burn of the 1Buena Memnorial Pres- 1 înnetka and Sue Carpenter ôf-Ke- bvterian church, and will be .followed 1l1rt, asopIsoMis ade, by a small receptiôn. Miss Raverntos Nvill orn oe on the samne train. -wilI have as lier attendants, lier sis- John Robert Cochran1 Jr., returns a ter, Miss Jesivu Raventos. and Miss iveek later than bis sister, .and 'wilI Edith Tidenan of Wihnette. After have a twvo-we.ek recess frorn bis stu- a %vedding journev the bride and (lis t Yale. bridegroom wvîll make their home in Pozrs' Park,-îî~finso is oM ryi eiuot -\mong the navfinso \i, T .A ryi.eiwr, -Raventos %vlho have been entertaining 1 ié.h marriage of 'Miss Elizabeth for lier preceding lier marriag e.are Merrili.. daughiter. of -.\r. and Mrs. Airs.- Ravmiond B. S$igar"t of WVil- F .rederick G. Merrili of Evanstonl, to mette *an4d M\rs. -Katlierinie Poole of1 Robert G. Elv, is taking place, Sàtur- Chicago. w-ho both gave teas recentlv da-v evenna .3 ocok i h at th.eir respective homes, home nle f thie bridegroom's parents, Mir, andl Mrs. Frank G. Ely, 305 Ken-" Exjhà bitat FR o r RhbW ý ilVorth avenu te, Keiiilworthi. The The Xilmiette Garden club ,viI1 noti___________ hiave an April imeeting as the flower' show of the Garden Club of IllinoisIs Surprise Part y will begin Saturday, April 2'i and will adP ac,61Wsigo ,continue ilhrouglî April 9- 'Mrs. A. E.F Evd PwFa ,61Wsigo Cebert is chairman of the Wilmette avenue,w~as surprised at a dinner par- 'Cade, clb~sexhbît A ode maî-ty at his home on Mardi 16, by. six- tel lias been d(esigned and made by te fbi redmebr fbs' Mr.George Rodger. The mantel]j wis tcuan others. The occasion in :hades of green, silver, and black. celebrated "Mr. Fatch's bîrtiday whitch IMrs. Don \Vilev vwill have a tea tabl i was March 17. After dinner the arrangement, and Mrs. Roscoe Son- get lvdwit .flelorn. a living. roorn flowver arrange- lU ilt. ____________Hosts to OId School. FrIendS' POSTPONES MEETING Mr. 'and Mrs. LeRqy B1. Hatinond,, t.Franicis' hotischold, ' Order oA 427'Scott avenue,ý Winnietkaà, enter-' NIartlîa 11as., tioe its meeting tained- a group, of frieîids from Xil- froîn iarl 28. to Monday. April nette, Winnctka. anîd Eas at bridge' 11, wlicn Mrs, Frank Nëter, '114 last Fridlaýv eveing. Their'gess îr Ft'nttli street. xvill he hostess. j<I c o l friends. Qu ALI'TY 'AND SERVICE Aimer Coe glasses are made o'f the best materl'als, by artisans, and delivered ta you only after mi- ",cu vLAs. JJUVwmLa4îý urneon guests was ber houseguest, NIrs. Thomas E- Brittingham of Madison, \Vis., sister of, Miss Cumnuins. 1Mr. Hupful i S a graduate of the jUiversity Of Pennsylvania, and bis fiancée, a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, attended Northmrest- cru- university. last year.. No weddinig (late bias beeîî set. Play Reading Grou 1p Meeting Mrs. j. W. Behr, 1627 Forest: ave- nue; will entertain ber Play Reading group Friday 'afteriioon, March 25. Tbe' group is affiliated %vitIî the Evanston Celebrate.sBitthday Arthur 'Brereton,. Jr., 833 Chestnut avenue, wvas host at a dininer party for twelve f rieiids last .,aturday, the oc- casion being his twelfth birthday'. cale. Open Ho'use at Shawnee Open bouse will be held ail day at Shawnee Country club on Easter Sun- day. In the aiternoon there will be mnusic, and tea willi be 'served.' On Monday, Mlardi 28 ' the women me . r-, ber oftheclub wi11 have their reg- ular luncheon followed, by.progressive and 'auction bridge. On- Monday, ev- enixig' the -Sbawnee Sharks, will have a tankside dunner. To Entertain Circle Mrs. W. T. Fifer, 1500 Highland av 1enue,,will be hostess.to the North- west circle of the Congregational clhurch on Wednesday,ý March, 30. As- sistinig:bostesses will be Mrs. Boyne H. Platt and, Mrs. Roy E. Mcllratb. T 1 Îr 1»45 ORRINGTON PRECISION MAI AVE., EVANSTON Chicago Stores, los N. W jiASU AVE. 18 8. LaSALILE ST. 78 E. JACKSON BLVD. *A boue, a saucy litie brimrned rnodel of crocheted straw with a bow nestled under the curue. of the brim. Millinery ,Salon-Second Floor W11114LDT'siEVANSTO.. On Davis Street Wlmtt. I1100 e