rite Model Schuman,1 den. Orwigf, St 8, Robert BUY TAX WARRANTS! Th'le sale of ta.x -warrants lias not vet produced enougbý money to run theý scboo! to the end of the second seinester ini june. Although the ar- ticle's ini these pages reveal how non- chalant thie'students feel, the board, is concerned over the inniediate f u- turc, of the school. Eveni if f unds are obtainied for the liresent school' year, thiere. is the greater <langerý of sh'ortage. or lack of futnds next faîl. ii is truie that un- less sOnle decisive turni of events oc- mirs the b)oard will be uitterly unable to opeîi the sclbool ne.xt semester. 'l'lie situation niust not lie disinîssed lightly. Students voust iniake clear to. their parents that a financial 'crisis ý-till e\ists in -school affairs. More t warrants niist be .ldif the scl.ools are to cxlitiiue iii oncerationi. Aýtltgb evervon)Ie IS confident that tfie board m-ilI dIo ail that caui be donc, nlohOdv shouild feel that the 'battle is over. The board Mu'st lhave the ýcon-_ tûinie( moral arn! finiancial suppIort of -il. cit-izeni, of the, commi1u1it. N. T. Gavel Club to Have Several Noted Speakers 'l'le Gavel club, iorensic orgaîiiza- tion at New Trier Hiigl sehiool, hias arraligecl to hiave several speakers of prommiience at its meetings tis semi- ester. Aniong these speakers wvIll be: fion. Rov West, former Secretar\ of the Iinterior ; Willianm Klein, a nioted attorniey and couinsel fo r the tele-1 graph bites :E. Aitrim i of Vii-ý mette, who hias an important, position with the Chicago Tribune: IOr., qan-, Lie! Harkniess, niinister (if -the Fîrst Congregational church of, Winnietka, and Prof. William Freemnant Of Ar- imour inistitute. The Gavel club ineets twlice cach month. Chester E.. 'Mac- Lean, New. Trier debate coach and ineniber of the liighi school gis departniient, is the facuilty sponsor et the club, nate members, if pictures aren't turned ini regularly, A few people wili take mÔoving pictures instead of snap-shots; they must turn in at toast one hiundred 'feet of film the rest of this seniester. The subjects of thie iictures are optýional. However, interestipg pictures talc- en arouind. school are welcomed, and! if a considerable amount ofaccept- able snaps are handed, in byany one inember, hielias a chance of being considered on the silap,7shot staff of a, comnittee to have charge of thle writing of a scenario for the miovie to be gzivenl this spring. The club> is looking, torward to' sonie interestingý programs to be secured 1w the pro- grain conimittec, of.which Don Carey is chiairnian. ADVISOR ROOMS Prcograis ,-.,%ere heing jheld- Frida., Februar-v 12. iii almnost everY 'advisor roofni in honpior of Lincoln. -Miss lIlrich talked about. im ite .Miss Mshlsgroup. "Are you positive that the défend- ant was drunk?" "No cloubt," growl ed Sarg (from ni front, of school). "Wh-v are you so certain? '*VeII." replied. Sarg. *'he. put. a pennv. ii the, patrol box. looked Up at the, dock on the sc hool and said, 'XVow! I've lost fourteen.pou nds!" 11r, Frisbie: "So vou were In the hospital for a long tinie. You mnust have been pretty sick." "C harley Campus" Quinlan N o; pretty nurse." Samiii- my ie': "So I took th1e $50.-, 000.and bougýht chairs for the stand- Mr. Kahler suggest, a veli for the Ultral Violet college-Rkay! Rav! Rav! "E, vou touch nie l'Il screami," thriieatenied the auto siren to the chauiffeur., were glivemi about hini. and Margareu o 'et 1ue t hn- Ldoomis plaved thipino,1 Be l)river :"What niade ou tlîe piaio. 1 Miss- Karst'*s advisccs beard C. stop.Ro%--amw- va'vre ail th ia H o l uïes rea d a n o rig in 1l glaci to( sec- A longer prograni consisting of tî e of:"Va si thatbn poen "O aptimi My aptin ! ~'to keip a secret?" Whitncan read bv Caroline Clark. -,~*Saîn~ ccdotus of 1Lincoln given by Eleanlor Ricks, a review% of Carl Sandburg'sBeet te spre;ading chestntit tree ~Abrahamx Lincoln- L [ouse -ose,. The s.nith works like the deuce. and -Abraham Lincoln" given l)bv Nil- Fr n e'hs sellipg ga soline. dred Muhleîi and Ethel Jane Moe.i Hlot dogs andl orange juicé! ,ý\as hmld. in Mrs. Cook'e'sadi_ w___ InteClasa Room MiSss ..I-anilton's room .bad! I 'il ordberg : *-)O %vwrite thxis IoeavKa'riioppl rea(i an article on lSinatnish -ilessomm inii ik ?? Lincoln. Nirs. Carisen: opleaseî %vrite it Iii iNtis if nndll*s ad%-isor rooniin Sams le aniio r \oltt read a stor, "he Lincoin \als, lne Ruchhieîn read M . Windoes: "Ii a muimber of a storv, Margerv Taylor read the cattle is called a hierdt, and -a nunier poeli -() Captain! Mv Cap)taîn !" and of shlecp is a flock. Wliat wuda others in the r'ooni told anecdotes nunîher of camels be called" -hc te1bc had Qf hm"Hlarvý" Whiddeu.: -A c'ro. Pauiline NewŽton' told of the hie '... -A. lier advisor roonii, events to score 15 points. Hie nrooe two' fieldhouse records 'in the 440 and the broad junip, and tied the na7 tional inter-scholastic record of :05.4 in the 50-yard dash. His time of :56 in the 440, broke, Quinlan's mark of- :56.1 and his leap of 21, feet in the broad jump b.rokebis own record by., 4/2 inches. Stick Pavlicek continued the record breaking: by taking the baif -mile inf 2:08.1,* breaking, Hi" Weld's record by four tenths of a second. Fritz Pollard, Senn's star hurdler, collected more than., haitf oftheir points. by winning botb hurdie events and, the higb lump, and running on the relay teai,. to-make ý164- points.. Delaney of Senu, was the junior star. He won tbe low burdles, the 50-ý ya:rd dash and, the broad jump to tallr 15 points. Domenici of Senn on the shot put and bigh jump,, and laced'seconid in the low hurdles for 13 points for bis team., Next Saturday the senior team > will journey to Oak Park to engage Oakc ýPark, state champs, and Evanston in. a triangular nieet. Literature G roups in Program Honoring Burns Miss Wright's and Mr. Van KiWks ] 4B literature classes met in the Girl's club room for a program on Burns' poetrv last Thursday. W. S. Brown entertained the group with some reci- tationis, .readings and vocal renditions of Burns' poems, When a Real Scotchnian interprets B urns, it is one of the most interesting types of dia- lectal p)oetrv. The songs were espe- cial1y iwell appreciated by the group. Among the songs were: John Ander- son.11. JO; Bonnie Doon; Sweet Afton, and A Red, Red Rose. It would be a wonderful world ifaIl clasIsrooms were as conifortable as the GirWs club roni and ail lectures "were 'as inter- esting as the onie just described. Intramural Relaye to Start in Field House The intramural track relays which -Sa,,lyde and Scotty. hurry ini% getting out of the hospital ; I haveu a Çpiv ioketo rackrrabounht voui'17ciIl SPON 'SOR DANCE Fridav ini Miss Waltz's rooin Rita Trhe Tri-ship club will sponsor its Jane Greis g-ave a short biographiv second semnester dance on March 12. of Lincoln: Barbara ýVilev, the Get- Don Alford and Bob Flandreau are tv-sbturg Address; and Julia Carroll, ini charge of the arrangements for :a ipocm b\ EWgar Guest. "Abe 1ii- this dance. Music ýyilI be furnishied z-oln." Margcrt- W~eil and Miss M'aitz 'hv -aCope Haevey orchestra, also read Poenmis. In view 'of the 'fact thiat tliere is a dIepressioti iii this part of the coti- tri', the 'rri-Ship bias reduced the price of the iitîner tickets. Ray Kiiui- bell is the one iii charge. so ask. hini or vour advisor-roonî represènitative .fôr tickets.' been postponed until somietime iii Marcb, Debate Coach Chester E, MacLean of New Trier announced this week. As the niew semester is getting under way, the New Trier teains will hoIl regular practices. fol1- lowing àatemporarv lullI.betwe.ei semesters, Mr., Mactean st.ated.