Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1932, p. 25

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His pflatformn is esseiltaltv as foi- lows: utmost economy in the ad- riistration of, government. "An immediate reduction in 1the. cost of goveroment througb: (a) The elimination of al boards, commnittees and -bureaus flot essental. to the prop- er funictions of the Federal govern- Ment; (b): a r*eturn to the various states',of those governffiental, func- tions which of rigbt belong solely to the states but.- wbicb have. been. forced upon or usurped by the' Fed- eral governmüent; (c) a retrenchmnent ini the expense of al branches of government. "A tax law which. wiil place the cost of goverrnent upon those best able to pay and those most benefited. ý" revision of the national -bank- .ing law to provide for a. more -strict supervision of national baîiks, "A revision of the Federat Reserve baiiking system oniy so far as is nec essarv to aiiow for its conifleté fuùnc- tioning in accordance with the priti- ciples delared by WoodrowN Wilson. -.TheýI repeal, of the Prohibition *amend ment and the- Volstead A c t and. a return t6 the various statesi of the fuil powver to regutate liquor traffic within their borders. -A fuil and complete discharge b-, the Federal governinent of its duty,! *to the disabled veteran and bis faiiy. *"A 'revision of the tariff to re- I est.ablishi friendly commercial rela - tiotis -witIi foreign countries and stili to )rotect our industries. "'A national defense which slhal at ail tinies guarantee the protectÎi oo ilie citieil of the United States. "A friendly and lieipful attitude toward thereconWtuCtion of the eco- -nomnic conditionsof those foreigi n a- tionswhich(a) direct their. efforts toward, an hionest reduction of mili- tairv and ýn a v a 1 forces; (b) devote their efforts toward wortd peacé; (c). declare that ail private debts shah. be paid wben due, and (d) agree to pav such .part of their governmeta nhlizations as shall be deterinined bv arv 31. The golden text was,. "Be perfect, be of good comfort, bc of one mind, live in peace; land the God of love and, peace shal! be with you" (II Cor. 13: 1): Among the citations ' vhich com- prised the lesson-sermon was the- followinig f romn the Bible: "The Lord bath appeared of old.unto: me, say- ingi, Yea, L have loved thee wvith an everiasting love: therefore with loy- ingkindness havée-I drawn tbee" (Jeremiah 31:3). The tesson sermoni aiso included the- following passages, from the ,C hristàtan Science :textbook, ,"Science and Hlealth with Key to the Scrip- tures," by Mary Baker Eddy :."Mor- tais believe in a finite personal God; while God. is, infinite Love, %vhich, mnust be unlimited" (p. 312).ý . . of Super Royal batiste with panels of tihe new Ch arm.osette olaitic (a 'ýsoffor woaVe tliat's as - slondorizing as ove.'!) The. waist- ine straps croate a "d'acgonal pull"- th.t flattons the. dadoamand adohrnn,à nd slims the. waisf. *Reg. U. S. Pat. Off .-Pat. Applié-d For See. ou. new fino of lingerieand negligees. he, EICHORN COSSARD SHOP 72 E. Madison S. .. Chcago Under the pçn8onai 8supervi8ion of We Consider This a "Scoop!" THE.ý PÂ-NCAKE BER.ET: Most lmpudent andi Audacious Member of the'Hat Family Now Incredibv' Low-Priced ut $250 Smartly. Contriued: of Crystal Milan You'll think you now aIl about them frein tiies picturos . .. but until you have jeuntily perched on* on the. ide of yen.' Own lread youa wll b. i»m.ble t. appreciate the flatter- ing youtli#ulness of thîs adorable millinery mjode. The ,ery sniartest "pan-; c*ýl '. divide titeir aileu giance befween thge.chic circu1ar voitiand- the perky'quili. Millinery Salon- Seconad Floor Tild1en defeated Nusslein when they met for the first time at the Chicago stadium several .weeks ago. Since that time the German star bas defeated Big Bilt on several occasions. In addition to the singles match between Tilden and n Nussiein there wiil be a curtain raiser by> Burke ýand Pare. The programn wil wind up. wvitb, a doubles match betweeni Tilden and Pare'andBurkeé and Nuss- I 'College of Educa.tion Sheridan Rd. and Isabella St. EVANSTON v

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