SiIk,. Und ies "On'the Bias" No on. could wear a new Éas- ter frock witbout some of these exquiste bts of lingerie as a. foundation. Slips ch.- mse, sonis.stpins. end Ance sets of0pstel sitk crepei rly Iace-trinmmo o afrd Gart er Bitsr Sizes 6 to 16 at I 4e~ $ DoPuble Seat and Knee Plus-Four Knickers Smart n.w tweeds and aIl- wool ch.vîots, ýnoted for dura- bility and excellent appoar-. a nc*.. Pocket stays prêv.nt. sagging. Rayon serge iings, worst.d cuifs and reinforce- monts rnak. t69m equal to any $15 st vailabl Boys' Topcoats $4.95 Brown, grey and tan fabrics in stylés. bocoming to youngsters of"IO years. A wide assort- ment 'of coats in -the favored. tweeds and cheviots. MATCHING. SHORTS, $1.95 MATCHING CAPS, SI- BoQys' Sa p-Secoitd Floor Sh irts With TRIM-TURN Distinction Ail Shoes Fit ted, B y X -Ray, $50 Ther. isn't a Sprîng fashion which isn't here, repre- sentedi Sandals, pumps, ox- fords and straps . . . high- beet.d or medium . .'.i blackc. bIùe, b09.e, brown leathers. Shoes for daytime and dress wear, tool First Ploor, PEast',Roopî Phoenix ,Presents Sheer Chiffons Full-Fashioned With Picot Tops Second Floor, West Room First ;Floor WJEOLD'S EANSTýON Wilmett. ,1100 On Dais SreetWhen You Orderby 'Phone, Ask for "lShopping Service" 'On DàvisStreet 95