Accenting iewery ........ .$ Earringsi necklaces and bracelets of. cram perI or glinting, cryst'l, van- ously contrived but always harmonious. Smart Silk Bags... . ..i429 There's more than a litti. chc "tucked"! ito the clever ittie black ilk b a g s Fashioni now* decrees for dress Wear.. Soft Kid Cloves,.......4.50 On. has *o n e ýs e 1f.ttei in hand wlien propenly glovei I 6-button kid glovos. size 6 o 7/2-in white, black1. beige The "Dressy" Shoe...$650 Faille tends itsetf graciously to 1h, Spring mode, as witness the new pumnps > in black or white, reedy to be tintod. Franchette Hose.......$1.35 Sheer, clear, picot.;top chiffons . . . 48- gauge, which means- hose perfection the delightful new Spring hossery colors, and, szs from 8/2 to 101/2. <5 1o- k 0of Course, You'll Wear I Devis Street NOT WITH A C 1100 i jir