Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1932, p. 32

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Mart March 16, 17, 18 The WVoan's club of .W"ilniette will 'have somewhat the appearance of a Spring Garden show .wheniili opens its doors'March 16, for its ai)- nual. Spring. expostion, the ClI mart, -which wil'l be held for thrée days Marcb 16, 17, and 18, ini the club house from Il in the norning un'til 10 at night. There will be flow- ers ever-yhere, in the flower 'bonth, inii he rooms, 'and in the tea rooîn which i illI have a garden setting ou- the stage. Mirs. Ralph Huif is in, charge 4o.f thec decoratirîg. She.'vili be assiste.!I by Mrs.-C. L. Wachis, Mrs. fi. W. Drucker, Mrs. Harry Mons, r; Carey Orr," Mrs. Chesterý .Mrs. Harry. Hooker, Vrs. Walter Horner, Mrs. Uate . Clark, andi Mrs. Louis, Brenner. The March exposition 'of the \oî an 's club draws its atteîmdanceflot onl1> froan Wilnette, but froin tht whole north shore. Members of 1hec fifty senior and.eigbteen junior ýwom- en's clubs of the Tenth district at- tend the mart, 'interested inithelicnc cess which the Womiani's club ii> Wilmette bas 'in stagiiig its apnmal *exposition. The commenrcial exlibitsî., featuring better homes, anîd the club hazar ie in intcrest in attractii înleiîîïnd wvoiueiî froîn the adjoin- * iig tOj.wnS., *The teas and dinners, cooked andl served by club memibers, have a reputation gained fromn former ex- positions.f At the meeting, of the Woman's club February' 10, cards were fillefI, out bv' the members present stgtinig %wbatý each mnember' intended to donate, in the way of food or gift. to the inrt., The :telephone corn-I mittee under Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, èhecked these names and then proý- ceeded to reach bytelephonieor letter. the other members. There are seve . i- bundrcd active members ini the Club," ail of whom 'are donating food or, gifts for the expqsition. Ca hc af of illeseuIg n -i auav>,. /jarc4,e1 t.IU. Erie chapel. Mrs. William -Morris sewing cliairnian. is, being assisted bv Mrs. J. B. Bart le liew, Nfrs. 0. G Da-ilv, Mrs. Fred Dierks, "Mrs. -J. .1) Koeneîî, Mrs. .1. K. Parshall, and MNrs.. J. D. Wilkens. Vie luncheon -chair- marn will be Mrs. Leonard Starkel. Mtiss FI 'reniceTcgwniestiperittdehi of Erie chapel. is to I)e the Iuiîclîcoîî speaker. Olu Friday, Maàrli 1 tIl te M a r Barteliiie hlome xvmiii benefit froini Uic sevîg. Irs., A., E.Gebcrt: will bt sewig chairman for thiat d a . a iiîI assistiig lier, xviiiIl)e Mrs. W. M B11urn s. Nfrs. J. I-A. 1ernclhl, M-,rs. J. D) l)ingle, -Mrs. K. F. Lîc.Ms. E. \V K. Roc', and' Mrs.' G. B., Williams. The iclièhon clairmaîu vîi1 >e Nirsý Irx-in R. Adkins. Tol"'ffPhiot seur, < /* fi nd pairoil 'f art. is îIIndeI Ile,' tri":nl f f ] s. Georqe V. a'./lit, for- the art an'd 40Y 111orninfi- Ilai,-il.1.,ii10: 15' -io*lock, ai t/whelom i Mcofjis. il. 1). Ila71riSon, 307'1l"tf,-rod MisMcCauley wIll talk at this de- martitmnient meeting and lier subject 'will be -Art Spirit of 11111moi s.- Miss Mc- Cauley is x"ell kndwn h miariv as .a formier art critic of 'the Chicago E ve- ning Post. She has been a heuiefactor to art and her acliievements' have heen awarded the following hionu>s: She lias heen elected an lhonorary hf e m.ember of the Art Institute of. Chi-, Mg by U)37thetrustees. ThegoMacDoivell Society 'of1'Allied 'Arts conferred a1i onorary life miembcrship upon bher, ;and iso she bas 'been niade an honorary fe memiber of' tue. Municipal Art lea-gue f Chica-go. 1r.o Address Women Voters' Neighbors, Department ,Has Colonial Musiç Pro gram The niusic' departnîcuît of the Ken- ilivorth YXeigbbors . observed. the Xaslingtou licenteinial 1Tuesdav of l as't Week at tîhe homne of, Mrs. Franl< 'Yaufljg N-*ith' a..prograniclevo te(l t Ainerican music as it W-as p«layec and sunl1g contenmporary- 10 the, tie o.t G eorge \Vashingtoiî. Mrs. MadgcewlN-sloxv " Price tracc<. this historv aind (leveloi)mlent '(tuIl 11- sic l.egnning with tuie.intro(Iuctiou u f tuhe' first psajlnî bJooks ýthrouglh the t'Ille of the revolutionl to the soiigs of the Frenchi voyageurs and of' fle old Spanish 'Ni ssionIs. ShlL als,'i sV)okCof tfelfirst experinicuts Ii choral' sin.ging and the mork, f tîme> 'first te'ach crs and composers. 'She plaved ail)( sang maii- of thiesc soîîgs. Their quainu charni-aîmd sii Plicity g'ave an auhefiiic -toucli of colonial atmnosî)here to'the metinig. Invites to'Book Review The' ast book ,revilew in the series sponsoredlb theý li terature depart- ment 'of the Wýoman's club of WTil mette 'W Ill be gi-yen Wrednesdax. March 2, at 10 o'clock in the niorri- ing Course lietinnincl,, Monday imorning, Feb- .harv 29, at 10:30 o'clock, the C'ivics departnient of. the Womnan's clubci \ViinCtte xwill conducta iCourse iii- currenlt events, and public speakiig.ý Thue course u»Ill 1) é coîîducted hy irsGert- ruiel . Lieher. o f ViMnetka. pictured. h e re, ~t hil I ie 11'h 1- to Lea t cr "' ou o ilr conîtry.MrS'. chairinan i f the departineînan- iiouiuces., "wlhein w-e have liad zuch lemli of our da\' au, \;ýu at tlw pruse llt. \\e are îuiug t ta 'large. inîmiiber of our nieîîmher:s andI frieîîd> T club xxil.l plan to attend' tih i course N.lielîis frecto lmeml.îérs and opnto those wlîohave not yetj'iî< tlîe club. at a xvery sinall charge one xxi1i!be lieîressed tîe take part In. the publ c Spcakiiîg w-lu d'e' îlot de - sire to do so." M.l'icher is a teacher u)f ctî,r- relit eents, public speaking a;ii(I par- lîanientarx- lau-at thec National Col - lege of I-ducation and bas l)eefl chair-. nmail of cuication for flic Illinois Fed- eration of \\VonIeîi's 'Clubs,.fthe lii. League of \Vomien 'Voters.. anîd tlie Illinois Couincil of Parents and Teacu-' crs, anmd civic director. of the.\Vonîl- asCivclub of Chicago. Suie serve- for miaux-vears as .4ecreta-rv uý)fthei \Vinntkaboard of education. 'flic couirse at th~e \\ulmette club xill )e 0on the following dates Feb- ruary 29: March 7, 14, atid 18: April 4. Washington Journalist Addresses Alpha Phis Memibers of the Alpha' Phi aluminaej, Christopher -Morlev, w-as 'rd i;; twe' Mfrs. Stecker. MNeeting1s of this group'l serv Nvill bce held onlce a nionithu andj 'the il Inèxt one will 'be held Wednesday, ever March 2. at the home of 'Mn. j' the Pcarscmt, '200K9 Thornwood avenue. Crip - ' ......- - .-- (I uit U e - Thi e regular nionthly meeting of tîhe the cost of th'e one ciistoinarilv Cambridge chapter, Daughters of the 1and the one î'hev xvill! havet British Empire, Wilmette will be held given over to charitv. 11, the Fridax- afteriîoomi Fbray 2,a ýg 'the' menîhers will sew- fo;- o'clo&ýk, at thic home of Mrs. Guly fartha Washington HomeforClo,159Hnii vte Eas d Cbildren. 'ona.. 59 jninaene xas - ialiig .j' ' .. tietlLei uîury pro- grain and mIleetinlg at 'thle *ne of Mýrs.- A. H. RI-tli, 3000Shieridan road. C hicago, Tuesday, March i' at 2 :15-ý) clCock in the afternoon. 1Nrs. Eliza- beth \VeixeIî' Mrs. ' Hovt King, and, Mrs.' E. L. Lange are to he the assist- in.g hostesses.

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