central Avenue FOUR DELIVERIESI EVERY DAY I TUIlE., FUI., BAT. ami MON. SPECIALS ]RolLb. or.2.0 Powlk Roast .15 Fi.yigmuhekeuLb. 12eO Porlk Tendleuloin. Lb. 49e Sflced 3l-eadow Gold, Country Rll 3,146 790, L.37#0 Sugar i. & IM. Gralated Cane, iot. E~s trlely Iemit3 &Uz. 890 Colls ~ aor L~.39 10 Pakage2 pkigs. 390 Dust Lre230 FamlI>~ 10 bars 53e tPaper I Doz. 890 SToniato J..... 31 bots. 590 Doz. $2,,25 at or RicePopu ...... pkp.19e laetti or Ma0. B;eU:3 pkgs Z2Se (ld )Ntivnk Plut 350 ion Iln Riced1 . i ze-can 41 1 rge ot îe3.50 PureQ~ 956 Pt. 250 Doz. S2*8S pies (otoklnor 5 Ibs. 25e ............ .2Zqts 250 ......... ......abl, 190 Kenniei: Tracy and Miss Sidsa;l Alick, romnantic Ieads of 'The Yel- loiciShadozc," zwiII face nmany a ehivery asd thrilliing danger j» this nlvstery draina. to be prcesented. b.ý' the North Shore Players at the Ho'tward Sc-hool auditoritumi, Wil- iiittr. oit Thtirsdav!, Fridav and Soàtir d ay January 21, 22 a'd 23. Other -members of -The- Yeltow Shad- ow" cast are Victor -McKeighan, Edgar Sinart. PhiIip Maguire, William Shejp- herd. Chart'es Brucbhauser and the, M1isses Genie Paddock, Lisbcth Goss, Caroline Baker and. Margaret Stack- bouse. MUembers of the talented cast are -bus- ily rehecarsing to make "The Yello,%v Sbadow,?' in whicb the newv dramatic organization makes its north shore de- but. an outstanding success. Information about tickets which are now on sale may be obtained from Mýiss Gene Paddock. Wilniette 1650. FATHER DIES Clemiens Jostes of Beloit, Kas., father of Mrs. P. B. Birong, 606 Central avenue, died last week at the age of 98. His body was brougoht to Chicago this week for burial at St. MNarv*s cemnetery. Mr. Jostes movedý to Kýansas f rom Chicago about ten 1 y cars ago. .BOARD MÉEETS MONDAY The regutar montbly meeting,~ the Keniiwortb Village bo idwas held MoInday .night. Only routine business wvas transacted. you use a more than e - rF; a private limousine when Lte 21 CaL-yet it costa no Enipry cab~-try one today! e ' ..eý 2-123 These executive and advisory coin-, mittees met in joint session ilinie- diately following the general confer- ence meeting and formulated plan,; for the meeting of parents and other interested citizens scbeduled for iie.,xt Thursday. nigbt. *It was empbasizecd at the joint coui- mittee meeting that. some f orm of uLnified. actionto tesecure funds for ýkll the schools in the township was avai!- able. ýWhile .fund, drives are to De hacle separately for the grade scliools, it was the hope of the comifflittee that--these wouild also take into ac- count the solicitation that wvill be necessary to provide money for the high school. Promis. Cooperation Glencoe already b' as ,included the high scbool in its plan of actioni to provide funds for school and other village purposes. Winne'tka's, board of education stands 'ready,- it w-ýas stated, to co-operate with, the Ihighi school in conjunction witb its own money-raising prograni. Kenilw-orth and Wilmette, it was hoped, woul-l find itf possible to, devise somfe plan to include the high .school ini their programs. If, perchance,. the. higb school is ýno t included in the separate village drives, it will be necessary to act indepen- denly, an eventualîty that would cen- tait considerable duplication of effort, it w-as pointed out. The executive committe-,,îtlneut again Wednesday evening. Janiuar13, to discuss the probleins in greater detail. At that time, it is expectiýïl definite reports witt bave been. re- cei%-ed relative to the- progranis to be adoptd in ail the villages.* The colly- mittee at tis tmeeting WîlL provide itself ith >defieiiteý and detailed infor-' Jmation that is brougbt before the. general Parent-Teacher associationi meeting-on Tbursday'evening. Health C enterI News Thie Chicago Tuberculosiý itistitte Rib Rtoast Dee aoou Butter Chipa Ooid l g, Maple Syvuq I Alilgatow Rate& by Meter, Hour or Trip 24-HOUR SERVICE . ne