Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Mar 1932, p. 18

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Think That China Plants Now 'Sou ght Is O1d-Fashioned? for. Spring Garden Then Read Story!- Troop 9 wvill begin 'a garden behid Youve roabl herdsom o the Christ Church Parishhouse soon. .your friends talkingabout the Chi- ifayredsremkgchne nese-now that we're reading about 1i their gardens,, thinning-out orcut- the inthenewpaers'asthoghting out suckers, Troop 9 will be very they were a qucer sort of. people who glad, to have, any material that thley don' întch. anvlwa%,. becaus5e are through with. in particular, just they do. things in such old-a.fashionednoteropilokgfrInn- out shrubs, such as .dogwood, deut- ,w ays' zia, forsythia, bush-honeysuickle,,flow- But the truth is that ,Armericans areolçfasiond wîenit orns t Iering almond, spirae.a, lilacs. snow- somte of the things the Chinese knew' halls, eider. aithea, flowering currant. at a time when our ancestors weée or weigela. running about witli skins -on their.1T roop 9 hope s toinake this ýa per-, backs. lîke cave nmen that thev were. niantent addition and attraction to the .NW.hat Were thes e things ,thaàt the1 parish. house and the Girl Scout head- Chinse kew? re hey mporantquarters, a lovely spot to read in, to us? Not ýonly could -%ve not get 1visit in, play, or, work in', for anyi- along without themn, )ut, this countrY group1 or indiv-iduals, .passing that> might flot be "Arnerica" if ia hadn't ay. been for them. If ans- friends have such spare ma- Two Vital Inventiôns t erial. will theY please call Mrs E- Cali you guess t-wo imp~ortant imer.j. Baker, Winnetka 457. ventions that were absolutely essen- I_ tial to this countrys existence? You j can start thinking way back before it ivas discovered. \*hat was the inè Troop News strument. that, Columbus- used to guide -his boat? It ,%Vas the c.ompass and this instrument the Chiniese in- Troop 6 vented 5,000 years ago. Next think- of the time ,%hleiithe Troop ý6 met Wednesday and hial coîonsts ere ryin 'tosepa ate afornial opening. Then 'Mrs,. Brit- themselves from EEigland. There w,.as éa.tu neaywyt e theRevlutonry ar hic ~ memiber the Morse. code She showed fought with gunpowder, another Ch *hwtedosadahsfrnte neeinvention. The Chinese did 1- 1Brttain they represent. X1ext, Is nese . ritai.asked the girls to tell their use it for killing people, however, as patrol leaders Wvhat they would likte. we Westerners have taught t hem to to do next meeting. At court of c do, but used it rather for fireworksý. honor, we decided what -,%e mould dtt These .vere not the only thing.s next tume. Mrs. Brittain also asked f they kneiv how to make before we wowudlk ocletilnvfr did.Fiv hunredyeas ag 'tev'the "Pioneer Meal" fund. \\' closeà made wood cuts, the veen first oneCs by, Taps.- Elsie Fleager. which started the idea of printing' cie and think of .1l' the things that have___ been done with skill! The Chinese. made 'paper money with those p .cl- St. Francis Troop. tures that could be inked over and At the most recent meeting of theA over again. That led to the naking St. Francis, troop we first hiad the r of the playing cards, and ail these flag ceremnony. Eýach patrol nmade 111 t things. were so wonderful that, they a law or knot gaine %v'e plaYe d. I Friend of Girls I * lr.Thomnas W. Hea rue, 1oir, conim,.sioner u'lom ail Girl Scoutse .sho:,Id kno-w, is onc of theic nost i vportant wmembers of Yeu, Trier Townhipcon ucil, cowprised of 1l'ilmcette, Glencoc, and 1J'innetka. Shec is 1'egi;iiiig ler second year: aIs licad of fthc coiincil. For t\vo vears Mrs. Hearne \vas a .vorker on . the \Vinnetka Comrnunity committec until January 1, 1931,. vhen this group joined that of Wilmette to, formi the New~ Trier Township cucl She acted as. chairman of the Winietk Cirl Scouts for one year. ,,'..,,1 Mrs. Hearne is -the mother ,of three, Girl Scout.-Esthet-,a first class Scout s- ini Troop 2. and, helps as a junior ieutenantt in Troop 13. Troop 18 1bl1a s 6tnn Hunter as a new tenderfoot, Ann H{unter %vas formerly a Browvnie, so is really an old member of the organiza- ion. Tommy, the youingest of this f arn- Leadership Value Stressed in Talk at Field Institute The 'first field institute for Girl Scoutý enthusiasts was, held at the Drake hotel last, Saturday. The nieet- ing wmas, attended by sonie three hiun- dred persons. Mrs. Frederick Edéy, national president, Miss Josephin c Schain, national. director, and . ,~ Alice Conway,,, field worker. %v<ère present as well as several regitinal andC national board members. Mrs. Edev gave a most inspirili.g talk on, the running, of the, local cotii- cil. She pointed out. that the strenig'h of the, organization was in each meiri- ber doing ber own job well, but being conscious of the fact that she iiu-it keep in mind that her bit is hinge.] to the whole, that the organizatioîî ivas 'ours," and that the concept .w"was the St rength of it. She then went into the -various workiing details of the local group lor ilhe beniefit of the miembers present. Mrs. Edeçy is a m-ost charingr son- anda, poet. She has had tw,o books published., "ýRivets." and "'Ptit- Leadlers Are Most Important Miss Conway gave 'a splendid.: ta ' 1% on leadership, pointing out that the leaders are the most important folk in the organization. They are ini coii- tact with thé ch1ildren, and mtl>t at al times be ready to gi%-e of. thein- selves. The leaders have :the iioý;t thrillirig part of the worc, ;for they are developing personalitv. The Glit Scout leader must necessarily be-onc of-the finest persons,ï iithe.conîmuii- The NeW Trier counicil. feels, that- flot enough can he, said of the t111n2 wvork done' by* its leaders, and fi; proud of ýits leadership group. A leader is a, person of. cre 'ative ability. She must be. able t6- adapt the progratn to her grouip, and t(o lÏ1-> vent novel wavs Of presenting it to) the girls. 'The following New Trier resi- dents attended the conférence: Ms Trhomas W. Hearne. Winnetka: 1 rs Ralph Moulding, .Wilmnette: N1 rs. i -.-.-- -------- ----'-mni sang inhese are thnfaliis subjec ttetnetebdéi NAMED CAMP CJIIEF. Mary Jane Farley to take charge o fte pewo hv rcivdared and th im th-èfin bli'e. th Mis s .josejhine Schain, national the dishwashers. ofthe peoplueing he avtetreeimet- he grl earningith ihe ini ligetha director of the Girl Scouts, wilI alsote maddrnth attremethgilann ti nelgntnoh be 1932 camxp chief at Camp Edith FuTther announcements were then ings: jean Forstaîl, Pattv, Gooder, in the subject to.use ber own knowî- Macy, national G irl Scout Leaders' given. After that we went ona trea- Jane. Shepard, and Jane' Mitchell. 13dge of it wisely. A badge as Nvorn training center at Biarcliff Manoi7, sure hunt that was to be followed bY These girls received their tenderfoot on the sleeve of a Girl Scout is a N. Y., according to an announ cement compass. We gôt off. the track but pins. Doua Web.ster received bier synibol showing that the readv just made at national headquarters, in M\rs. Baker gave us the treasure,. swimmers' badge.- Ruth, Clark, at any.timne to make.use ôfknlowl- New York iCity. . which was a box of f udge. Then we scribe. edge gained in working on'this badge mn '4

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