Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Mar 1932, p. 40

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Rats-"cents a lioln one paper. 25 cents a.nlnl any two papers. 30 centsa.a Une lu ail three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE ONE DOLLAIL Average of Oive wor'du. W the line. . No black face type used 10% dissont on ail cash with order advertiseuents whefl brought to OUF *1m.. at, 1839 CentralAve., Wflmette, or 641 Lineolu .Ive., Wiuetk6.. Deadlsne for, Inserto scepted up to Tuesday 9 P.> M. for WIa.METTE LIPE' or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P. M.. for. WINNETKA TALK and Thursday 5 P. M. for QLENCOE NEWS. Telephonies: Wilmette 43Ô0, Wlxnnetka 2000,. Greenleaf 4300,or ShOidrake 5887. a LOUT & FOUND LOSTýMONDAY'NIGHT NEAR, NEW Trier,, w.hitegold, Heibros niake '*Jean. DeRevere" engraved on case. Wiinîette 2214. 2LTN44-ltc GOLD & PLATrINUM DIAM2%OND-S.ET bar pin lost. Sunday on N. S. train or on Center St. Reward. 'Wlnn. 99q. 2LTrN44-Itic S ANTIQUES 2 PAIRS WOVEN WHITE CURTAINS, 'Imported froni Sweden, haid nmade, beautlfut design, patternt over 100 years old. Cash $200. Bittersweet 0267. ~5LTN44-Itp .9 @U*INEUS SENVICE ATTENTION BUSINESS ýMEN Let an experlenced stenographer. who wlll cail for and' deliver 3-our, woirk, do it for you at her home. Good work guaranteed. Price to suit. Ph, Green- leaf 1314. 9LTN44-Itp A-1 PART TIME AUDITS, BOOKS kept, finamcial statemients,, reason- -able. R. S. Bickford. Ph. Winn. 3443. 9LT44-ltp) Ail Kînds. of Carpenter Work Doue. JOHN BOESCH Ph. Wlmette 2165 9LTN35-tfc HOME MADE -ANGEL FOOD CAKE,. baked to order, large. size $1.00. Sun- ý shine cake '70e. Ph. Wilniette 340-4. 9L43 tfe WILL MAKE NEW DRESSES. IN order to keep my work 'room busy durhmg depression. Claire Modiste, Wlnnetlca 147. ' 1.LTN41-tfc COLLETTE SOEURS-DRESSMAKERS Remodeling, alterlng. Aiso cuttlng, fit- tlpg and baptlug service. Win. 1011. 11tTN44-ltp SI-RING IS JUST AROUND THE COR- ner, let me heip yoiu witli your .sew- lng. Rates very reasonabie. Ph. SEWINOG. CURTAINS, SLIP CQVERS, alterlng, repalring. Ballet costumer~s. iReàsonable prices. Ph. Wilmnette' 3925. '1LTN4 4 Ip" lng, 'and all klnds of' sewitg at rny homie., Tel. Winnetka 1167.. 14 14R-1tc G If you Were not >tstï~fed w'th your 1lndsoap~e gardener 1ast'n, why Tibies of four, 50 cents each. Best of- references. Ph. Wiinîette .1041. as PlETS 30 REPAtRINC SREFINISHINS YOUR FURNITURE. REWEBBING dav, $5 up, chair $3.50 up. Recoverixig cheap. 6: diners with covers $8.00. Slipcovers to order. Write A-83, Box 40, Wilnîette, Illinois.', 30LTXi4-2tp ý32 TYPEiwRlitERe FOUZ SALE- ROYAL TYPEWRITER, -eygood condition, $20. , Wii. 4140.. 32LTN44-ltc 33 ON LOANS TO PROPflRTY OWNERS. Make and buy lst and 2nd mortgages. EVANSTON BOND & MTG. CO. 618 Grove St., Greenleaf 5600 38LTN35-tfe 917 UI.WANTED-FEMALE EXPERIENCED HELP No charge to employer. Efficient service for the No. Shore homnes.:' We lnvestigate references. PAULINES EMP. AGENCIES 5 Suburban Oflices 748 Eu ' Wlnnetka~ 2662 41LTN36-tfc W'ASHING AN'D IRONING BY AN EX- perienced Gerniaxi iaundress, to do at home. Wli cal! 'for and deliver. Speclal attention to silks and woolens.' Rteasonable. Ph.' Wilniiette' 3839. 41LTN4.1-Ine' 2 EXPER. GERIMAN GIRLS. WANT woi'k by day or hour, washing, iron- ing, cleanfig, sel-ving, sewing, tak- ing care of children., Wlnretka 1921. 41LTN44-ltp E-XPeFR. GERmAN 'GIRL WISHES po)sition a.4çchanîibertiaid, second maid or nu rse. 'N. . ref. Phi.-Winn. 3238. 41LTN44-ltp W-HITE LAUNDRESS WA-%NTS WAS- Ing to do at home. Best references. MVili cal! for *-and deliver. Phone WOMAN, GOOD LA~ onir.also .quick Phi. 'Wimette 411 ~ESS good' 4-lnç %voma5'VInis genera nugewors.or cooklng. Ph. Wiimette 1080. 41LTN44-liic EXPER. LAUNDRESS WANTS -%NORIK for -Monday. and Tuesdav. Good -N., S. 41LTN44-ltl? VERY EXPER. COLORED 'MAID' desires p)lace as general hotusýe.%ork. Verv neat. Ph. Wilme tte 3621. 41Lt.N44-1ne ("OMPETENT COLORED GIRL EX- per. in ,cdSoking- and housework-, de- sires. good 'place.' Ph. University 2684. ask for Geneva. 41LTN44-ltp SOHOOL GIRL WVISHES. TO TAKE care, of chiidren, after sehool. eve- nings , Sat. and Sun. Reasonable. Ph. IVilnmette 4S61.'- 41LTN144-1lnc FXPERIENCEDWHITE LAUNDRESS. wants day work or, iaundry at- home. N. S. ref. Ph.' Wiimette 4411. 41LTN44-litc. MA.ID,, ýHOUSEKEEPER 'OR O. Experlenced. Aduits. NorthShiot-e refs. Ph. Dorchester, 4628. 41LTN44-ltp EXPER. COOK WANTS 'POSITION 'Y' the week, or getting Up dinners. N. S. 'ref. Deerfield 501. 41LTN"ý44-2tp) EXPER. GIRL WISHES SERIO N. S. ref. Ph. Willmette 4-1-U. 41LTN41-lnc WANED-ORKBY THE 1HOUR OR daty. '%aý,hing, ironing, cleaning' or serving. Wilmette,189. '41LTN44-lnc WEST ININ GIRL, COLORED, seeks day w-ork. rxperienced. Tel. Davis 7550. 41LTN44-ltp 42 SITUATION WANTED-MALE 3y 'GERM~AN GARDENER, 33' YRS.' of age, married, one child, flrst' class reference. Wife is willing to help in the house, if wanted. 'Care of L. C. Schroeder, ,Apt. 203, 733 Eli St., Win- 'netka, I11. ,42LTN43-2tp t-»'XPERZ. FI-LIPINO ' ANTS, WORK i apriyate family as cook, chauf- feur, housemnan, butier,' or anv kind (if odd ,work., N. S. 'ef. Phone 17ni- v-ersity 0401." 42LTN44-ltp YOUNG ERA MAX, EXPERT ohauffeur ind pilot,' wants dri ving or tiling' Cali Mr. Schillier, ll'inn. 2468. 42LTN44-lnc1 EXPERIENCED . WHIT' CHAUF-J 42LTN44-liie EXP. AND RELIABLE MAN WANTS rhousework or odd jobs of any kind; also gardening. Ref. Ph. Wl!. 3166. 42LTN44-lnc WHITE CHAUPPEUR, HOUSEMAN, gardener. Oood N. $. refs. Tel. Win- nietki -1S6.. 42LT-N44-1tp clanss cook and housewôrk. Best týub- ur-ban and cit:y ref. Phone University 5S25. 43LTN44-lt») WH-FITE COUPLE, SEVERAL YRS.', North Shore ref., experienced in al donmeztic work. Winnetka 2662. 43LI12N44-ltc 44 HELP WANTED-FEMALE 'WHITE GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK rnd c 4re of child. S5mai! homne. Must I)e able tqo do plain cooking. Go home piights,. Ph. Wiimette 5023. 44LT.N44-1tc WANT CENERAL MAID, MUST-BE 91)(d iook, under 35 yr.,. family 'two. aduits, two ehiidren. Ref. rtequired. $15 e. Winnetkia 2662. 44LT.N4 l-ltc WANT (C0-%PETENT M.NAID FOR cO<)kiIIg' and first- floor.. Famuly of. ftikur. 'Wages $15 'week, Winn. 2662. 44 LTN44-litc EXPER WR%ýIITE' GIRL, UNDER 30, for general housework. Good ref. Ire- qiuireci. Spniall house, 1 child. Phone. Glenoe 17S.44LTIN44-lte GIRL FOU GENERAL, FAMILY 0F 2. Must have good ref. Phi.' Win. 2662, 44LTN44-ltc WHJTE M-AID1 FOR GE NERAL HOUSE- %,vork, niust like c:hildren. Phi. Glen- ('o 1570. 44LTN44-itc WUITE GIRL, GENERAL, HOUSE- w-ork, three aduits., Ph. Kenilworth ,27 9 4. 441,TN44-ltc. 46 HELP WANTED-MALE 1YOUNG NfAN LIVING ON NORTH Shore,- with acquaintanceship, de- ,sirows of lea-ning~ how to seil auto- mo(biles. -Muzt have own transprorta- 'tion, Here is an opportunity that is realiy worth while. Menieiber, we :aiI start at one time. Apply North Shore hevr-olet, wilinette, 111.' 45LTN44-lte A 'IIAO ORPORATION DESIRES the servivoes of aene on the North Shore. Write A-153l, Box 41), Wilmette. IlliriiN. 4LTN44-ltýp 46-HELP WTD.-MALE AND FE MALE WA-NT EXPER. WHITE. COUPLE U.nder 40 yrs, 'Pf age. Must furnish gond ref. Wages $100 monith. Pauline's, Wint)et'ka 2662. . 46LTN44-ltec PERSONAL USERVICEf L.uifo'.tiOi'**. M"ose to transpc tion. AlIsof)gar able. Phone W .L1,igo) o a Sfor rent reasoný- etka 844. 51LTN44-Itp LARGE FRONT RMv.. NICELY' FURi- hished. elose to transp. in- Uubbard Wood-;. Ladies preferred. 905 Linden Ave.51T4-p t FOR SALE - FRENCHI BULL PLTP, 8 weeks old.. Male. Perfect heatth. IPedlgreed. Phone Wlnnietka '1998. , I 26LTN 4Ip EXPER. WHITE WOMAI.%N WANTS day work. WiII do cieaning, washing, irnning or care, for children. Ph. Wýlli- llmette 394i.4LT 4-n 'i' - ------------

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