Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1932, p. 51

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grapny,, ior eVcl i î goou iur sm - ..r -- ..r I. . aspect of bis life. The outstanding Ridge Woman's club m'embers i ones are, of, course, Rupert Hughes, us again. Woodward's and Fay's.., Corbiaî-Uuloowu Washington., Friday, February 5, is Cook Counit.N Wasbington's contribution to the Council day witb the president, M,rs. constitution is maIde the back- C. D. Rober and our own Mrs. -Coch- ground ofthis'study ofhis rich and ran, as. hostesses.. At Il o'clock:ii verstileperonalty.the morning there will be a tour of Fiay-George Washangtolm. Fields Art Galleries to viev the art A Fenh chlars stmae f works o f ex-service men whoar Washig..' haace ad h competing for prizes in this annual. qùality of his leadership. A s rwd exhibition. This event is sponsored andwity s: ellasadmiring -ap- bymany prominent Chicago and In- and itt as ellas danapeople, and last.year inois had pord-aishigonadl. olae a representation ,of fifty-two ex- Ford-GoéWashingt aD Ls lge. service .men's work, seventy-eighit For-Gore;ashito., ha ving entered the contest in ail. .Successful portrayal of Washing- This work will be on exhibit ini theî1 ton as a man rather. than a histor- HoirSlnofFe'. icalfigure." Hughes-George Washington. -With ahscsiv oue\1 Monday, Vbuary 8, isthe inighit Hughes bas. gained in understand- 0forrgular meeting at 'Mrs. Mc- ing, clarity of judgment, Scholar-Adeshm,11 radwa tet ship and literary grace. Has earned This is to be an! open meeting and ail the praise of students (if histor.V I.'Ame 'ricaî1îzation" progra m. with and loyers of.truth.j Mrs. -Vinton E. Sisson 'speaking on1 Irving-George Washuigton. "National Defense." 'l'bc Junior ain- Litie-eore ashngtn.iliary will give a patriotic sketch, ain "A biograpby which mrightalmost1accunt of wvhcl may efun i bc called an autob)iograph*3,f rom i ,slatiother article in this issue. extensive tho legitimate use of ttelstSvnhdstitlnh Washington's letters, public papers Aeo h and m eenth diustrictlunh-o and diary. Althouglh less awe- Va 9 sorte, this portrait is decidedl.% a r.Cal.1J arhg eau more appealinig than those of a nla- c mnt president, and Virginia Dow'd. tioinal moral-clad hero such a s 'r. Beatrice Hawkins, Gertrude John- every history text is full of." son, and Winifred Bersch, were mnen- LodgeGeore Wahi~iton.bers f rom our unit who attended. "Best biography for reference iii schoos." .A very pleasant. afternoonn ut Sparks-Life of George Washiington* luncheon and bridge was enjoyed ;it Prntd 139 i a al th~e cîa'ji1 Virginia Donwd's last week Tuesday fabesn ned i 13,ig hasi t c ' by those who sccured -new nmbcr > Thables- erg Washington. this year. There werc .eigbt who at- Thoroloy orthodox historýy.te(ld Woodward- George Washington.*Wi~th eso h oknl A "succcssfuil narrative îiterp.reta- .'Nuf -h'proiwos ïil tion. written ini astaccato Jour- ý-, -'C* rasdd il' Wrnliticshityl. n 1 sat Albright's .Beauty shop, pleas 1 Wrog-ashngon ndbis cm-make -himself known to Mrs. F rades ïn armis. .. od Wlet 47?We wish to Schufie-Wshngons xrhdy. ex tend him our thanks and app>reci-,i SHO W LINCOLN MOVIES in Children ,of Chicago and_ suburbs Peter H-uerter Post. joined Our Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best, 939 Rani, ona road, bave had as their. receut gueste, the forrner's aunt, Mrs. W. B. Kellenberger of Wabash, Imd., who sepnt a week with themn, and Mr. Best's, mother, Mrs. Margaret Bcst, wbo returned to bher borne in Waver - ly, Ohio, Friday of last week after an extensive visit. bas paid for the framing of inese 1 pictures,' and they have been *hungt in two of the roomis, one in the roomi .occupied by the seventh and eighth grade pupils and tauglit by L. Ray- mus, Murphy, tbe principal, and 'tbe other. in, Miss Norine G. Green's fourtb, fiftb ,and sixth grade rooin. The pictures, were received f rom Coni- gressman Carl Cbindblom of this. dis- trict. 'The- Highcrest Achievement club bas written for two.,rmore,.pic- turcs of Washington to be f ramed. and bung in the othertwo the scbool. jVillage ýW-ill Advertise' for Street, Lamp Bids Trustee Arthur ýLee reported to the Village board at its. regular mîeeting Tuesday night that the, Village's con- tract with the Westingbouse lilectric compa ny for . street lamnps bas ex- pired. Two thousand, dollars was spent for these lamps ini the. past ye ar, Trustéce <ee said. He 'recoi- mcnded that the board instruct Vil- lage Mianager C. 'M. Osborn to ad- eriefor b)ids for a,,suppfy ot stree-.t lamps. for. the. coming year- and to take into conisideration the matter of entcring into a ýjoint càntract with neigbboring czommunities for- the lamps in order to effect a possible saving 1of mioney;. The board con-, curred iii Trustee Lee's. reecommendla- ltion. iWinnetkan Wins Place in Shuffle Game Event Dee A. Stoker, 228 Myrtle street, Winnetka,. bas been selected as one of two representatives from 111111o1s in the Festival of States Shuffle con- test , a.national event, to be bcld at. St.PetrsbrgFia., ini Mardi, Mr., $ toker is à member of 'thc Illinois t eamn for the second consecutive vear. SThe national contest entries are de- terùincd in, aseries ,of elinination gaines imatelY in which. there are- approx- 31.000 participants. F. A. MYER DIES ber class of piano pupils in a recital - at erhom a 133 regryaveueof Hartford, Ws The boys are al lat betrdomeafte2 rgory veuePledges to Alpha Tau Omega f raternity. Mrs. Roy C. Osgood, 431 Essex Mrs. Eugene Hay, of Allegan, road, is visiting her sister in the east Midi., formerly of Wilmette, is and. friends in WélleslIey. She also spending part of the winter in Chi- stopped in Boston to Visit ber son, cgo. Last week, Wednesday, sbe Gilbert, wbo is a student at the Har- entertained a group >of Wilmette yvard Law scbool., friends at afternoon bridge.. of administrators whuch nave been re- cently revealed, bave producéd affects wbicb rouse us to the core, or .whether that pincli of- actual depression bas spurred us on, certain it is that the meet- ing, of the Kcnilwortb League of Wom-.. en Voters for tbe fmonith of Januar .y when Village political. offices and'com- mittees were explained. and discussedi had the largest attendance of the year. In- these days of crises thie women are Ieaving. no stone unturnied 'in,-seeking truc in-, formation and intelligent knowledge of facts 'concerning our. government. The work of the League of Women Voters goes on, as a bulwark against, future errors. The results, arc slow, but sure. Information such -as. was presented at this meetingin Kenilworth by Mrs. Hýar1ry Harrison, Miss Margaret Har- ris, Mrs. B. G. McCloud, Mrs. William Taylor and Mrs. Ward Starrett,, ad- dressed, to such- .a representative, body. ,of. wonîen as was there and in turn passed on, in a g eneral way by that group is tic greatest, value for future, understanding and action in village leg- isiative affairs. 7-Mrs.-Iarxison ave an outline, of the, township offices' and tic -f unction- ing of, the. townsbip affairs. Her re- marks were clear-cut and. well pre-* sented. Miss H4arris told of the. Mos- quito Abatement work as carried or by >thc Gorgas institute and the relation of the villge to the Mosquito Abatement bill which offers assistance to aIl vil- lages of three hundred or more who arc willing to cooperate in this important work. She told of what bad been donc in this commuiinity and. wbat could be Ldonc in tic future. Mirs. McClotid told of tice vork of the. Park board of the village, what the 3scope of this board's ork is, and bow -the inonieys are acquired andspent. Her L report wvas one of. the briglit spots in these days of expense curtailment. \Ir's.,\Villiami Taylor told the work of tie school boards, of its early activities - When the village . vas very Young and i.iowý of the wider scope which has grown -%i ,th thc growth of the village. Mrs. Tay- Ior's remnarks* had the' usual personal totucli of humocr anid whimsical ciaracter- îstics wVhich mark ail of hler reports. and t iake thcmni nost enjoyable as welI as i co~ncise and..logical. arnsr. he 15 a5sstt1r UL N41. ue C i nebýell1 one of the Avoca teachers. Mrs. Brucé Parsons, 310 Cumnor road, Kenilwprtb is expecting ber mother,' Mrs'.' D. Morrison of Day- enport, Iowa, to spend 'a fcw days witb bher. . She,. is arriving on. Feb- ruary12

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