mttee, Whicn was xoulowed uy a (le-p lightfully appropriate programn that0 this commfittee liad arranged for thei entertainment of a large number of members and their guests.3 It was voted by the miembers atI this meeting. that The Neighborse would plant a Washington elm, Io do their share in this- civic -movement ail over the country to plant elns thiss year in George Washington's honor., The Neighbors bad the pleasure of hearing their president, Mrs. V. K.t Spicer, read one of her own poemns, one which is Mrs. Spicer's gift to this bi-centennîi year. The. poem is en- titled "His Birthday"l and is very beautiful, *as to choDice of wvords and depth- of sentiment. On Music Prograna There wvere two groups- of songs. given by Bessie M. Smith, soprano. and Margaret Gent, contralto, with Hadassah McGiffen,. accompanist.t These were M>o+<stly old English fok songs and early American ballads. Their colorful. quaint Costiumes gave! real atmosphere to a Colonial party. This colonial background was aiso, carried out by xnany of the mninbers being dressed, with bertlias,, as part of the costuime. and, Colonial hiead- dress. -A Dishi of China Tea," the one- act play presented by the Neighibors, was a delightful little story of Colo- niaI days .being laid in the year 1781. The members who took parts %vere so. well cast, and looked verv lovely in costumes of. that period.. Th eiîr parts were charniingly done, owing to the clever direction of NIrs, Heniry G.Zander, Jr. Scene of Play The stage setting, %vhich caused a murmur of admiration through th audience when the curtain was dravn. was execuited by )vrs. Harry -.Nons. chaàirntian uof properties. and lier coin- mittee., The scefle - was the ..sittinig roonm of Wynnewood, thé. plantation of Nathaùiel WVvnne. a,'. few. miles tromn Willianîislburg, Va., Mrs. Alfred Mc[>ougai, as Mrs. \Vyîine, a. graci- otns and distingtiish.eed hostess. is having a tea party in honor of Lad% EAXF 4777' New Yorl, Cty, and nepJiew of Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Fogg of 818 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, will be married Thursday afternoori, March 3, to Miss Helen Vérraîl of Evanston. The ceremony will take place at 4 o'clock' in' the thapel of the First, Congregatioiial ,church,, Evanston. Mrs. Barker, who came -on, for her son's wedding,: will spend the month. of March with her sister, Mrs Fo gg. The, service will be read before only the inimediate fatûjiies and a few close friends. ROT twt >Iayers of Ptubyette Cuitard Uce Creain PATRONIZE,'OUR SiONLMAR 13IING ARKAI4SAS I ~ AD VER TISERS e 4mercds 9?kaftk Pesor 1 (ý lý\-,