Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Mar 1932, p. 12

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inunicants.. 9 :15 a. m.-First service aind Hnly Communion. 9 :30 a. mi.-Sunday sehool and Bible classes. il a. m.-Second service and sermon. Sermon : "The Christian Influence a LENTEIN SERVICE Wednesday evening'at 8 o'clock. Ser- mon: "The Inescapable Question-What Shahi Do Then With Jesus?" The Lord's.Supper will be celebrated next Sunday nlorning in the first service with the confessional service for com- municants beginni»g at .9 and the regular. service with the clebration of the Lord's Supper at 9:15 a. nm. AIl those who wish to receive. the Sacrament are requested to announce this to the.pastor at thée parsonage on Saturdayr afternoon or evening next.« If ther.e is any e\apl in history of a man try- ing to evade a, definite decision with regard to Jesus, it is Pilate. But the question forced itàelf., tiioni this proud Roman who strug.gied between fea.r for fis own politicai future and fear of this innocent prisoner. But ail hiis inveptiveness and in-1 genuity was too wea.k to evade the question. He » ould not do it. No, one can. In the end he had io make his decision.7 lverybody has to do this. Vou cannot bide froni it nor run from it,' for ex- cuse yourseif f rom it. It forces Itself relentlessly upon your mind and soul. until you have made your decision one way or theý other'But a decision you must give. ýIt is the in- escapable quiestioni. You are invited to hear the sermon on, this themle next The second' commencement of the North Shore Lutheran Sunday school 'reachers' Institute wilI be hield next Sunday evening at 7 :30 p. ni. at the- Lutheran c4îurch at Libertyville. Thils service will officially close the second iemester of the first termn of thelinst- t ute. Twenty-five have saàtisfactorily conîple -ed thé prescribed courseof, study, and will be awarded certiicate.s. lit order .tu reaeh tue.e chùrchl take North .4hwre Electrie te Lake Bluff Juncetion, transfer tùe I4lbertyville, Une. At 1,lberty- ville walk tki third street north of eiee- tric Une and turn east one bloek to church. By auto take Milwvaukee ave- nue te Uibertyville, cross tracks and proceed to tfiird street. 'l'lien turn riight t,. ,,hî,ph T'fit-Philathea. chîe' ro.w evening,. Friday hi4me of Ms Bittne a vne Ninety new enrol niade in the Churcli twenty-two Sundays., day i!n ail this time1 new enrollments., the, Wonian's.Eulid will lié'held on' Yri- ;s iIlnîct trno- tiy, MarcdI 11, at 1I1). ni. Lune'heon y, Mareli 4, :t the will bt, served by the Centrai Avenu,, r, 312 Central Park(rce An interesting prograni is lié- ing .planned for thi.s meeting, further details of which wiIl be announcvd, next lirnients have been wek. schôül in the iast on only one Sun- L have 11thre been no the Men's Bible elass is starting a camnpaign for,,new memnbers. *A goal of one hundred has been set. The clas$ is worthy of attendance: The is usurpssed A pofessional teacher Is in charge. The flloWship of the mcii 1-4 kindly and..helpful. An hour spent here is Worth thrce 'with the varied!aiîd assorted items of the Sunday paper. Junior boys and girls who attend the ehurch.*sçervice during the Lenten season are rereiving three pictures at. the close of the service cach Sunday. Those attending five of xix Sundays wili re- ceive a. special picture. Juniors are askcd to sit with their 'parents,tEale' or an aduit friend. The castof young peopleC who pre- sented Tihe Nut Far-ni" latst Friday -anid Satui'day niights wî%-ll give .thene pro- duction at the (Ireût Lk.Véterans hospital etFidyngt IlToward liun as entcred a group o if îlayérs it 'urhDraina (ontest. The (.fil Scnt. Leaders' ass(ciation. wil niet-i iinthe' <irl, Scout iroonî of: lis, c'hureh '.Tuesday t.vening, N.arch 8, a . 7:1o. First Con gregational .John G. flindle', nIiniSter' J1. clair Mead, director of rt-ligiouis education The Sunday imorning srieof, wor- ship is held at. 10:45. Next Sunday MIr. Hindley will preach on the topic, -What We Believe About Ourselves." Thls la the fourth la a series of Lenten sernionsý on the gFneral subject, "What 'Modern Chri.stlans Blee" Following is tht' niusical program: Prelude: "Canîtabile".(..esar Franck Junior -Choir Anthein: "Rounîd the Lord in Glory Seated". , , Knowvlton. Offertory Quartet: "Father, Trhy Chul- dreîî Bow in Adoration.. .-Sulli van ... . ..u.. . . .. . . . . . Postlude: Grand Choeur" ..Liîeroix Tlier-e is a place lu oui' ('urîch selîid for boys anid girls of aIl ages:* Beginiii'5. departinent (ages 4 qnd,5- 10:45 to 12. Pimary departnîent (agtes 6, 7Î, and -9:30 to 12. .unior ilepartnîent (ages, 9, 10 and 11) -9:30 to 10:40. Inteî'nediate depaî'tnient (tIges, 12 and M3-9:20 to 10:40 Higli $choal departnîeît-12 :15 to 1. v irsr i 7esvytertMan Woman's club rooms Terith stireet and Greenleaf aver)ue Jamies T. Venekiasen, minister Sunday wvil be FAMILY DAY, %vhen we will expeet. every, farnily. of the church to be present as a anit, the chul- d'ren and young people as Well*as4 hie aduits. This will be the third Suiîday ,in the, Loyalty Crusade In which the church is engaged.for seven weeks. The repneso far has, been Nvery encour- aging, last 'Sunday showing an.attend- ance greater than the previous SunlaNr, and the previous being far greater than the Sunday before that..We are look- ine for, a ýrecord attendance next Sun- day. Sunday the pastor %viIl prcach the third of the seriesof serinons on theý genieral theme, "The Meaning of ('hris- tianity a Loosening." These. serniîon'4 arc Intended as a - revaluing, of tht great principles of the Chis-tian religion. anid a reé1tIJ11asl on the esseittial re - quiremnents of the Ch'î'itian life. We in- vite you to worshlp with us and hear the entIre. series. The w(vrship hour is- at Il o'clock. Sunday will also hé KEvei'y Meînbeî' Oanvass Day, when the menîbers will be asked to niake ffledges toward, the' rhureh expenses and benevolent cause for the comning churchI year whichi be- gins Apnil ls;t. E'very, inenîber of the ehu'È.cl will be given an .weta share in therepnilty MsErina Rounds, pianist, aîd '.%r. EdwàFrd O1 lit have arranged the, following musical pi'ogra ni:. Prelude, "Adagio Cantabile' (01p. 13) b.y Bée- thve; fertory, "Ave Nlaria" by Franz; Postlude, "Dona Nobis"' (lOth Mass) by 'Mozart:ý Solos, "The Lord 1, My Shepherd," (Second Setting by Lid- le, and "B the Water of Babylon," by Juio'r; chureh isan integral part o f our chuî'ch life, and cares foi' the littie ohildi'en 4uning the. worship hour,' so that parent.snîay lie fi'vto,. attend woî'- ship). Miss Doroth>y Wehner'is in charge. Our Suîîday scîjool, la groWing dur- üig the. Loyralty(ruae Each depa'rt- nient is ;Ihowing fin(-inere.s'e. We in- v'ite Yo-u t4 jin us. ,ýits 55ibi i e of the stu ion of Mrs se Church J erable intere môt Ba are atVrai a fine ai A trJp througli Chinatown, with a Chinese guide. and a Chineése lunchieon, will be coniducted by Mrs. Qua.yl's Bible clIass Fridlay, March lSth. AIl the womnen of thie congregation and their friends are. invited., Kenilworth Union, Kenilworth avenue and Warw îk road Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister Dir. W 11.le tt's subject for Sunday,_ Ma'rch 6, will be -Victory of the Van-. The Sunday school will meet as usUal at 9 :45 a m. AIl childrën between tie ages of three and- high -sehool are cordially invited and urged to visit and hbecone regular niemnbers. The Women.' s uild. will méet on Nionday morning ut i10, o'eloeck. The ladies, are asked to corne ln for as, mu(-h timie ais they (,an gpare. l'ie invitation is not only to inembers of the Guild .and the congregation, but to any in the village who may be, interes.ted in this fine work of philanthropy. Luncheon will he served at 50 cents. On Wednesdgy eve ning, M.%a'rûh 2,r. willett' will dscasthîe-International Sunday school ,lesso;;n for next Sunday, for assistance to the teachers of. the Senilor department (if the Sunday schooll, and others Interested in Bible study. The Scripture to be studied is John 1.1, Juda.s, Peter and Jesu.s. The meeting willi be held at the Minister'.s home, 3.19 Ric'h- inond road,. at 7 :45. Ail who are ini- terested are cordially invited. Dr. Willett k cvonducting a Lent-en class in preparation for t.he -,et-vices of Baptism and the reception of nmemibers into membership on Easter Sunday, March 27. This instruction class wilIl be held at the Sunday "chool hour, and is, intended, for those who wish to. be bapti7ed, those. whà have been baptized, and wish ho unite 'with. the church, 'and ail others who -a're intercstied inu the subjects to 'be considercd. The qsubjeet for Sunday, Maréh U, W,111lie.,"Who )and Where 19 God?'I English Lutheran <renleaf avenue ut Sevellth ýsti'eet ed the furst I"eltowship Suîpper,. and the Thifrsdays-.7 :00 1). ni.-Senior C(hoir ' e- served by Spoke 9, Mm. Charles New'-t number promises ho g'row front Nweek to hearsa1. burg chaitinan.r'. Otto Von Der HJoff week The pastor la giving a .irisof Thursdays-7 :30 p). ni.-Troop No. 1, will 'lead the devotional se;érvice. Mrs.j a4dresses on "Ways.;ide Stopping Place,, Boy Scouts. Fred Simmons wiil lead the discussion ln tbe Life of Jesus." The suppers are of the topie, "Medical Missions at the served at six-ftteen, self-service st.yle. The fourth of our. special Church rTop of the World#." The reports fromà Reservations should lietriade at anr Night dinners will be held lîext Wed- the departments. and chairmen andc early date.. . esday, March 9. Mr. Hindley Will lead spokes will be ready, and the electionÊ a discussion-forum oýn "The Klngdom of officers for the. coming year will bef The. March ie'eting 'of. the Official, of God.", What.,did Jesus mean by this, held. 'The Society is out for ait attenid-f Board bas been poatponed. until !Wed- favorite expression of hfs? What does anco, goal of 97 and hopes terniake it at . 'ienas oiiJLLAU Uaih. w sil to welcome them to the n they talle residence ln - eo in the near future. A ease in interest i affal t'rch has already beenshol ce the, future with confic lendà are cordially Invited bey wiIl b. welcome.- hall be hap-. community the parson- na.rked in- Irs of the >wn, and we lence. Our to, visit us. *1

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