e ATypica Wieboldt Value. For Th rifty Peo pie Thursday -Friday -Saturday Put on -by Expert Workmen c, For Both Add months of wear to you[ old comfortable' shoes by taking ad vantage of this modern Wieboldt* service! First quality pak haif soles and rubber beels used on'ail repair. work. 69c :for both! Wfieboldt's ,>Baserent-Evanston ~AIIVt~ The FIRST STEP'in producing yOUr printg M)fen you.may be puzzled about the proper tneiltîodi of approacbing your prospects and Customers 'througli .printed advertising. How? Whien? Where? And1 Who'. may prove questions to you, and becatise of lack oif experience you find them dificuit to aflswer. To help vou with such questions our Creatuv'é v aeoryai ~iringm j at C'urtiss A ir pot Tlime iei iv er Idlic u hit »y A îe -8ten phîe ikrs>' elîg(mues îlt Ilic 11er mur .ailtical 1)pl rcla ul at Cu rtîss airport iuîcur corporwation ut Brnguî hh 1&vevrunl.is thI l>eused un reienlv iae hgllv ueessu i t a air hile whl (,Il wll carry, pas- figlîts ut 8kv 1lia rl>or airpor 1t, wseners roï:îIlle imai1nIand of îtpper Isi -e Roale. Aeic' desrtye( I fie iituefator a tewest national parki beginining Barrington laIst '.veek. t )e of: thei abolitPinle 1. niavNigationii lighits hurst into flamies,. '['lie l>big amphilîintwiînotored anid ie sllip Nvas .(lamiaged beyond i) vlonrt bew nPrae repair heîore thie*.fire could. bc ex-ILkaîdhe ewui pnsuat * . 1 - 1Isle, Royale. The uîewc\ air ini', tillginislle(l. .Work alireadv bias.beenwîc vl > tufrt'nuprMch * started un a Iîuw plane to replace igan, is to «bliekiown -as t4e Royal thé on uî >ruîed. "l'ie 1 lerren i - Air liîw.. I ts manager, C. Hlarold pan uxeet t hae ficnewshi j\Vescoat, lias' estallslîed tenîporary *coiiipleted in, lime for the big air- îch~atr tIlnok ih )es id e soperatiii. ltween the plane show ut Detroit iii April. he; né,i ainiland ami.I -le, Royale, the big ti'erplanie. vhich weigied less thiak sluip. w.hicli cati carry eîghit pas- li vu lit.îîdre(l poinids ellPty, vus 1st-igers I> i i s t v o îpilots, Nvill tîîl nî<er the supervision ot Maj. aIs. *be av.ai table for lparties wishing R. \N.,Sclrueder of 8kyv Ilarbi w. to gon îfi shing -or canî.n rp i - mIillerî (ainada. 8Spicial trips, ýviIl * ut-("ro Arrives at b iaI ncatrh n;:[lk Pak-Waukee From -East i exjorîmnadhsig A i>tcai, 1 t-gr >lo. ~ Make Forced I aildinig 011 Iinmv Fainîkuier, arrived al. Pal- Pllan LeTr-in to e ok \Valikce airport, on MilWauke ave- 1 ~~ew ir nnc onîl of \\'hieeliing. Iast Friday Joseph \V. Êrooks and luis wiîe, înlorni,îng. 1I'lie si ' ilvas lbrouglit h M rs. Alicia il>tterson Blrook S, daugli- fronut ile Plitarin factorv ah :\iI- 1ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Pal- Iow (irov e, Pa., a siiburb ýof Philadcl- tersoti of New Vork ýanid Cao 111,for (h i 11r t ra tltinpuirposes,,. who, teft Sky' 1Harbor air'port. xwest 'hi, to fGlence lat \eck on tlri e- grot1p \V110 atchied the arrivai l q, i,>ced landing m N ew York stateý. the atiho-giro ut Patl-\ Waukee \vas I r. Brooks \va.s ntot hu lrt, but bIsý Waynie Kýing, Ille orchestra leader. wife suffered a kneie injury, accord- King hipîecle to 1w at Pal-Waiikee g to information receiveli ut 8kv. Friday ta kinig a fevv hopls it 1 lis 1Hà1rbor followý-iing the acc'ien. e Stearmiaiiplane,. whicIi he keeps at -oupILewere fliig ews ii thcir Bel- the airport. îanca Skv-rocket." ISpoù;rtsman Pilot Hurt in Springfield, Man, Flies Crash at Curtiss, Field Here on Business Tnip Fred Baàrlow of Oak Park, sports- George SrnitIi lhead of tlle ;~ ianl pilot, was injured, last $atuir- Smitlî coiiilaii\,v of Spriilgiield, Ill., 3day afernon, l1, 1n1an attentii)l- Ieýv froin Itle capital (,I\,t v bPal- cd landîng at aris ir)ort near Waikee airport solntIl of WVlîclin-g G leniew e cracked .111) onle of the lasýt Thîuirsda v. lie caille to Cîcg planes l>bulongiîîg ho the airport. Thu.jon;isilss.Ir. Snulitlhrutuirned lut accident happeuîed about 4, o'clock. ingiedthe followiîîg day. A fog closed litil on-!3arlow suddenlIy v- _____ 1232 CENTRAI, AVE. WILMETTE nTe North Shore 's Mlost, Complète Printing Plant" ARMY PLANE ARRIVES A United States Any*.hpfroîn Chiantute field, Rantotîl, MI., stopped at Curtiss -airport iear Glenview la.t week.,The. plane vas lheinig t.sed on a photograplîing. job. ai ~utirLis tieid. AIvrs. rotter uc- coifIaIuied imui. STOPS AT CURTISS George Turner, a representative of. the Texaco Petroleumn coinp an. clropped in at Curtiss field, Glenview, Ias wekend in his Waco pflane. i --"À4