Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1932, p. 18

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j Health Director Lauds Attitude of* Girl Scouts' Some things: of which the Puritans would not 'a p P r o v e, were recoru- mnended by Miss Mary B3egrd as aids 1o thait positive health, wthout which, she says, there cannot be. beauty or. gaiety. Miss Beard, is an associate director of the Rockefeller Founda- tion International Hcalth division. Reccntly she cast a critical eye over the Girl Scout requireme nts. for the winning of that organization's health and homne nursing -badges.. "I could almost wish," she said, "W't sec dancing included. as. a require- ment. It is one of the bcst thing Il know,' especially in the winteïr, to kecp girlsin. the physÎical and mental condition that ineans proper licalthi.". Health to Miss Beard, of course, docs not mean simply absence of ilI- ness anv more than. it Idoes to aà Girl Scout. She thinks of it as someé- thing positive that is the source of cncergy, interest and enthusiasm for :vour %vork, and play, mhatever theV Good Posture Stressed -I like the Girl Scout ioit fc } good posture," Mliss Ileard d(lcare(l. -'Fewv People realize its iimpo(rtanice. and yet I hiave knowvn of a child who underwenit aIl sorts of nmedical ex- anmations, was put on various diets and mwas discov-ered eventually to 1c suffering fromn nothing mnore t h a bad carniage." Miîss Bcard pointed out hoiv'sifMI) le training in elemientary homle nursing can l)e of enornîous help i tinies of, serions epidem icS *P e o p 1 e have.,diedl. sh e said. "through disolbcyinig a doctor s or(er tlie quiet, and-have brouglit si( k- ness- >anddeath ,tiohes fgirlsch seeniingly elenmentarv, directions1 are important, the\,niai' be able tu hav-e, r- Troop News I charngez Meeting place Winnetk's Troop 2 has changed its meeting, date from Monday to TIuesdayeveni'ng. This group is com- poscdl entirely of high school girls who have been doing-a of real1 service for their community. They are very.iyilling to be of help in any.of a number of ways. Before Christmas the gils.woked every day, after school to make three complete layettes for the Infant 'Nelfare. They have given their services, at dinners at both the Parish House. and -the Communitv House. Troop. Meets Wednesdays The Girl Scout' tioop at the Glencoe Methodist church will resumne its meetings on Wedncsday evenings at 7:00 ith Miss Grobbcn as leader. Mrs. Marsh is visiting in Florida an( will niot be back for some time. AUl girls, who are in eighth grade or high schoolý are ipvited. The meet- ings will 1)e planned iviith te ideaof acconplishing a great deal of work and of having a great dealof fun. To Have Scout Troop Thle St. Franicis school in 'Niliiiette bias started a new Girl Scout troop. Any girl who is going to that sclîool or any other girl who is 10 yeafs old.1 inay join thiis troop. Miss. Hughecs, Captain, w111 be assisted in lher work, lv "Miss Ortseifen and Nliss Hughs,.1 Newv Troop at Highcrest ii 'ew troop will be started Friday afternoon at 4:15 at Higlicrest schiool. Wilniette, u'nder the leadership of MNiss Bertha Birsch. :Al, girls wli,, aeiinterested in Scout -iork andare 10years old mnay join this niew trool). Girls Await January 16 1to Arrange Test Couirse SERVE AND SM ÎLE' Cheery Work of Girl Scouts Encouruged by .Mrs. Frèderick Edey, National Président Congratulations to the Girl Scouts of, this country for the account thev are, givinig of themselves, are ex- tended to them iAn greetings from .\Mrs. F r e der ick Edey,ý nationgl presidefit, Mrs. Nicholas. F. B3radyý chairman of the national board of directors, and Miss josephine Schain, national.director of the Girl'Scouts., 'Another year: is with us." say s %Irs. Edey, "and the Girl S c o U t ortganization will soon round ouit the twentieth year of its existence. It is iiice to think we are- growing so steadilv and healthily. 'Ne need the service and cheerfulness of the Girl Scouts now as. never. before. Sa, while 1 wish every one of our girlsi and their leaders ail happiness in1 1932, -what I wish, for themmost is that they may continue to be Girl Scouts w i t h, ail the cheerful-ness.' enthusiasm,,courage and f a it h of Mrs. Brady. in lber, message, de- clares that "the best ýpledge 'of our continued success in the coming year is.. to miy immd, thé p a s t1 service given by our Girl Scouts. 1 an deeply inove(l as welI as delighited by the records w-hich every day k-eep pour- mig inito headquarters -of gifts uný objtrus ivelv_ givýen,ý of gay parties put to good purpose, arld above al. of the elhcerful spirit Girl, Scouts mnaintaini at ail timeils.*" Girl Scouts Plan Twelve Sectional Meetings for- 1932 The calendar o f eventsfôrthe na- tional Girl Scouit organization for the ncw year includes a series of regional -onferenées starting early in April and ending 1late in june,, durilug which time each ôf the -twelve regional, or- ganhzations throughout. the nation will meet to dîscuss the Girl, Scout progress,- pro gram.and problem.s. The ei ghteenth animal convenition wi11 bel held f rom the fifth to the seventh of ncxt October at 'Norfolk, Va., accord- .ng toý announcement at national head- quarters inNew.York City. Surveys Will be muade by na tional staff mnir- bers..ini Columbus, Cleveland, Phila- delphiia and possiblv in W\ashingtoni, D. C., in 1932. ,Definite dates for aIl regional con- fereluces, have flot been arranged, but. the citiesin Which they will be held are Providence, R. IL; for the NZew lEngIand region; Atlantic City for the Hendrik Hudson region, comprisilg New York and New Jersey; Balti-. more, Md., for Region Three, which mcludes Maryland. Virginia. Penni- sylvania, Delaware and the District of Columbia; Louisville, Ky., for the Kenowva region, comprising Ken- tucky, Ohio and WVest IVirginia; and 1,ttle Rock, Ark., for the Dixie re- gion, covering Arkansas, Tennessee, iAlabama, M ississipp i and, ,oisiaiia. Tean n u a I 'conf erence f orý the Nomes -of Eligible [Juliette Low region, comprising -North 7'L andSouth Carolina, Georgia a n d- Flrda, will be held at M\iani, FIa., focaI (Girl Scout cotnncils in 1tîi and delegates from the Great Lakes re-ions eligible for the 1932 juliette, region. wv h i c h includes -W\isconisin, L.ow Menicorial awards are -urged by- M1ichigan, Illinois and Indiana, ivill Mrs. Lymian Delano, chiairmau, of the mieet at Delwood, mnd. Girl Scout International committee. Des 'Moines, Iowa, will be the con- to send thie narnes of their candidates ferenice scene of the Covered Wagon into national headquarters, 670 Lex- region, coniprising Nebraska, Ioiwa, On ,Tuesday, January 5, eleven comimittee Members met at the home of Mirs. Elbert Cark to arrange a Winnet ka Girl Scout Commuinity committce. which is to be composed of one member f rom eachi troop coin- mittee of evcry troop in winnetka. Plans were made to help the Scout Leaders and troop corni-ittees. ing, for it i-S a very important onie.' ANEW ýBROWNIE PACK ,new Brownie pack was to start Tuesday, january 5, at 3'-30 in the (irlScout room of the hristChuürchl Parish House, Winnetka . Brownie packs ýare for girls who are from, 7. tol 10ears old.. Mrs..,Low ill have charge of this Brownic pack.: Big Tree region. Girl Scouts f romn these states participated in the first distribution of awards in 1930. Names of possible candidates must' lie submitted to regional committees for consideration.. The regional com- mittee '"lI select thréee. outstanding naines to be sent .en to the Inter- national -corm mittçe, whlch will make. the final decision. rsi fl4M'., vv 851UcLLe, ai./ :.uv. i nere will be gaies, and Second Class, methods will be tauglit. WINNETKA LEADERS MEET The Winnetka Leaders planned ta have 'their meeting Wcdnesday. eve- ning, january 6, at,8:30 in the Christ, Church Parish H1.ouse Girl ,Scout J J I

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