Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1932, p. 3

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het corps Vi the post~. l'lie first donation to the Wilmiette I The Légionnaires met at the f tnd for the "Pioneer Meal Project" Village hall Monday evening of lias been made by the Woman's so- this week. where they were in- ciety of the Baptist church. vhichi structed in the sale* of tax anti- gave a pioneer luncheon at its regu- cipation warrants by Trustee Ar- lar mionthily luncheon held at the thur Lee. Baptist church Friday. February 12. Yoù..Will receive a call1 fromn The womnen in charge of the.lun*cheon on e of these men in the nlear fut- were able to save almost $1l .1 y av- ture and he will- explain . further îxg, a. pioneer' meal' for the usual the absolute'necessity of vour pu r- ucienand the Wý\oman's society. chasinig your -share of thiese.war- lia,, conitribùted this amount to the rants. Wilmiette funld.. Rememnber - these mnt fought Silice 9 cents per day will keep one for you iii 1917-18l and are again 1 person from starving, it cati readily rallYing to vouir protection. Re-. te seen th.àt this aiount -of monieN ceive tliein well! wilI lellp a 1nuiliber of, people. I___________________________ -\l iss .Betsy $Shapker. .823 >Central avenue. phone Wilmnette 1068. is ti D ne C fC Wilinette échairnian for tlîe.,'Pionieer D nè .o NMeal Project." She is calling a mneet- i Wants Postoffice tng'. of the preciiict captains - or 41 0 dlock Saturda\ afternoon. Febru-S lre eue ary 20. at the home of Mjiss Florence 'l'lie Xinitte: Chamnber of ý Coin- EBran .son, 817 Cen tral .aVetîue.-aaignefotohv OrgaizaioiMeeingthe salaries of Wilinette postoffice Thr vs rganiati eeig m Yes substantialy reduceci, B. at the home of Miss Rebecca Fitchlî T Clark., secretary of thue Chamber lat TI'uesdlav, afternooni at whichi timne' said this week, ini cominenting on ru- Mr.s. Robert V. L. Wrighît, chairmian mors to that effect which developed oithe subiirbant organization for the, followîng the announceenit in last "Pocr elProjcct" spoke. The week's issue of. ILMETTE l.irz that folioving women representing organ- the local, Chamber of Commerce liad. n,,ationiseie presenit : Nrit to tue senators and represen-1 heWoman's club of Wiiniette. b ttiesa t Wsington askigta .Nir.s. A. J. I)ixon and frs. R. D,. Oul- due\ do ail in their power to brinig ar: The Womian's Catholic of W il-iabout a curtailment of .unnieces,.ar,% mette. I1w Mrs. F. \V. NMiller andi federal governîîmént expenditures. -NIr>. P. J. Jovce; Tlie Nortlîridge: \'We belie\-e," MIr. Clark said, -tiîat Wonuan's club by Mfrs. Williamn Ed- Iinstead of1 trying to mneet a deficit, mouid, and -Mrs. Kennieth C. Long; bv devising e asadmaso Tlie 'Business and Professional \Vo- p- i g anew wtias ad m eap i0 man , cub v 'Mrs.E. . Soii; upon the people, the federal govern- .\rdenl Shore board of.« Wilimette. by ietsol oscetosypoe, Mrs. \\'. H. Hutson; tlîe Local Boardtet oudcicenoslpree ot iîaitv bv Mr. H O.vondertc overhaul the govenment machin-- lof ; American Legion Auxiliary e ry ,and cut expenditures to a point Pot46, by "r.Russell Jolînson; tlat wii'l meet its inicomie." the oun Moiie's lubby rs. The Chamber of Commerce feels F. . P. Fischer and M. E .Pt-. uat there are T lybuesan ry; St. Francis Xavier P. ,T. ýA., b1:),e.ia commnissions which couid be, 'à f . R. Moon y; tî rsbyteriail al)Pe andoned in order to save expei se, \Woinan's society, b y 'rS. R. . Mr- r. Clark asserted. ,uardt; St. Johîn's Lutheran Xomanus Society. by M'\rs. George F. Simmons; Ask Merchants to Honor p tlue Womnan's society- of the Congre- . 1Ferar2 gational church, by, Mrs. A. H. Hoý- fWshigton eray2 lections bas met witla immediate andi satisfactory response, it is reported. Each week for ten weeks, on Monday morning, the captains of each block in the village will canvass for donations. The aniounts are put ini sealed envelopes' and simply miarked. "Pioneer Dinner Fund?" so that no record is made of the size Of individual donations., Anyi sum no matter how small- is acceptable. It is hoped that everyone .Will remember, however, and take occasion to inform himself of the dire need for f ood which this f und is assisting, and realize that 400,000 people. in Cook co unty must be f ed each month, and will give as mucli as ispossible. The money goes directly into' food supplies and is delivered in trucks to the very dooirs of, the hungry. Smalprinted slips have been given to each resident to put around a ntilk bottle with the. request that it be placed con- spicuously somiewhere in the hometo receive occasional. nickels, dimes,- or quarters. and useid to swel the total of tiis f und. Extend Mail Delivery .to Northwest Section. Residents of Wilnîette living in the section i)oundedby Ehnwood avenue on the souith, Beechwood avenue 'on the iîorthî, Twenty-first street on the east and Illinois road on the west have been advised that the Postoffice Departinent lias acted favorably ul)oIithe recommendation of Post- master, Josephi E. Shantz that deli- very service be extended to this area. Tfhis service will begin as soon as the residents provide bouse numbers and mail respectacies, or door slots when door-to-door cielivery is appropriate, Postmaster Shantz announced. Deli- very Nvill not be ruade to any bouse whiclh is, not provided with bouse numl)er and mail receptacle, or door slot. SCHOOLS CLOSIE MONDAY Xilmette public schools will be closed next Monday (Washington's birthday), it was announced at the 1 'I:s WilI.fl1tIe ih2flher f 0-. IDr. Arthur E. Bestor, president of the Chautauqua Institution, Chau.- tauqua, N. Y., and recognized as one of the flnest speakers on-the Amer- ican piatform, will addr ess thé Wil- mette Sunday Evening club'February 2L. He bias spoken before the Sun- day Evening club -on se veral occa- sions. Dr. Bestor will- speak on-a topic appropriate to. the George Washington Bicentennial- celebration. Itis also planned this Suniday to have one or more 'of the four con- testants in the finals -of the Union League club's high schôo contest I)resent at the Wiimette meetinig. These contestants spéak for ,seven each on George Washington. There is wide interest in the.Washington Bicentennial this *year and the cele- bration will continue ýwell intô the spring and early summier. This Sun- day, however,ý wiIl be 'the occasion on wbich the Wilmette Sunda venn club will einphasize tbis eature. Famed Chicago Chorus to Sing ini Wilmette The Central Republic Bank and Trust company male chorus will pre- sent a concert at the Xilmette, Meth- odist chiurcli under the auspices of the' XV'omeni's society of the churcli, Friday evening, February '19, at 8 o'clock. The chorus is made up of thirty men, ail employees of the Cen-. tral Republic Bank and Trust comn- pany, under the dir ection of E. War- ren K. Howe, and with James Cox, as president. The chorus lias given many not- able concerts this season, among them,,being P- thirty-minute ýrecital at the Chicago Sunday Evening clubà. Another concertwas gieen at Lake,' Bl 1ufffor thebenefit of disabled vet- erans, whie another w-as presented at* the Auditoriumn theater for the benefit of charity. This is the flrst timie this chorus hias appeared ini Wilmnette and a large turnout is expected. Tickets inay be *smnalt envelopes into wncn the M011ey ii lie put and which she NviIi collect eacli week. "The Pioneer Meal Project" is to -'be a ten-week campaign, beginning officiali in Wilmette this week anîd continuing through Februaryë, M arcli atîd April,'the collection.for the iast week ini Aprilb beting mnade c.i londay, May 2 womlefl. sîzes. ne of1 good dresses ior WNe can ulse any and al Henry Cutier, cliairman. N o tée: Ecopomiiv Shop is con- ducted by the Wonian's club' of WViinette. 'Proceeds are directed to charity. ize a proht small cost. wiIl real- returfl at- ICallWilmette4300 i Il Ask for Ad-Taker 'I. CITIZENS LEAGUE MEETS' There will be a meeting of the, New Trier Citizens league today,, Thurs- day, February 18, at 12:15 , oclock, at the City Club. of Chicago. The principâl business before the meet- ing will. relate te 'the 'quesion of tonhpschool trustee, it is stated. k

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