final concert of the first season, wvas engaged for 1927-28. >For its third season the \onan's j Symphony orchestra changed from the Goodman theater to the Eighth Street theater for the first concert., which, in the absence of Mme. Legin- ska, was directed 1) YElba Sunidstron.: the, assistant conductor, and three in Orchestra hall. under. Mmfie. Legin- ska's- baton. Miss Sunidstromis <ehut was a great succe ss and at the close of the season she wvas engaged a-, the coniductor of the organization, -hich! position- 5he stili hiolds with increas-: ing poptilarity. ers <f school ýe. Superior i supervision. JCtioil, ýousine ic m.thedi. Hot lunch Vii he school. Write or telephone for catalogue. Clara Belle,,Baker. Directori, Dept. WI-2 ' Sheridani Rood. Evanston, 111. Tel. Greenleaf 0221;- Rogers . Park 1807., T~h~- Chldr en 's School Nton al Colege ofduation ter of Ilr. aid AIrs.Laric 'Schil 1cr. 41730 Il'abii/hf I lt'i(C, 1 il inctc, appeared.11 .in rcilal re- at lIV£ifl.on and IIcaIv's hall. ýÇli"Isa piuil of JMiss LOis lin- inect. nc/ shorc instructor in Hagemian's Opera Is Br0'adcast From Germany Ameriýcan listners lîeard part oi tIR vorlid prenuiere .0f ail ail-Ameni- cai pea ~henthe first act of ~'CponacciSbv Richard Hagemian, *basedl on R'obert. Brown!ing ýs poem, ~Tlîe ingad the Book," . was broad- ct through thle W\VAJC-Columibia n1(t work on Thursdlay, Februiary 8 iroin tue stag,,e of the municipal opura house in Freiburg, Germiany. * (,ood iiiOW\ ha~s re-written the \\nrk a> .a libretto for Hageiani's 4 qera. 'l'lie compos~er, who bias es'- tallilld iniscîf in the musical life oî .\ii-,cria loth through bIis soflgs aîîid througl i s conducting of opera,. wrote the muitsical scoredurï.ig a long, Borii iii Hollanid, H-ageinan played the piano inl public at the ageobf. 6, and by'the timne he wvas 19 was ap- pointed first conductor of theé French adItalian seasons at the Royal Opera iin Amsterdam. In 1908 he. inli thé Metronolitan Opera iii eventually iapsed, it was flot ni 1925 that a nimber of :w'ômen "mil- sicians banded themselves together seriously to form an organization. Richard Çzerwonky was invited tu conduct the orchestra.until a'ý.wom- 2i Mrs., Fra k , 1). Conger o0f 11 . 7 (~ tral avenue. wsl-sesto e ir hrdge hînichieon* club. last Friday-. The_____ HOMESTEAD isý an ECONOMICA.L Place, to Live! At The Homestead everything is provided for your comfort! IB-ere you are free f rom the servant problem -and the numeroius Telephone~ Greenleaf 3300 "Wkere every meal is a pleasant memory"