Alvvoman's Society Link. meeinlgs ~reenlea fad eet have been set .ednimMac . avenue an- eet street anîd 25 to M1ax-ch 31 and April 1. A House of Wox-shij> l'hursday Llnks. Maxeh 31. Link F-! Mr.George D. Allison, chairnian; M\11, Rei David R. Kabele, pastor .onDa%-i,, hostess, 1010 Tvelfth street', Mrs. Arthur Scott,, assisting. Luncheon IIOLY WEEK SERtVICESi 'kt 1 O'lOc'k. Link E-Mrs Z. A. Park- 8P.M, chaii.-fian. Mri s. W. H.. Dutcîier, Thursdg.y,-Hoýiy,. Conàînxunioî1 hostess, 1014 Hinman avenue, Evanstoîî. Friday.....Jesus in S uffexiiW O>ne <Vlock luncheon. Link HMsG 1). ('onice, echairman..Mx-s. :David Net- EATRSNDAV% soit., hostess, 821 Elmnwood avenue, M 1 Mrig osi.-iA.. Rie hardson, aHglytCommumoln p M. lu iellon. asitng ne .o*lou-k'Easter Mus uia-12 P. M Mrd- Links. April 1 îî (By the choir.> Mr.W. D. Millard, chairnian. -M1rs. 'h inet Enih Luhra )-la rold Larso"n, 440 East Railroad ave- 'h- W.. ngis nue-, oste .1:45 and tea. Link ' UxhtStnd o i0.1er~*Ese lr.R. J., La'celles, chairinan. x,îUtns A. flrcrerj hostess, 621 Maple avenue.' A hearty 1iivitation is extendedj to ' :45 and. tea. Li-nk R-Mrs. EdAward vroile, to atteiid our services, tio fel- Meier ', chairnian. Mrs. W. C. Buts- hostess, 1.351 -Greenwood. avenue. Mx-s. Ioshjp wionthtus* and te hre th i -),*Schmidt, assisting_ One o'cloek siainta onstruhwrlj> lus'eo LnkN-x-.J.A.Rechit IAHappy and a glorius Easter will chairinan. Mrs.. Arthur. Youngberg, thil, One be to al of us who, get a ne', ýHibbard road and Lake avenue.viinofters Citadpo.rte On,- o'clock luncheon. Lînk I-Ms se0l e is ue Chrit anpotte Leàson, chairmnan. Mrs. F. G. Guth- orevsI ubeaoainat. Hi. rids.,liotes, 17 lrenwodaen e 'et and .ery 'Out:, MyLord and My' ho unchen.11Cbreij aeue od.- Then shall'we set eux- hearts. _________lifted into a new attrnosphere, on thing S above, and reach'an actual hlgher- life. 0à We~V shall know mnoreî "f %what it is tn Sr. itgusti ne's ; i bý"(r.qInCrit for Cbxlstan Sunday, NMax-ch 27, -%viIl be Enster ihChit th e ec temrvlû Th~re lhlbe olyComu ïin a ! ighit around theý throne. in glorv. a. ni.,. Holy Communion at 8 a.. m., and Festi val servi.e with tHoly Communion ( Rsen Christ! O Easter Foe. t la. in. The 6 a. in. and 8 a, ni Il*ow dear Thy Grace, lias- grown! services %vili . both be plainr,] Without t east torws.wt ovn ovr itiu!sic, or address.. Iaeilt vod Thin e ow 11 ÈAt 4,o'clock in the aftex-noon 0f Easter ('orn to the friehdly chu rch, where D av thf-re will be a Childx-en's4 Easti' the kvay i.s made plafin. ]'<wrservice. The chblide n f th-- chureh schools will decorate a great_ léif),1't héechancel with floier.s and eiwr/âhsoa ç1spo.sit at its foot their Lenten savings. e è ot Eps pa Thee ~ihlbe spécial Eastex- music led <iîux-h of the Holy Cornfortex-. 1) the Grs Vested choir undex- the Notice of Holy Week and Easter Day. leadership of Miss Winifred 'Mickey.* se1vic'e. Stats will be.xeserved fox- aduits, Par- ents and aduIts are specially invited to 3faund>- Thursday, M-Narch 24 this iserviee. . loly Commninon, .... 10 A. '1. 1T4>iiight, Maunday Thursday, there't Gond Friday,*Xlarch 25 vil! be sérvice iith address. Rt 8S1.n. -J{Il' Co'nmunion (ox;mn .'10 A. IL. un Goo-( Frlday th.e Three Houx-rv-.(tmnin..........1 A.M. ltu re.1 *tO 3 willbe. of a comiutnityl naue*ýThere Wlll be seven. devotional pex-iods of 2,5 minutes, each pex-lo>d With at 157minute devotional, gddress -with hyrlns and prayers and private devo- tions. The subjeets. of thé addresses wiIl .. e the, seven. "Words" or, Saylig ()É Our Lord as ' ie Hung on the Croqss on tilt flist* Good Fx-ldayv. The flrst two addiresses -wlIl be given by the Rectorý (if St. Augustine's and the xemainin,- addx-etsses4 in order by the Be.Dal Easter EeMrh26 'hildren's 'Easter services.4 :3Q .M Easter .Day I-olv ,Communion . .........8 A. M l-[oy Communion, sernion; 'musqic by augmenited choix- and Strinig quartet, 1lA.M. (More Churchi News on Page 45) RADIO IN REVERI ROOM. lais 5 mintesnrthofthea>op &os to W bathmn4be -..a o i f »W - in Choae Mi" d flm oa nn MOTEL -_ 200 R0QMS 4dx mm badmhoer wxd m ýWEgKLY.kfl ANDUP SINGLE a oomi$2IQ Gotoqe in direct connecna.m New aweM. cofe shop un~i4 und erfl~d t mante Prinus, p 1 ociety. to , Delaware HEALING SPRINGS is0 E. inis s 1880 Minorai Wat.r Co. Clao Phone. ardes >ranj> l jlI.d. A brie! eOXP'ri es*e il casetovisece Y«.>mas il has .1 he s. STORAGE 521 Main St., Wilmuette PmonleWiL ,32