Draw *Acc.epted throughout the country as a; business. pace-setter. the 32n1d1 annual. National Automobile show, opened last Saturday at the Clsen iin Chicago with a 'record crowd in attendance. Interest 'in the e vent, Wh -ich runs for' eigbt days, closing fel). 6, bas ,been', in evidence for sev- .eral weeks and has been maintainied, at a higb, peak since tbe opening. 'A total attendanice cf 300,000 is expected. >In exhibits, the show is the mnost côlorful and elaborate in bistory. Three hundred > nits are displayed. ini the designing and initial produc- tion cf the comporient parts cf which autonmobile' manufacturers expended in eXceis cf '$75,000,000. The.se ex- hibits are regarded'as a brilliant dem- onstratioà cf the progress in automo- ti e egieerngaccomplished during the last year. According te business leaders, they berald the arrivai of, a new epocli ini the motor car in- A swarmi of decorators, painters, àrti;t,- and architects have converted the initerior 'of the Coliseum, inito a iamnoth conservatory, the bacornes being transfrmd into a rnodm er sionl cf the *'Hanging .Gardenls cf Bab)vlon." -Under 'theý great dorne hiav,,e been arranged vistas cf gardens. torests. wvaterfalls and lakes, .withi a. reproduction c f the floral beaut- cf, Ille Orient and the Occident. Passen- ger cars, trucks and taxicabs are dis- plaved on1 the main 60cor 1 1 the north, 111i south halls -Accessories and shol) equiprient are presented on the Inezz7anine ficor. The dloors are open ironi 10 a. mn. to 10 :30 p. m. each day. including Sunlda3,. Thle Show Ws conducted under, aus- p)ices c f the National Automobile, hamiiber cf Commerce. witb thé. Chi-, Ç490 :Automobile Trade association, National Automobile .Dealer associa- *tien. suburban déalers and. others co- operating. It was expected te bring to Chicago some 100,000 visiters f rom 25 te 30 states. At least 15,000 execu- ,tives. erployees and workers, from I Warns of Grave rerni With 'a view to inipressing youtig minds, with the grave danger of dashing thoughtlessly into the street into the patb of traffic, the upper half of the February. saf ety poster just issued by; the Chicago Motor club to, more than 36,000 schoolroomns in Illinois and Indiana portrays a boy, blindfolded, walking into the street, under a caption reading: "You Wouldn't Do This 1" .The lower haîf, under another cap- tien reading: "ýThen Whv Do This ?* shows a boy, runnin g into'the street- with bis face turned f rom oncoming- traffic. The inference is that the lad right as well« be- blindfolded. mnas- much as lie f ailed te look both waYs. befo)re stepping off the curb.. .The motor club is intensively stres- sing in the minds of school children the danger cf ruiniig inito the street. A three-year sur 1vey of child traffic f atalities in Chicago revealed théit liearly one-fourth of ail. chlIid traffic de aths, or 24.09 percent. was caii-se4 by this thoughtless practice. I l IiJ 'Personal Servi ce9 1 Becomes *Reality at Bob 'n' Mae's B3ob Gerdon aand Frank %,ack, who operate thie Oil \Vell at 501 Main street, W'ilmette, are knowri te their iriends and customiers onfly as "Bob ' n Mýac." Their Oil Well is not the kind one finds in Oklahomna, but rather a filling station. *For six years Bob and Mlac have F leell in business on Main street iii Wilmiette. Since July, 1930, they bave operated the Oit Well at 501 Main ýtreet. For four and a haîf years prior.,to that they coperated the \Vil- m ette Filling station at 421 ;Mait street. Since moving tà their new location B3ob and Mac bhave goneliteo the greasing an-d washing business in a big way. Selling tires is aIse one of t}ipir miour activities now. Schedule Increased An iricrease of nearly 26 percent in the January production schedule for the newly-announced Pontiac Six and Pontiac V-Eight is announced by I. J. Reuter, president and general maànager of the Oakland Motor Car company.. The scbedule originally called for the production of 8,100 cars during January. An unexpectedly large volume of dealer orders, however, necessitated an-increase of 2,100 unlits to ýa neW schedule total of "Iregard this. schedule inicrease as extremely_ conservativeý. . said Mr. Reuter, "and 1 am' confident that we will find it, necessary- to raise our rate of production still further before the end of Janiuary, Wersted. Motor company. 562 Lincoln avenue. Winnetka. is the north shore dealer. Motors Service Tolssed Away Key, 1Ten Yeèars Ag(). Motors Servýice, 111c.. -721'M ain street. Wilniette. which. opened, for business iin its present lo0*cationi Octo.- ber, 1, 1922, givesl 24-hour service. It is never closed-days, nights. Sun- davs,' holidays or any other time. A. B., VanDetusetn and J. C. Slowil are the heads of the concerli. One of these owners niay be found at Motors Service at al tinies, se thit custemers have ne dificulty iin deal- ing directly witb the heads of the institution-a difficulty often experi-. enced in the larger service station. Motors Service has the largest rnotor repair sbop iu Wilnîette, both as te the size of tbe sbop anid the amount of %work done there.' accord- iug te tbe owners. It ýis equipped te de aIl kinds cf automobilewrk with the exception cf painting -aud clotb .werk. Mechanical, electrical. tire, and body 'repairinig, as well as glass work, wasbing and Simonizing, are done bv 'Motors Service. Al cf the corporatien's work is guaranteed, and tbe owners stand be- hind this guarantee. AIL the men tbey employ are trained te give prompt. Has -Reputation for Fine Service Tbe North Shore Chevrolet Sales; lac., 611 Main street, Wilmette, di- ,rectly across the street fromn the Chi- cago and North Western railway sta- tion, is dislaying a complete uine, of ýnew Che vrolet models, including both passenger cars and trucks. Walter Egan, preçsident of the con- cern1ý, states- that- the North Shore Chevrolet. Sales,, mc., which is the oinly, autborized Checvrolet dealer on the, nortbý shore between Evanston and Highland Park,, bas: enjoyed a' successful ýyear, considerinigthe pre-. vaàiling business, conditions. continue Poliey 6W e intend te continue out policy cf one bundred percent satisfaction te our customers," Mr. Egan said. *XVesinceërelY tbank ail cf Our cus-, tomers for their past year's patron- age."y Thle North Sbore Chevrolet Sales, mcé., bas been operating, ini Wihliette f or the past year. The concern con- siders: itself a nortb shore institution. It has been giving and will continue te give the best of Chevrolet service,, according te Mr. Egan. tbe manager. In connection witb tbe dispiay of 1932 model Chevrolet cars and trucks, M r.' Egan announced tbat a telepbone caîl (NWNilmnette 4414) will bring a salesmian f rom North Shore Chevro- let Sales te. the door of the prospec- tive custonier wbo desires to, sec the new miodels and lie will be taken to the dispiay room witbout obligation. Cotuplqite.Stock 11 WVith a $5,000 parts inventory. in ,stock at ail: times, inciuding parts for ail miodels cf Chevrolet cars for the last ten years. and witb aIl tbe neces-, sarv tool equipment, tbe North Shore, Chevrolet Sales, is prepared to give it.s patrons the best cf service in its repair department. AIl cf the mecbanics were traîned at the Chevrolet factory. Tbe concern is operating on the Chevrolet fiat rate labor scale, the universal form cf operation in ail Chevrolet service departments. At, presen t the North Shore Chev- -- qnl.. ;zilkhivi y.in adition tien. Mvr. t-oUUjJV K naLge i tlulocation. station November 13, 1931. In addi- AI and Andy came' te Wilniette tien te selling gasoline and cil, the from Chicago.- Electrical w or k i s station. off crs greasing, tire, battery ter pcat.Drn h atya and bicycle service. Martin Sidiateispiat.Drgthpatyr bas hare cfthemotr. rpaiin~the bave added vulcanizing service. and mechanical depàrtment; which isTei many friends hope that 1932 opeatd n onecion witb tbe will be as successful a>year for them oerservices, as was, 193.1 in addition te' its other activities, Motors Service, Inc., is Wilmette agent for tbe Chicago 'Motor club and for several other automobile clu~bs. Fortv-nine -thousand scbooi busses are in use in the rural sections cf. the country. shifttmg gears- Lift your foot ott the accelerator and the clutch works itself. Timie is net far distant when we'll probably see automnatic gear shifting and, who canteil, perhaps some day, an automaton will drive our carsfor us,.