Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1932, p. 56

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OWner îoUst sel] cor exchange for equity in asnialler h.juie or apt. Your oppo,-rtinity. Blaird & Warner, 1071 Skokie Ridge Dr. Briargate' 1855. G;l-nee 1554. 72LTN40-1tc MORE AND the MORE tepeoiple who live on the North Shore appreciate ils beautyand' advantages. .This bou"e affords an opportunity for soinione.' It Is a white brick Colonial with 4, bed- rrn . . and 2 baths. Vapor o11 ht.. 2-car attached garage, large yard with trees and a good. outlook., You will tiot feel henirnd in' here. F. M.ORNDORFF UNlversity 0531 wiliette 1626 No toîl charge from Wifnnetka 72T40-ltp IN, kENIILWORTIL. NEAR'.RIDGE Rtoad, -ix rooni brick veneer resi-, dence. four years -ld. Ilouse is corn- pletely insulated, hot water ceaI heat (t*hermosatite ent-rol), v-otain.- three bedreenis, one bath, downstairs lava- 'tory', -creened pot-eh, laundry rooni. fruit ron and incinci-ator.- There Is a detached two-car insulated garagle., Ideal home for samaîl family. Grounds eomphetely larndscaped. Residence -lot 40 ft. by 150 ft., adjacent lot land- * ýcaped and offered asq a unit of 80 f t. by 150 ft. WilI sacrifice for immedi- ate sale, $14,000 without side lot; $17.500 complete.- AIl speclal a~s- mentq ,ar e paid in full. No agents. Te ephone Kenihworth 267 Attr., Cape Cod Cottagec LAKE BLUFF Near . the lakeý-5. rns-studio liv. rïn-sleep-ing porch-beauiti- fuI wîde Iawn, 100x156, with many trees.-summier. hou-se for guests-gas heat -garage -,il fiurniýhings included at ;nial extra ceost. PRICED V LRY REASONABLY WITHI E A S Y MONTHLY. PAYMENTS. RItEM- INGTON. -Briargate;1855, Glenl- enoe 1554. INVESTIGATE OUR OTHE R OFFERINGS. BAIRD' &WARNER, 1071. SKOKIE RIDQE DR. 2T4-t -INTNTK Nem- Painted Colonial ton mi açre of ground ini a picturesque lýtting inioung beautiful trees. Frailces j 902 Spruce St. timber; one bleck willlngte totake be cash consIderation MRS. FULLI 161U Chicago Ave. Greenleaf -j220 SPLENDID VALUE, S. E. WINNETL. 6 hedrms.-.. sdp. pcb, sun pcb., 3. baths. Attach-ed garage. H. 'W. 1ht. $18,000. Mrs I -ing, Wlnnet.ka 1194.ý 72LTN40-ltp 7.4 FOR OALE- VACANT LOI 9x182, OVELOOKING ýQSKOKIE Country club, near echool and transp.. amonrg attraciVe'hornes. Unusually fine tree.«."Ail Improvements ln and .paid. Price. reduced one-third. E M. Kimnball, -770 Bluff St. Tel. Glencoe 170.74L4-ltp 78 FOit SALE-CeEMETEaRY LOTS, TWO L IOTS,. 4 GRAVES B AC H, EN %ernorial Park. Excellent locatji>n Wlii.;àcitifiee for quick sale. Writte c. 'T, Northrop, 9442 S. Laflin St.. ('hlcago. .78LTN40-3tv, OS EXCHANGIE-REÉAL .LTATIE ("IENT WIPH MODERN NEARLY new. bouse,, 3. bdrms., 2 bath-s, oil h., wvili trade lieuse plus cash for a moôd- ern Winnetka home wlth 5 bdrms,ý;, woérth up to $40,000. Ph. Mrs. Winscott, Wi nine tka 1'267. S5L,40-1tp PHOEFNIX, ARIIZ.-2 -BRICK.BUNGA- lo-%e- for- Evanston or North Shore homeé, vaca;nt or acreage. Wite A-115,- Bx40. W'ilnîette, Il]-. 85LTN40-1tc- aO FOR SALE-HOUUEHOLD GOODS ROUSECHOLD GOODS, INCLUDING 2 Victorian fireside chair and a beau- tifuil Federal davenport, perf. cond. 94.3 Elni. Winnetka 2795, 86L40-ltp s FOR UAL-M IBCELLANOUS ARCHITECTS AND HOME BUILDERS! For sale-new, flnely miodelled, beauti- full-y cast Italian Renaissance fire- place. 4 pieces. Portland cernent. May be tinted to suit any interior. Acquirfed for own future use-nowN ;tored in basement. Theron M,.Wool- Son, wlinnetka '3140. SqL40-1ti) BLACK. TH«ON, OUATE FOR OPEN fireplaee. 1.B-urnis w-ced cîi coal. Cheap., (bcd condition.. W"innetka. 2251. 89 WANTED TO MUY-MISC. %VANTELD - CLEAN WHITE RAGS. Se per lb, 1232 Central Ave., Wil- WTinscott Winnetka 1267 I 72L1TN40-1te OppoO TOI. 1 Alsio c LOO a un "1j%1%6 o V.tra Ave., Moeas whili-Waag ara Am.e. narace adih lfdl Fr.. bookiet, akwoode & Ut Hope ont. 2:3 N. Lasul. st. Is Fecieral *The tax would make it necessarv to purchase special stamps to place on. realty deeds and wouid require that fifty- cents in such, starnps lie used. for every $500 -of value.ý "Realtors wejre instrumentai 1iin ha- ing this tax repe aled in 1924 and ivil work to stop its, re-cniactnieit," said Mr.. Zander. wh6 poiîîted eut thai unscrupulous , persons can purchase anyi number of the stâimps and thus indicate a false valuation of the prop eY, inasmuch- as the vale is -rarcv% set forth -in the deed. nan of the Asso- xation and Legis- Alfred Cruttecldeni and his famiiy have récenit]% .coïne te ive ii Wiiette f rom Evanston. VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE -SPECIAL ASSESSIMENT -NOTICE 1V1LIIETTE SPECIAL ASS.ESS31ENT4, NO. 277 IN THE MATTER 0F THE SPECIA L ASSESSMENI' 0F'THE VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE for the improvement o!) Ehmwood Avenue, Ashhand ,Avenue, Tlhornwoodl Avenue,' Chestnut Avenue, Kenîlw*orth Avenue and Beechwored Avenue between the west edge of the. concrete pavement now in. place In Ridge Road and'the east line ef 23rd Street, tc'gether with Kenllworth Ave- nue froin the west -une of 23rd Street te the east edge of the concrete pave- ment now in place in Locust Road and Ashland Avenue froin the west line -of 23rd Street to' the concrete pavempent now in place at Locust Road and Illi-- nois Road, f rom the concrete pavement1 now In place at the north line of Iro- quels Road te Asbland Avenue andi Grant Street, 26th Street an.d Cleveland1 Street, froni Ashland Avenue te thei north line of the Village of Wilmette1 and 25th Street, Dartmouth Street, 24th1 Street afld Clgate Street frein Ashland , Avenue -te Kenilivorth Avenue, and 23rd Street froin the south line' produced uest of Elm,%vood -Avenue te the east: cf 23rd Street, to - Beechwo6od Avenue, ineluding ail street intersections te the enter line.,cf said 23î'd Street and 21si Street frein Elmwood Avenue te, Beecli- wood: Avenue, and Ehînweod Avenue wet of. 23rd Street te the west lune of Ce'lekee Road, by grading, includ- ing parkways, paving, curbing, adjust-- ng manhele -cevers, building catch basins and connect ing snete storm - set-e, building necessary brilck mnan- holes and valve chambers and othe r_ wise iiprevl-ng, the sainie, ail in the Village of Wilmette, County of Cook- and State cf Iinopis, Special Assess- muent No. 277, in the County Court cf I CoolizCounty, Illinois. -i NOTICE 1SHEREBY _gi-yen to al j MMJUR L1E ARL C. RENNECI< UTH HURDBNyDi )Board, o! Local Impi moents et the Villam Wilmette., in1 LAJÇ o.Glac 1 58Ogisitu e ni V I i. l , * contended, 'virtually deprives every city and1 village in Cook county of practicaliy ai the powers possessed, by them at this tirne. If this bill is enacted into -Iaw, it is .pointed out, Chicago wouid control ail police, fire, and health depar-tments in the county. In, summing up the provisions of, the bill Frank, E. Foster, representa- tive from, the. Seventh seniatorial dis-, trict, which. includes the north.shore, states: 'ýHoùuse Bill 275 crea.tes a Metropoi- ,tan district.In any which. la located a *city havlng a population of over. 600i000 inhabitants. It abolishes evéry sanitary, park and forest préserve district having a 'population exceedîng 5000and, lying 'entirely or partly wlthln, the tcorporate limita of such mnetropoilitan district, and. transfers- ai) is property and corperate riglits, pow- ers and duties te the nietropolitan dis- trict, excep't achool districts. Such. dis- trict shall be, governed 'by a council consistlng cf the mayor of the city ivithin the district, the president cf the board of commissioners of the couity, in wvhich vucli city Is located, tlire niembers te beelcdfQrw1hnh -city and twoenebers from without the city withi*i the me-tropolilts.n dh.trct. One member of -the council shahlie chiosen president, whose salary shahj lie $7,500 annually,.other mem nbers et the council shahl receive $7,000 per year. "ýThe, bill sets forth the pr'ocedure te be used Iby the board. Trhe council shall provide for a dis5trict, clerk who shall keep the records of the: district, a di-ý recter of law as legal counsel, a direc-, tor o-f finance for the administration of thé district's financial* affaîrs, and. a director of civil service and two. per- sons te beappeinted by the counceioçwho constitute a' board te perform <1uties relative te clas:sified civil srie -The bill sets forth in detail the rights and liabîlîties of the district, lis~ Power -and duties, election of the couia- liadministrative organization, the making of annual budgets, appropria- ion ordinance, the levy and collection Of ta1xe-S, making cf. contracts, the. bor- owing of monev and civil service regu- Ralph Biellamy> i im After Successon Stage, Ralp-diBclam-i. of Wil-niettc, wh 'nbseariv vyou th joiîied a Sac pear ean reperteire conipan 1ai(lwio Plavs auI im portatnt rele in 'ýStr-recî!- der.*' t'le uilture at t-le 'reatro (tel T.ago onx Friday and Sturda\-, Fchi- ruarv 5 and 6, ja.s enjoved a 'colurfiil carcer. -- It 'is <loýtilitftul if aliv other actor m-iga livelilhood ,Ini taikilig pic- :ures has played \vithi stock comipaics --Miss Hettie and Miss Ella' Stone,, 519 Washington -avenue, are ieaving r on Thursday for Los Angeles, to DEpass the'remnainder of the winter. f-o-- e:1AR M-adUr. anlias, 258 Wood ER court, announce the birth of a -daughter, Anrove-a A n St>nday, 'January 24, at, 19-2telthe Evanston hos'pital. ACTI QUICK-IN EIAST WINNETKA I be rm., ge l n.,oe ihieot.,propýerty-lin A-i con- I ditonl- 2 bîkg. te school and transp. I Real buy &t $12,500. Cal! Wl*nn.' 1800. I

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