of 1 1 m- - %P-t L y LJV- %,.-e of Scouting Parle y A special Region Seveni University A capacity crcowd finledwthe Howard Aclauito rum to ee the Honuad in Rockford, on April 2 and 3, under schol udtor-umtoseeîhconurt f the auspices of the Blackhawk Area Boy Scout exhibition and, council1for ail scout leaders .ini the honor Saturday night, March 19.. In nrhr ato lios ti x the halls pfrthefsIllonowereIdisplexe the hanlshobbte s, po esaoted pected that .several scout leaders will theman hobie,,proect an otéeattend f rom the North Shore Area accomplishments of Cubs, Boy Scouts council, to .bring back ideas, for 'the and Sea Scouts of Winmette.loaUnvriyofSutng H. C. Toeppen, chairman of t h eloaUneriy fSctig Wilmette district, was chairma1n. of Several leaders from -thé. national the meeting, with 'S. Van Iîn agen council will be present, including Dr. assisting by p resenting the 'Boy. H., W. Hurt, editor of the Boy Scout Scout and Sea Scout awards. A. L. Handbook and director. of research Garniss, district1 Cub chairman, pre- for Boy :Scouts of America;ý Gunnar sented -the Cub awards. H. Berg, national director of volun- TWebig feature of the evening.was teer* training -, Walte.r M. Kipinger. the awarding of the Eagle Scout rank. Region Seven !Sc out executive, and the highest in, scouting, to William O0. H. Benson, director of rural scout- Bo*wen of -thé Presbyterian Troop 5. îng.- -Applications and registrations His parent s, -Mr,. and Mrm- B C* shiould bermade througih the North Bowncae--o-heplatform 'to pre- Shore Area Counceil, headquartcrs in sent the badge as "Bill" steppeil out H'ighrtlatid Park. inu front of bis t1hirty well-uniformed troop associates. He was proud of SAVE SUNDAY, APRIL 3! *Troop 5, alid Trcopi 5 wN as .rouid of Every north shore scout and bis-, imii and his, parents. The boys. and father sliotild save Sundav afternooii, leaders of Troop- 5 have la tradition April 3, fromn 4 to 6 o'clock, for the that everyone be ini correct uniifornui. 'Annual, Camip reunion to he h.eld ai T h ey certainly created favorable the Cabin-in-th1e-Woods. ýA -fine pro- comment by the splendid shOWi11g gram has been platined -by the Order Saturday. The credit goes to their Of thje Arrow- and everyoe is, as- scoutmaster, Lincoln C. Torrey. sured a great limne. CamipNMa-Ka- SMay Awards Are Made Ja-WVan will be the big fetuire of d'ie Followiug are listed the ni aun v day. Whetlher voit have been there awards the boys were presented:- or not, the prograin is so arranged Troop 1-T'endeî:foot: Aibel-t(raî that you are 'hotiid to liave agood and Frank Koenen; scn class: M'i- _ liani Kuepper. George -Selhwail, andi me, it is eniphiasizecd. Plan b lie Dick Wernecke: irtc Ml: rdntliere! Sehuber, Stanley Cochran, and Bil ____- -, Blair; life scout: Jarvis Blrown atnd Vernon Brown; nierit badges: Biily l.i- 'hc,,and 1F. I second Blair. reptile study; .Jarvis Brown, ilass -Chatrtes ifIley, .[oh, McConneli, 'eectrieitv. autoniobIiing, atietieýs, life 'inîiie Gotigh,.I Jîm Linbi, and Charles saving; Edtvard Andrews, automjobîiijg,_ lMîlllhouser; Pl,$( édass: Bill lBeehe, Ed- electrnicit3,, woodworkýing; Stanley 9'oc-h- win imahie. AshtnTayl"r. and wîlliali- iapersonal heal1th, carpentrY, handi- Katz: star' scout: Dick Toirtey,:.Io(-kee craft; Wayne Cochran, -person'ai hleaith, ltogere, and 1todger Venekiseri; lif .e handlcraft, carpentry,. mnetal work; srot: 'Rodger Veniekiasen and Fred Bllly Grinnell, -personal -health, first aid;, Popper; miert.badgem: Wil liamn Beehe, .Wiiagm Inepper, carpentry; john swinir.ig, firemnansh-ip: Bill Bowen,,life Pearson, autom-obiling,, electrnicity,: priât- ýîr0ng, reading; -Gral, l nBiurke, lîfe, Ing, bookbinding; Philip Sanuelson, saving; Ted Hiosking, flrst aid t' 9winiing, athletics, miusice. cooking; animials; Bill Katz, slgnaling: Edwviî George Schwail, personal hieaith, car'- Mahie, firemnanship; fiickNIUi( 'ollneil, pentry; Gordon Schuber, swi.mmling, handieraft,. 1 net F ~re'd lPnnnl.r IDuring Weekly Meeting March Il. George Bersch ope.ned the meeting with tbe scou t ôath.,and law., They had an inspection of the troop. Gdeorge made a few aninouncements and the best of al was that w'e woulç be able to meet in -the parish bouse instead of the club bouse. The'dîffer- ent patrols had their meetings. Then we had 'an O'Grady drill.1The Beav.et- patrol led the game with' three mien left in the, contest.. George. Bersch then.called the Pa- trois. into formation. and they 'sang. H-le told. us, that we had the last stun1t of the evening aithde, hobbyN show.. They closed the nieect iii-g with the scoutmlaster's.beneditionl.- H-omer Stocks. Troop 4, Wilm.ette. N. S. Examiners WiIl Bc Reviewed 'on Eriday, Apr. 1 The Life Saving examiners of the .North Shore Area council will be re- viewed by tbe American Red Cross in an. annual meeting, held for- this purpose o n Frid.ay, April 1, iii Cli- cago. Several leaders from theý coutncil, who are 'examiners hav e served in Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan and at t h .e weekly swimming classes at the Deer- field Shields High school as instruc- tors and examiners for * ife Saving work. As a resuit many boys hiave,. l)ee n traiîîed in life saving in order thiat they may ."be prepýared." Leaders going for review are Fi- ton Hopkins,asitt scoutmnaste.r tif 'lroop 52, Deerfield; Frank Wich- mani, - t.,assistant scoutmnaster Troop Council A nnouncrng 3.3. Highl-anid Park . John B e tfa k. More.Registrations sIProClii'BlcNoe"Gn The las't week has brouight ail ad- st ont executive. dition 'to the list of registrations for-__________ new- scouts and scouters (aduhlt ead-Cad aeCe m nyI ers) lili thc North Shore Area cou n- addt ee oyi cil, which welcomes 'these, boys, and Feature of Troop Meetý leaders and wisheës tlîe%.ev sc-e îk1 eetimi ce~si scoting: i rvSUC- Troop 5 lhad ra v, e I Cess MScoutig: 'Ilhursda3-, Mar c h 17. ,Instead oi \Vilnette-Troop : Albert l'ouis H-oward Bandy and Fred RobinsOln C r a il e: Troop 8: ML. Her4>rholz Fred Popper took'c Ih a r g c" of the, reg-isteriug lTroop 10 : l.owell Peter- pIigerces*T.vado n- Son. standing event vvhichi was a candidate Ravinia-Troo> 35: Robert ThOwa c re n nv. E i1 g hl t nlew tend(enfoot Ro bin Gourlev,. Arthur Ilotffman i scouts took part in it. It lasted abot transferning froin Pack 65. twenty minutes. Mr. Torrey, a s,; l>t- *Higl land Park-Tro, 30: F r e d ant scoutmnaster, announced Iin irbdit * Hodgdloi, re-registering; P a ck 8(>:1 of the troop that they Iliad. a lie,,George Ralph,. M\filan Cobblle a n d ,eagle scout %v'ho ,vas Bill] Bolwen. Frank S. \Vichnian, w~ho is re-regis- Thi, vas a resuIt.of our board of re- te-ring. iview Monday nighit. Mardi 14. 8ev- :11ake Forest-Troop ,48: Wlrneral otherspassed ,nienit 'badges. lTus euin agl e- scout, B ill Boiw-en, makes thc )eerfielI-Pacýk88, Tiîîîothv 1111-1secondt one inour troop,;-Bil.l H1art., grue.\\,ilhmette district a.Ssistaîl editor. 'Guninar H. Berg to Be 'Patrol 3 Is Winner of Special Taiker April 4 .Troop'8 First Aid Tilt GunrH. Berg, national director .Last Thursda-v, Troop 8 lheld an of volumteer training, Bov Scouits of uter-patrol contest. Eachi patrol had Aniènica, lias schied.uled lus tniP roin to tie three bandages: the foot band- XL-w York' to i*ncluthe t1 ~N or t Il age, the lung and the Ibead haidakt< r and rfood guage. CUBS WORHENS O Il« ViReAve. au 8WlIbn Sup- ~ have sometIhing, at the hobby show.- TERS Charles M cCandlish, Pack 63. TS WORD PROM HONOLULU s Store SotJc ilas h ted( ette Ave. Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. in its Pioneer il year, 1929, wnites from bis new home, I equ'pmnent. in Honolulu to tell. of the twentY- second annual Boy Scout rally calleci N4akahiki. He is still very interested n coîig ndsnds.bis best wishes to ail! scouts-in the co-uncil.