Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jan 1932, p. 44

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the chairman of the better 'filmis coin- mittee of Glenlcoe chapter. D. A. R. IThese filmns are selections of flic 1). A. R. reviewing committee in Hol- lywood, Calif.. which previewed the Plays throngh tIle courtesy of the Association oif Motion Picture Pro- ducers. A statemlent-fron,îthe 1). A. R. re- vieWing cornimittec reads: "M'e do siot see ail the Pictures mnade. but write ,reviews on every !iture we see. The first three rat- ings designaàte enteitainmnent value: 1, excellent; 11, good; 111, nmediocre. The fourth*(IV) -nîeans'lot recoin- inended." The commuittee's findings' follow: 'The. Chlamp' (1-M. G. M. A storv of the love of a smnall b)oy for bis father that is heart assaiiling, and will*bring lauglhter anid.tears.« Excitf ilig and sentinmental, this 15 an excel- lent vehlicle for fiie extraordinary arti ,stry of Jackie Cooper and %Val- lace liecrv. Thleir portra3'al. and the expert direction of King Vidlor-imake- this îicture an otitstaniding prodtic- ti1on of tlic. year. Famnily. * "'Amibassador Bill' ()-Fox. A charnunig story of the 'Graustar1.'É' varictv, witllî:the huînanness of XViII Rogers ,,finiand .pbilosopby. XViII Rogers is.,apî>ointed ambassador to a smiall Balkan kinigdonî ;called1 Sylvantia : xitli kimîdlv tact adsml inainners, lie iintangles tile royal, hotisehioid trotibles anid suippresses a revoluition. \\'holesomie and pfleasanit ciitertainilient for the fanily.1 'The Cubati Love Song' (Il)- (.'. M. Fronma storv by Cardinier Sullivan and Bess Meredyth. Muisical score : H-erbert Stothart. Lawrence Tibbett. Frîîest Torrenice anîd Jimnmy Duranite foIrin a vers' clever trio as carefree Amiericani marines seeking jleasure with (luty. A breezy, m i1usical comiedy. filled witli charmýing romiance. adventure. coinedlyand Ipathos. Elk.- cept'for two love scelles wvhich:are' whollv unnecessary, the pictitre, is. wholesonie and ple sant, and flic di-* rection by W. S. Van Dyke is ac- inirale. Adults." n 7W A M Iiss Rut h Holdoivay of 723 Forest aveniue, returned Saturday f rom Omahia, Neb. after spending a week *with bher fiaicé's parenlts, Mfr. and Mrs. IlarvvvA Collins. Mrýs. Ifarold WV. .McKeîîzie, 1447 lLdgewood lavîe, Wiiînetka, will enter-' Stain at lunicheon and bridge for lier cl ub) on Friday, January 8. ra1vary cemetery. M r. Barton, wbo was 55 %,ears ol1 was secretary-treasurer of the Senig company, manufacturers of furniture hardware. He had beeni a resideiit of Wilmette for the past eighteen years, and wvas a membçr of the -Shawnee Country club, the North Shore Gýolf club 'and St. Francis'Xavier church. He w'as born. in Brooklyn.. Djuring the XVorld war Mr. Seng was a captaiti in the ordnance corp,, serving ,at.- the- Rock Island arsenal. He lield the commission of mfajç the -armiy reserve corps.. Survivinghim are bis widow, MIrs. Rose -Seng .Barton. th rêee;chilIdren, Mrs. Rosaniund, Kulîmanl and Su- zanne and Gregory C. Barton, ail of XVlmeétte, and three sisters, Mrs. May Jane Seng of NVilmeite, ,Mrs. Hazel White :of Glencoe and, Mrs., E(lna Pennell of, Buchanan, 'Mich. Gigli, Supervia. to Be Guests at Field's Teas. Carfe ton, Smith. lcfrcer and music critic, wilI resuinie his series of talks on events of the imusical seasomî at MarshxalField anid Coînplaiv'-s \Val- .nut grill at 3 ocloc k oi Januarv 13. At that finie lie will discuss "Singers ofItal,," and ilI introduce a: lus gîmest of Ionor, Beiamiinio Gigli, \vlio sings a recital ili Orchestra hall fluai sa tne evening spoiîsored by tlic Lor- othy Kahn Chl, for Crippled Chil- Later ini Januarv., Mr. Smnith will Spanish music and will preseuit .MNic. Conchita Supervia, the Civic Opera,'s newv "Carineni" who sings. lier W\innietka' recital Januàry 25. Near the 'end of the month there will be a lecture. ou "The Russiaix Theater," %vhen. Yascha Yushiny and nemnbers of "The Blue Bird" coin- pany are f0 bc guiesfs ,of lonor. *Tiiese teas are proving verv pop- ular, hiavimîg lad« an attenidanice of mnore than, six-lîunidred persons. MNr. Smxithî, wlo lias lectured frequeiitly on the »ortli shore,..exticids a cordial Îinvýitationi to al his frieiîds f0 m'cet thc artists, at Field's. 1514 NI.r. and<1 Nrs. Henry Furst, .502 Washiington avenue, are leaving oni Friday* for a fortmight's visit with relatives ini Mrs.. Ftirst's former. hpnie, Nem uliii, Miinu. N1 rs.-O., C. Iastinan, 10 27 Inîwood ave nue, eutertained fixe tîenîbers of lier afternoon club last.,T.uesday, pvuîaining tw te. subject. She 11515 tbese articles as follows: "Reslpotsiibilitv' of Banikers." bvJ T'. Adatus, il) the Auîgust Forumi. -Business Looks at Unempilloimetit," b)v . T. Bamnes, in the Atigust AtIln- ticý Nionthlv,. "Five-V'ear-Plaii for Ainerîca, ov C.: A.: Bearçd. 'n the .July ýForum. ,*Wheat.,Frer's Dilemma," by ýA. n. Carî sivi. ni thé- *Julv Harper's. "Hapî>v )%*a',s WÎIl Come Again."'- h)v E, Davis mii the October Harper's., "Securif y Wýage," bv J. T;Flynin. in thie October Forum. *'Unemploymnent- Reserves." h)v Sid- nlev I1-llaii, the Novenîher Atian - tic. '1;ol<îCiis' d P. MI. NIazuir, il thle Octoher Curreîît Histor%-: Sehôoo Pupils Prepare for County Contests, .Trlel( ligcrest scllool at Illinois road atid 'rwenitv-tliirdl street amîd the .\VOca SCIhool (il, 1\shlan<I aveiuc ini the liortlnvest section of \Wilmette re.- opelied Iola of fis week foIllv- i ng t hc Clristmias vacation.* l'lîcrc was avi atteindanice of almlost <uic bun- dired percent at each school. High- c rest lias an umrollme,ît of 113. Fort%- eiglit puminîs atteimî< the, A v o c'a :cli îl. h1ie cnîî.selo.ol ptupîls w~ill bugi,î preI)aratIoli sOoi for the licalth poster.,spelling aiff (leclanti- Morn contests whvlîîc are lield carli ver iinder the direction of the coui- ty smîiperiiî.cmdeit of schools andI bis ass~tnts.TlIws vear a poemn, 'Uncle Saiut," hv Franîcis G. Blair. Illinois stale S'tmeriteiîelt of* public iii- struction. ill hc îîsed forth lea- atî on coltest. Frieids of: Ame'rican Writers Meet Jan. 14 1.riends of Anierican > Vriters arc hioldintg a s.odlal anîd Iitërar%, tea I ius(av anuar% 14, iii te 9eg wvood rooi( i of Mlarshall fll(sat 1 :30 o)'clock,. Thie prograiîi will colisist of book rcvicws:. Nrs. johin R. Harger',,%ill revivw M argaret .Aver I3àrties' "WVest-I Nvar(1 Passagze": E(dIn a Ferber's Mlr. anid' Nrs. CIiarle:, Hcuidersoii, 1632 Forest avenue, emtertaitied at a iiglil)orli<bod bridge *anîdinîldniglit sîîpper on \\edntesdav\ cf la'st week. for ýsixteet; gtteCts. On Wedinesdaày, Deçcember 30, Mrs;. George Mi. Coale, 322 Kenilworth avenue, Keniilwortb, entertained ber club at. luicheon aand bridge. ning, ot rnis weeic, Jafuary 4, at the club lieadquarters in the Georgian- hiotel. in 1 livanston. This clb is designed and planned to further thle interest in better "bridge»' and to give devôtees of the gamne anl ')pporttîitto et to .gether inforni- .àllv and becoile- hetter acquai.nted both socially and wit I eacli other's game. ýThe officers of, the -cfml)in,- clude An(lrew MAouat, Dr.: Frank Chieesernani, lerbert Bartling, Nlr:-,. Helen H-d.e Carter, D>r. Emma Daf- ter, and Edward A. Zinînerman. On Monday evening Mr. Mouat man- aged the play wvhich was a. Team-o- Four- gaine and ini as much as the at- tendance was twice. as large as the of- ficers lîad anticipated there.was a littie delay in beginning. During this time however, with a spirit of hospitality whicb fias marked the eveùingý games l)reviously played, under the auspices, of this group, everyonie lad, the pleasure of greeting old f riends and meeting new, There .were more thail one hundred persons ready to comnpete in the playing o f the t\vent-onie- duplicate contract h4oards and the gaine wvas livcly and. in-. terest ing th roughout the entire eveing.ý 1fhere .Were three sections or-divisions layîîîg. Many of, the guests, came. froni, wes ternl suburhs including GÈlen. Ellynl, L.a G*raiige, Oak Park. A deliclous suI1)1)C Wa&sservled at the close'. S'lie winning teains of section A were f reim Gleîîcoe and Winnetka: Earl \Vedi,, Id\vin Stransky, H 1-1 . Strauss and Alleni Loeb. Iii tbat section Mr. and( NIrs. \V. W. Kingsbury, withi Mrs. Edwin Hawvley and S. Burch came in second. 1In section B a very famious foursone. %von tlhe firsi place and consisted of C.~ A, Carlton, H. C. Shaw, C. N. Fawcett and John Lehmuan. These inen wn-1 the Golden cards tournamnent given by ' the ,Chicago Tribune last spring. Second place in this section %vas tied by two teams _which includied on one- teani, Mrs. Elliot Evans, Dr. Emma Dafter, Mrs., Robert Phalen, and Mrs. Nuel Beln.ap, and on, the. other Mrs. H. H. Wales , Mrs. E . T. Franklin, M irs. Harr\y Simions, and AMrs. Sý. T. Gorlham. Ini sectionýl C the ivinners were Dr. 'o. Cluinu nxt I ttesday eCvei 1gat lier M r. ai Mrs. Svdicyý H. Davies, i04 Fifflu street, iave aîimîounced the. hirtlî' of a daughiter,,Diauxe Isabel, at. the E Vanstomi hospital D ceinher 20. Mir. anîd Nrs. Victor A. Oison, 1534 Forest avenue, eutertaiiîed at a Swe- (ish Snîôrgàsbord on NewYear's eve. f c (

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