Following is the complete schedute: December 23-New Trier at --\oi- be >sav ton, k'roviso at Oak P/ark'and L)eer-- Arnong the citations which coin- field at Evanston. prised the Iesson-serrnon mas the fol- January 6-Evanston at New Trier, Iowing f romi the Bible: *"Verilv, ver;ll, Morton at Proviso and Oak Park at 1' sav unto you. Hé that believeth on Deerfield.nme. 'the works ,that I do shallhe leô .janquarv 13-,New Trier at Proviso, also, andgreater works than these EvN.,ston at Qak' Park and Deer- s!. dll lie dé; because I, go u nto my field at Morton., Father" (John, 14:12). Jaimary 20-Deerfield at Neèý' The tesson-sermnon also included the Trier, Proviso at Evanston and ùak 1 olowing passages, from the Chris- Morton. ian Sciene exbok."Science and January 27-Oak- Park a1t -New Health with, Key to the Scriptures," Trier. Proviso at Deerfield and.M(,. b,,Mar Baker Eddv: "Christis the ttQn at Evanston. ideal Truth. that cones to heal sick- Februarv 3-Morton at New Triecr. i ness and' sin through Christian, Slci- Ev*%anlston. at Deerfield and Oak Part;k ence. and ail power to at Pl ovîso.« God" (P. 473). Fehbruarv 1-New Trier at E'vanis- ton. Prov-iso at Morton and Der- DS NSLT GRP Fed a Oak17Par o Nv A lithographic study of the en- Fehrarv 17-rovso t ~ trance to the new Winnetka Commu- Trier, Oak Park at E vanston and:<l t,,. House lias.been made by Frede.- Motnat Deerfield, e Februarv 24-New Trier at De r rck Bond and, during the exposition fied, vasto .t Povio nd r_- th is week>. is on sale in the newv toeldt Ovak. Pnat rk. XoadMO «rth Shore Art. ieague studio, Tli.e .ton 3Ne Pre at Oak Park. proceeds are divided betm-een the Deerield at P-roio and IOanstou 'leagtie and the Cokiimmunity Houise atMorton. ltidn ud Frank P. W\hitmùore, 644.Abbotts- N1\rs. E. ( ýG. -Iavwýard aànd;ýiss Ha'-. iored .road. Kenilworth, returnied on %\-ird. sister. and niece of Walter Noble M-\onda-v from a three weeks' butstness (;illett. 533 Roslvni road, Kenii\worth, trip to Northw,,,est. Portland and are visitin- the Gilletts before leaving' Seattle. Wash.. anid Butte. M[ont., lie for a trip abroad in April,. reports, are buried in siowv. of 63 for this instruction f rom à group of 1,400 applicants throughout -the United States. -qv, A kind "friend" toýý your pocktbook..; Creamed Cott.ade Cheese Famous- for its* deli 1cious flavor, many EOOMCLand £asty luncheon, dishes cati be made with it. Order. a jar to day f rom the Wie- land m ilk salesman and ask him for cottage cheese recipes. Telephones: Wil...3029, Winn. 137, Gien. 8o Aiways in tune with the times The Belmont offers. nigbtly. a special diiiner at a new low price-$1.25 -which, considering its excellence and. the style wiffh wbicb it is served, and -the 'charm of the statef y room ini which you- eoyit. makes this the Ouitstanding dinner for the' price in al Chicago. Regular Table> D'Hote, Dinner Including Sundays 1 i.25 $ 1.50 $2.00 HOTEL. BELMONT B. S. WýiLsON, Resident Manager Single and double roo ms with bath Suites of 2 to 4 rooms. with or without kitchenette Sheridan Road ai Belmont Harbor BHierswet 2 100O 1 5 Minutes from the Loop v The splendid response' of the public to the.Februarsv sales oif the CLEANERS & DYERS INSTITUTE has1 made it possible to continue indefinitely at -the surprisingly low prices Iisted below, plus insurance. 1 Park 3900 WOMEN"S DRESSESC Sliihtly Additional for F*ncy, Plaited or 7 *lg in ..na4ic roui . v~W Evanston Winn.-, Lake Forest Patrons cali H. P.- ýe 1100 e 1001 *Members Chicago Master CIeagers Insttitute and M1aster Cleaners and Dyers 'of the Nol-th Shore