We Alemnite your chassis with genuine -\leiiiite'Greases throughout using the propeÉ grade off grease for your water puinp, Universal Joints, wheel bearings, f ree wheeling unit and wherever special grease should be used, at nio added cost. Oursevie asoinlues flushing of battery, tires infaedt poe pressure and windows eleaned, with each lubricati on ser.i ce. Gvusatrial and. be eonvinced that our pîe con siïderi ng what we give are cheaper. WE CARRY A COMPLÈTE STOCK 0F GOODYEAR: TIRES & TUBES Wilaette BDattery,&EecreService 7il40 Twelft.hStireet ' Phone, Wilniette 691-696 DON'T GAMBLE: WITH'COAL! There are many grades of coal. T17%o lumps ,%hieli look. alike m uy be, quite different in quality, in heat'units 1w i the quantity.of s'iiok'e> and ash they produce.' These differences -corn]'e out only ini the b.urning. Why jamble Nven you huy coal?- It i so easy to be sure. Consuiners Coal ks boughit on a rigid test basis and every tion ,is sold with anl unconditional guaran tee of high quality, hionest ,,eight aud custoiner satisfaction. IT MIUST S ATIS FY YOU OR WLE {EM OVE IT AND) REFUNI)YOUR NIONEY. You>taike no..chances when you buy GLRN ED ) O. GUARANTEED ÇOAL FUEL QIL SOLVAY',COKE DELV ER Y Y AR DS @psumrs Company. A LL OVE R TH E. NOR TH 's WILMETTE 1300, WINNETKA.3385 GLENCOE 75 S H 0 RiE D 1S-TRIC T ~~J9 UMR~ a~~vg JOJ ~ POLE 03 Ag1 14 I y,, ..ýj l-