PAÔVI18Mie - WLMTTE 44-+. AI;. Carison DuldangPêarmdacy. 636 Chotrck 'St...Evanstons Gré. 3316 HOY< used takeep luncheon -but sent in their contributions just the sanie. Mrs. Johurr Robert Cochran of Wijn- netka entertained lier club of duplicate, contract bridge last week Wednesda3y at her ho me, 370 Çbestnut street. DOýESYOUR HEATING PLAN cLage and Nortn western ii vi fifty-two years, rétired from service Monday of this week. His faniilv and friends gave a surprise for hini on Sunday. Mr. Meyers, who is 70 vears old started working for the North WVest- ern at its Chicago freig'ht- depot, Grand, avenue and, Jefferson- street, when he was 18 years old. His first job was wheelinig the small freight trucks. 'Later during bis long service with the road he-was checker. de- livery clerk and general clerk at the freight depot Lastý May he wvas trans, ferred from the old freight.depot to the Merchandise Mart. Mr.. Meyers is the -point service on the North Western re - tiring list tbis month. He is retiring, on. a pension, and retains the, pass. privileges, accorded faithful emploYes, of the road. He plans to leaveahout February 15 for the West coast to visit a daughter, Mrs. Everett. Sarn- ders, at San Diego, Calif. Born in Chicago, Mr., Meyers came to Wilmette -with bis parents when a boy. He bas been a resident of this village for almost 59 years, the last. forty of which have been spent at his inesentf home, 411 Main street. When, Mr. Meyers came to \Vil- mietteïthere were only a few. scatter- cd bouses here, and the town's, popu- lation probablv did liot exceed five hiund'red. ,Tbis section ýwas thiickly% wooded and many of the presenit. streets bad flot yet fbeen laid ontt. He recalis that when he went riding ini a horse-drawn wagon in those days i the spring of tbe year the rnud wvould ents lived at the northwest corner 0f. Kline street (InowI Prairie avenue) anid Wilmette>avenue'When tbev first came to Wilmette'. Mr. Meyers bas, three sons, two daughiters and three granidcbildren,. Book Worms to Eleet Officers at Next Meet At the meeting of the Book WVornis last Friday at the Wilmette' Public library several members of tbe group dramatized titles of books thev hav;e read while others guessed the uaies. The Book Worms decided that at their meeting this week they i.ould elect iiew officers. It was also decided SERVI-CE CQMPA NY STORE* No obligation. Findlay, Ohio. Miss Condy will at- tend Miss Latchaw as niaid of honor. PARTY FOR JUNIORS Shawnee Couintry club will havé a Valentine party forthejunior niembers, Saturday evening, Fébruary 13.,Danc- ing: will, start at 9,o'clock and a mid- night supper will be served. There will ')e attractive Valentine decorations. Mit sounds easy to heat a house duriong -à mild winter like the one we've been hoving. t sounds easy-but it isn't. Fuînaces und boilers without automatic control do not operate satisfactorily in '.second geo."'. When the weather is mild, they furnish more wormtb Ithon is needed. Houses ore overheated ... and the. fuel supply shrinks almost es fast os during a cold winter. a Not 50 howeverl, whei you heat with gos.Gos Is içleolly 'suited te ny kind> of winter. During mild woather or durnng cold weather, just enough fuel hs hous» at a comfortable temperciture.-