ilF TuniES.,FUI.9 SAT. atsd MON. SPcAL Amevloan Fainlly Flakes1pie 39e irea-io........ 1-lb. iâ 890 C igt CH 49enlse PieCane la 10-4b. Bagm4 FresS 3 doz. 690 OlIves-Old Monk Qaeen..'. pint jar 2,50 Dresàsiug-S. P. K. .2 botles 390 BuomerWaters pkg 390 p"M1ru lb 490 Choeolat. Miats llittyls 1 450 Iows .canipire 11. p 19 or Diano....... can 190e le d>' <ot@. 980 *vg Beer.doz. bot. $1,25 bMATS J~eef Tbe Very Flnest RoIIed or Standlng 270 ......... lb. 35 0 UAJ M - 1.1 dmà% Ilrý Mrs. Ickes bas provided a program that will be of unusual interest to the citizenis of New Trier township, it is statecl. David E. Shanaban, Speaker of the House of Representatives, will address a New Trier audience for the first time. Roger IF. Little of. Chain- paign, Republican. floor leader, wýill represent the down state members of the legisiature.' Eluier J. Schnacken- berg, a member of the., General Asseni- bly f rom ithe .Thirteenith distrýict, How- ard .P. Castle, former, Representative frorn the Sev enth district, and Mrs. B. F. Langworthy of Wiinetka,. are other speakers who have agreed to be present., Gen. Abel Davýis of Glencoe, a f or- mer Member. of the legislat urè and now head of, the Chicago Titlé and Trust corp any, will discuss the tax situation from the point of view of bis wide ex- perience with real estate- matters ini Cook county. Judge Charles M. Thom-I son of Wînnetka will. presidie. Kenilworth Girl Will Study, Travel Abroad Miss Helen Southward, 306 Oxford1 road, Kenilworth, landed in Gibraltar last Monday, and froni there will visit, a number of the southern Spanishi cities, including Roma, Seville, Gran- ada. and Madrid. She will mieet several professors f rom the University tof Madrid, who wilI aid her in ther preparation of her Master's thesis, work for which she bas been taking at North- western university. i Froni Madrid, Miss Southward. whoa is heing accompanieci by Mrs. Edwins C. Barnes, formerlyt of Kenilwortb, and, Miss Claire Bordman of Boston, willP motor through Italy. later sailing f rom Naples to Nice, and going f rom there k' motor through the French and thef Swviss Alps to Geneva. After a vîsîtb ni Paris and London ýMrs. Barne and, Miss Bordinan ill retuirn to the United States and Miss Southward W«ill do t furtlier study 'at the Unýriversitv of P Barcelona. Mrs. Arthur B. Aclair ent'.rtaiinpr lie~r, . .. .......... .. ... ew Ptatoes ..................6 bs. iad Lttuce............. 2 for, .............................. ecki Baker Eddy and ail other authorized be read, borrowed or purchased at the -THE! PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE = CHURCH SERVICES.,AND VISIT THE! RBADING ROOM I I oe' ik rM as..p.9 MWb ance at its next regular montlvr meeting Monday niglit, March 7, when Lieut. Nelson E.. Hewitt of the United States Naval reserve will. speak on the subject, "How Coni- munism Operates." Lieutenant Hewittbas bee>n 'a stu- dent of radical and $ubversive activi-m tics, for the past fourteen years, dur- îng wh 'ich >time he bas collected, data and, documentary evidence. on the subject., As statistician of the American Vfigilant Intelligence led-- eration, anon-profit, patriotic Illinois corporation, lie: is custodian of ý%vîhat is said to be the most. complete and authentic library on the radical ques- tion ithe United States. Specialàvesti*gator During 1929 and, 1930 Lieutenant, Hewitt was a special investigator of the, city prosecutô,r's office in. Chi- c a, working in. cooperation with, theg industrial ýsquad of the police de-ý partme.nt on communism. Lieutenant Hewitt is one of theý a uthorities on'the com*nunist niove- nment in the United States and has lectured extensively on the subject. The American Vigilant Intelligence Federation, Inc., of wbich he is one of the incorporators and directors, was founided in 1927 for the specific purpose of enlighting the Americaii public as to the subile and insidions operations of un-American ,forces seeking to undermine our goveri i- ment and social order. Writoe on Communism Besides being a widely known lecturer, Lieutenant Lfewitt is the author of numerous articles on the subjects of communisn,.- socialisin, pacifism. and internationalism. and is the editor of the official, publication of the American Vigilant, Intelligence federation, the "'.Itemns .of, Interest*' bulletin. 'The Chaniber ofCommercë-e, meet- ing. at which .Lieutenant Hewi ,tt is ta. speak. wiIl be held at1 the usuial, place., the Wilmettýe Masoni 1c tet-pli-. 10.10 Central avenue,,-at- 8 o'clock Mfrs. John A. Coiry, 1518 Asbury ave- nue. Winnetka. had bier grandmother, M4rs. B3elle Welling, of Cicago, as her .uest last week. To