itIitIl dJ4Jai LU o manette LiIA;tize f toà help needy farilies in the Milwau-.I kee. avenue 'district of the'.United Chari- tie_ý was received this week by the great charity, and welfare organization in a letter directed to Mrs. Donald Max- wl.1414 Forest avenue, who, duriîngý tflie,.recenit Christmas' season wvas ini-: strtiinenital ini interesting trnalîy villagers! in providing for. destitute f milies dur-. xng the, holiday, period.. The need at this particular tine, the letter- indicates, is for volunteer cari drivers to convey case workers in theifr nuinerous caily' visits to needy homes, It is feit that sone of the villagersI wîil find it'possihle to provide theWrcars anîd serve. as drivers for a day to ex- pe(ite this urgent. work. l'le letter, written, by Marian.) I tleacting district superintendent. on: ]-*cruary 22, explains ini detail the (le.ýperate plight of families in the (is-. trict in question. It reads: Apprecate HeIp Gven at 10:10.on the nïgnr ot Frt»ury 1. 1932; That fact baving been dtilv recorded with WiLmmTTE Lpg 'nakes him winner of the F3ebruary Lucky Baby contest. S He is the son of Mr. and Mirs. Frank Thale of70 Linden, ave- nue. In consideration of David's 'dc-: tory in the Baby contest, lie 'and biîs proud parents will be the re- cipi en ts of a sbower of gifts froni 4xteen Wilmette. nierchants wbo. With V'IÉmETTE LIFE. are.s ponso 1r- ing the Lucky Baby contest. The côntest rules provide that the first baby to be born in the nxonth, an',, whose brhbas' been recorded With W11IL-,ITTE LimE shaillbe de-', ~cared the con.test wvuÎuer. The Luckv Baby contest closed ~thFeb)ruary. It cotntiinued over a period of six mo nths. *'Remember*iig howv this winter our, g'-enerot s, neighhbors ini Wilmrette b ave (l~ -lIied the .workers' and needy f aibes Cô..oWAerce 4Chamber f Milwaukee. district of United Chari- Extends W elcome tirs. 1I21111again sending 'you a cal' for l1e:py to Ail Newcomers re A éaeyiii rieed of Th' e Wilmette Chamber of Coin- driwvtrs for t he case workers. The merce makes an effort to have every (thur day onte ùrker carne back to iiew resident - of the Village feel at the office after a* morning ini the dis- boule here. AlI newcomers are sent trict. Sheic ad waited :on six streeti the following letter: corners for seven street cars. had "erM. ecmr walked eigit blocks and visited onI>' "eacoMr.eoimette tve cof the seven f anithes slie .had o1n Wlcm oWimte lier list. One of the Ifive families was "This is the sincere and lîieartyý flot at homie. Wbien she got back to' greeting of some three hundred busim- ,ii office to keep bier appoiîtments \vith nes's and.professional men and womreîî twentv other wôrried' fathers and of this Village ýof 16,000 people. We inlothers,' slîe found a teleplioîi cal' want you to like Wilmette and ber cit- frn >n. One of the two famille s she had izens, and if we can help you lu 'an>' uîoit bheeiahle to get to, beggiîîg ail way to become pleasantly loc'ated immiiediate visli~. The father, a tuber- please cail on us for information or vuil.r. patient hiad just becix n otified service. tliat lie wvas to enter the Municipal "This is-one of the fastest gr0%wing '1uiîrculosis Sanitariuni.'-on Suîîday,. villages on tbe nortb shore and ha,-ý' e f cît that he. cd Id not go 1)etfr shown a substantial increase, in -pop-. lie talked over wit h casewrkr uain especially in the last decade. plans, for bis ýwife and four little boys ocmuit ntewrË a o~ Ardvous Task mnore homes to the square mle-our '~Tis ater oul no beallwedhomes, Wilmétte's chief dlaim to dis- to lose bis chance for recovery and lie tinction, flot because of their size or. inust' be reassured that bis' fat 'nily cost, but because they are, first of would fie rared for. The case worker; aIl, homes and, not just bouses. told the roorn fuill of' people waiting, "We would' like to help ail %vio for bier that they must wait' another, inove to Wihxiette establish pleasant liulr 'fln nake the cali and ger back contacts and become better acquaiint- Dr. B. M., Coniey, who bhas, been specializing in X-ray work, since 1918,' recently installed $5,000wothof new X-ray7 equipiment at. his office, 1 1P Central avenue, Minmette. The equip- ment, which is of the rhost moderti, type. includ<es a dental unit. Dr. Co'nr ley is emnploing a fuli-time techni- clan now. For the past twenty-eighi, vears Dr. Conlev bas' been a resident olf Wihinette. He is a member of St. Francis hospital in Evanston and forrnerly was chief of staff there. He bas been connected with the hospital for thirteen years. During the war he served in France, as well as at the government bospitals at Detroit and at Fort Sheridan. N. T. Republican Club 1HoIds Session Friday The New, Trier Township Republican, club will bold a meeting Friday, Feb- ruary 26, at the Wilrnette Village hall to discuss norninees for the primary election iin April. Alli mnbers .have been- reque sted to attend. This orgai-ý ization is not coninectéd with any party faction but supports any successful Re- publican candidate niominated in the primaries, it is explained. portrayed by a special process of natural color photography, acconi- pained by 'an interesting travel talk b)y Dr. C. O. Schneiderof Winnetka, Who lias. spent .much, timne studying these'regions. 1The Lapmiere. Autochrome, plates. wbich Dr. Schneider uses *to ilîhs-e trate bis travelog are said to'be one of the inest, sets of. such' plates :in this country. The process repro-. duces every shade of the natural col- rring found in this scenic wonderlaind., Masteiviec.s Of Creatdon The. regions which Dr. Schneider, pictures are comparativ'ely unknown an'd cotain some . of 1 the masttr- piece.s of creation. Nowbiere else, it is> said, is1 there such wonde rful sculp- turing, an& tbe range and brilliancy of, color are almost beyond descrip-. tion.- Because this. scenery, is - g colotf aI, ordînary -pbotography or hand-painted lantern slides cannot do it justice, he says. Oniy by usirng this special process of color pbotography can it be accurately illustrated. SThe use of autochroine plates for lecture purposes is extremely rare ,and in order to prove how truthfully al shades andc olors can be repro- duced on the screen,, Dr. Schneider' i«Il first show :some familiar scenes f romn many beautiful north shore gar-' dens. After this evidence bas been given, one can more readily believe the marvelous .colorings he views in the pictures of. Zion, Bryce and the Grand Canyons. To Explaiui Prooe«a 'The program also will include a 'brief explanation of this Lumiere Au- tochrome photography whicb was originateil in France by Lumiere, Paris ian' painter, and bis brother. :Dr. Scbneider's illustrated- travelog lias been' given* enthusiastic recep-.* tions by, various organizations,. in- cludinig thîe Chicago' Academy of Scien ces,, Chicago Camera club, Field Museumi, Palette and Chisel club and the Corneil club of Chicago. A, recent issue of "Exposure."ý the Cliarities' appreciation 'of the 'service; the Wilmnette volunteers bave already SERMON ON RUSSIA given."Rabbi Charles E. Shulman will speak p ' ' Cat Wilmette 290 on -Has Russia Founid a Substitute for Villagers wlio are interestéd ini co- Religion " at the Sunday morningi operating in this welf are work are in- service. February 28, at 10:45 'o'cdock. vited to communicate witb Mrs. Max-1 at North Shore Congregation Israel,I %vell b>' calling Wvilmette 24)86. Lincî n Venon avenues,.Ge. oe Cai W Ite40 lage board, whicb meets, only once a month will hold its niext regular session I(onday .nîgbt, March .7.