1the community needed a bank. The citizens feit a need for a saf e and convenient place to keep their funds, a means of. transf erring credi t from one part of the country to another, a Place where,ý they could put their money to work earning an income for tliem, a means of bringing together those who had money to boan and those whoe wante t orrow. And,,so the bank which we now. know as the State Bank and Trust Company was f ounded inl1874. Asý our tife lias become, more complex,. the public ia become more dependent on the services wvhich the banks f urnish-the need of this North Shore for efficient.banks lias become mucli greater. Operating with conscientious rega rd for the safety of -funds entrusted.to it the State Bank and Trust Company is rendering a dfnite and necessary service to the North Shore as itàliasbeen doing for the past 58 years. Member Federal Reserve S. stern ORRINGTON AT DAVIS EVANSTONt ILLINOIS