New Standard Oil Company Complete Service Station, Sherida oda Ot tet îMtt "tWa*s a Pl.easure to .See How Well My, Car Was,.Servicedl" That's how a North Shore man recently expressed his surprise and Picasure at the service he received at one of the new Standard Oil greas- ing. stations. To many motorists such service is the regular thing, for that's the way Standard Oul does things. -At the new service station shown in the picture, cars arc lubricated thoroughly and efficiently by trained merl, with modern greasing machinery. Every lubrication point is first wiped ean, and then given the grade and kind of lubricant recommended for that particular part by automobile manufacturers and Standard Oil engineers. When your car is greased here, you know the work is done>"right," and we know it's right, for it, is the kind of a. lubricatio.n job Standard Oul Comipany, give.>s. .its own cars and trucks.' Inspect Thi*s. A. V. Fraser Manager Service - See How We Do It! Sheridan Road at lOth St., WILME1 North End of "No Man's Land" Charles Ferrel A ss't Manager OTHER STANDARD. OIL LUBRICATION STATIONS. ON THE NORTH SHORE Clark St. et 'Ridge. Ave., EVANSTON. Brier, Cen ter, and Winnetkaý Ave., at Indien Hill Lnden Ave. and Tower Rd., HUBBARD WOODS Station, WINNETKA, A Standard Oul CO. Lubrication Job Ineludes THESE "EXTRAS"l FREE 1. Uphoistery .and fleurs vacuum cleaned. 2. Ail windows %vasbie, inside and out. 3. 'Battery elecked and distUileJ water ded. 4. Tires inflated te proper pressure. 'S. Rad iator ilIed with water, unless youu equest anti-f reeze solution. 6. o 1> h ianges and teck oiled and wiped cleanl. 7.. Body boits and body pads ou.ed,,tu stop $.Radiator hood. pad and body pad oiued. 9. Springs sprayed te stop squeaks. 10. Rernrnder service, if you authiorizeit. 10. Atlas Tire sales, and service on alil aes -No'I'E: I~sk a1wtmitunr srenslng station cettrct- -i sperfIHI disroisait to regular ewtonîers--41ppl105 te, Most, ot the aIqve serViees, ani te nmottror li and Iubrieants ue t the tinte of a gtease job. It wiU Bave YOD money.,