appearance with the symphonyàherèt Ail played by Sir TIhomas Beechami thotugh in the past' three séasons he and Phil'harmonie Orchestra. lias played with many of the coun-- Beethoven-Sonata in D minor try's leading orchestras. Milstein was (Op. 31 No. 2) by Walter Gieseking. born ini 1904, and is a pupil of Stoliar- IBrahms-EDouble Concerto for Vio ski and Auer-, be first toured, Russia lin and .'Cello-by Thibaud. and ýCa- with Vladimir HoroWitz and bis.sis- sais. ter. Regina, but later escaped the Mozart-Coùcerto in D lA-by vigilance' of the Gay-Pay-oo and Jaques Thibaud. lanided ini Berlin. ic ha iehe popoular music lias tQtred ail over Europead oth ýKiss MeGodihadIDoV America- and Inost of North America :Suppose-by Býen Bernie. witli outstanding success.j Just Friends-Sunig by-Art Jarrett. --\r.' Stock scheduled.the soloist to XVas that the Human.Thinig to do play Goldmark's 'Concerto for violin! b Bosw:ell Sisters. inclui'des Schumnann's Overture to 1 (Camanito and Carinio Gaucho- 'Mnfred"' and Brahmfs' Symphony, New Tangos. in A Minor; b is programi further The Banid Wagon-Al temi No. 3 ini F. major.. f r-m-tlie show on the new Victor The Good Friday prograni of the long play-ing record, lw the, saine orchestra,, to b pae hrdvpincipals. nlight and Friday afternoon, conisists __________________________ of Excerpts,.- Acts 1 and III , front I Xagers Parsifal"; de Sabta's Contemiplative Poem, "Gethlsemna-- SowerhV's -MedievaI Poem" for Or-I gan' and Orchestra. and Brahmis'! Symphi)lonv -No. 2 iMi1D major. National Headquarters j Opened in. Chicago Sigma Alpha Iota, -oldest musical1 fraternity for %voien in the United taes, ai an executive meigr- cently, voted to:remiove its natioa headquarters from i thaca, N. Y., to the Allerton hotel ini Chicago, ac-ý cording to officia] annouincemient made by Mrs. Mae Sainders of Chii- * cago, second national v ice-president of the .organiiation. The, fraternity Nvhich Nvas founidedl ini 1903, hias a mnembership of appro.x- imately 7,000, inc.luding such internia- . tionally-kniown artists as Galli Curci.ý L.ouise Homer, Rosa Raisa,Mael Semfbrich, Boni, Jeritza and other,.1 it mainta~inscapters in 65'mria colleges, and universities, and bas charge of: the famous Peterboro coil ony in N ew: Hamipshire which Was.l founded by 'Mrs. Edward McDowell,. wife of the composer as a retreat for! artists, singers, witers and mutsiciaiis wvhQ wish to do creative Nvork E RL Republican Candidat e for Covernor Roberf Isham Rendolph Thomas O. 'Wallace Rush.Butier COMMUNITY HOUSE,'WINNETKA, 8 P. M. TUESDAY, MARCH 29t1i Dine Ton'glh in our t1jJan. In addition to this , atorio there will be five descriptive tableaux given1 in colorful, costumes ýand with unique iigbting effects. The concert is' being * ietdby Merrill Dunlop, director ofmusic at the tabernacle. The tabernacle, which is locatda 3100 North- Clark street, basý a seating capacity'of about, 5,000i.- Telephone Gr ""Where eve y meal ia Denleaf 3300 a pleasant me moryg" Moue