year ha nging of, pictures, -ar- rangement of books. on shelves, and objects in, theroom were the main consideratioli. Last year the children had. an opportunity to select from over a hundred'prints, eighteen that were needed in various rooms. The pic=e chosen exemplify aesthetic quate that time has proven are ei during. Can a better test for train- ing children for 1f e situations be given? -Frances Donnelly, Supervisor of Art, Wilmette Public schools. Messenger Boy Hurt. When Struck by Car .Hubert. Billington. mnessenger lboý for. the local Western Union offic2. was. struck 'New Year-'s day.,al>oiit 6:30 ,.o'clock in the evening hy a car driven by -a chauffeurfor Max Bjet- der, 214 ýSecond street, ,HIighiland Park. Billington was riding a bicycfr when the accident happiened, H-e was struck at Sheridan road .and 'Iakc avenue. Mr. Bender and the chauf- f cur took himi to the Evanston hos- pital. He suffered* an injurv to the right side of his hecad. The inijury, wvas not serions, according to Ille WVilrnette police report. Sears Pupils Will Hear Lecture ,on Electricity Glennll L. Morris, flote(l scientist. who gives a popular lecture demon- s.trating andi describing the wonders of elçciricity., will aipp)ear at an asseinbly at the Joseph Searsschool in Kenilworth Wednesday imornin.g., j annary 13,- at 9- o'clock. 1-e cornes under the auspices of the School Assernbly association. Mr. 'Morris presents new and interesting facts of sinein an aithoritiative.. but non- ter', Martha Louise, of Mole. 0o Sue Carpeniter, 239 Essex road, Ici- Kenilworth Monday to resune hier *studies at Miss Madeira's schoolJin Washington, >D. C. Mrs. Roy H. Garrett, 534 Essex raKenilworth entertained ber bridge foursome at luncheon on Tues- day of this week.. mran 's having the menibers -M The next regular meeting will bc at the home of Mrs. H. W. Bettinghaus, 1231 Ashland avenue, Monday evening, jannary 1l. The Cook county, council meets. this Friday, January 8% at 1 :30 o'clock at the Great Northern botet. Saturday mornling, January 9_ at 10:30 o'clock the Junior Auxiliary v il meet'at St. Augnstine's club bouse. ,T'lus wilI be animportant meeting, as a funl set'of officers are to be elécted. Also. plans are to'be formnlated for.tte-Jui- ior's. part in our February progr ai. >The Seventh district -Christmas p.irty at Great Lakes, held on December 30, proved a great- success. Our unit con- tributed a sketch called "'The Awkard Sqnad" enacted by fourniembers of the North Shore, players.* Other units together offered several cf the r;idie* celebrities as entertainers, naniely: "ýHerr Lonie and the Weasel" ; AI and Pete.; the Prairie',Farmer's quartet. and Miss Burke, wvhose, vocal selections are often eijoyed over the air. rvaiiston, Post contributed "The Little Germin band" of hy-gonie days poplarity. The boys fully enjoyed and apprc- ciated the ýentertainnient,' and each one received- a specially wrapped package of home madle cookies. upon leaving the hall. The unit memibers and the enter- taincrs enjoyed coffee cake following the prograni. Automnobiles Collide on Ridge Road, Kenilworth An automobile which Naoini Pat- tersp)t, 341 Ridge road. Kenilwxorth, was driving sotith on1 Ridge tid night about 11:-45 oMcock. was, struck hy another machine driven by. .. Brunke of Niues Center. As the Pat- terson car, going south, was màking a left tnrn- off of, Ridge in front of No. 341 it,.was strnck by Brunke's automobile, which was also travel- ing sonth. No one was hurt and nio complaint was sig.ned, according to the Kenilworth police report of thie accident. PAUL KRUPPA, Painting - Decorating 1412 Ito> veuWhst WiImnett. ZUT wfimntIa Ileu 0t4V85llec Io D.1. N *. tf l. rc ta*l3*. Several of these reports were read at the meeting of the Chamber of Commrce on Monday night ln the Wilmette Masonic temple. A. list of annual reports, and the tiames .of the men who submitted them follows:-.president's report; J. E~. Worthen'; secretary's report, B. TF. Clark; 'treasurer's.,report, W. D. Lea- ry; , entertainmfent committee, A. D. Albright; pnblicity ,committec,' B. B. Udeli; ,ire, prevention committec, WValter Zihhle; membership- comimit- tee, John Hoffman :-.retail cornmittee, Martha Springer, who is teaching in the Northrup schoôl in Minne-~ apolis, returned Sunday after spend- i n g the 'holidays with her parents'. Mr. and Mrs. George 'W. Springer, 724. Forest avenue. Jane Springer re- turniedto Stephens.coilege, Columbia, Mo., on. Tuesday. Mrs., 321. Kenil- wofth avenue , Kenilworth, entertained a few friends on New Year~s eve. DUJPUCATE CONTRCTBRIDGEToUjRNAMEN Oplen to the Public THE BALLROOM EDGEWATER BEACH H)T.EL MONDAY, EVENING, JANUARY 18, AT 8 P. M. Price.,$1,50 per player, including Buffet.,Supper Entries, accompanied by Fee, must be made flot later than Thursday, Jtinuary 14, with GEORGE W. PLANK, Tournament Manager, Edgewater Beach Hotel, 5300 Block--Sheridan Rd. YQUh4IE u UP I RUGE VENUIE PHARMACY C. C. Rennechor PHoNE Wn.mIcrT 316 Opposite SI. loutep! Schoo! 1 ý

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