b~aie Featuring Dresses in ail the new s p riÎng colorngs and styles. These dresses are values up ta $1 5.00. You wilI want two, at the price off ered- for Frî- day and Saturday only., KNITT:ED, SUITS, Are Very Sma rt Skirt and Sweater of soft zephyr'yarn. Showing smart necklines and Iovely colors. Prjced low..........S u9 Lovely Sprïng Scarfs $100ý nd $1.9 Gorgeous coloring and :newshapes for. your selection so0 you can match your Easter ouffit. e Gov es Ns $350A So inexpeënsive., yet it us the exact cop y of a mucb. more expensIve MisSimlicty gar- ment. Featuring f.ho'same .converging.,,cross srap, ar- rangement that croates "the. diagonal ,pull" .whicb raises the b u's t, sienderizes, the waist and smootbs away the daphIrarm and abdoýmen. Styled of a fancy--batiste and ^satin trico wtfh elastic onIy At Our -MEN'S STORE The new Spring styls-"C'ravenette?"- you betl-and e selling for... Cet $5 4 Your Efister Hat Now The New Spur Royal Eester Tie I&~A 1/ kq mmumummuni