* VOL. ý5, NO. 4î Lofty Standards Set by 8C Class iBrief Histoy The hsovc 8C Howard does not go back very far. It al l egan the falcf 1931. There were irul- tirely. toc inany eiglbth ,graders >for. the IWO teachers te take care.of, so. Mr, Todd decided tht' best thing to do0 ias te forni an 8C greups. He'ai,- pointed Miss Stevens andI Mrs. Clark te, act as Our supérvîsors mluch te our delight. The' list vas called off and the' pupils ilned to he iin 8C fled jute the niusic roolm. Later we * moved te the -science rooli anîd thienl te tlle preseuit.8C2 rocin. Miss Stevens is at the Howard. school On Moind a y. 'rucsday and ýNeduiesday; aund Mrs. C 1 a r k. on %\edùesdav afternjoons, Thursday and Fridayv. * The ôfficers for" the first terni 1were: President. Don Hermanson i.,v c e- president, Edwini Colegrove; secre(- tar'. j une S cr*s e n. andl treasurer. ýRuth Sutherland- T'f i fc er, for the second terni. are: Président, Billy Grinill vice president. 6. o r (1 o ni Sichutber; secr.tary. Virginia Fiske, and treasurer. Clark Kir-wýauî. 1 caJi assure You that tlle 1931-1932 class of 8C bave enjoyed'being classinates. *although we still haxe two and onc- biaîf ioaths tif Sclîool). WVe hope tbe future 8C2 classes wjU1 uphold the standard cf tic presenit class and accomplishi some cf the' things we did net accoinxplis.-Rutli Suth.crland, Howard, 8C. springPosesses That, "lndefinàble Someting 1ver3 thing is -fresh aind'crisp. * veryone is filled wit nw ie, e-ý vitaflity tîtat shows iin Our expres-. sions. .happy o%,erý the' thousand and eethings w-e can do because spriing is here. Relier skating is Pur fa- *venite past-inue. It Is healthfull, toc.ý It gives iiice red cbeeks and a geod- 'Tis Circus Time! Here Are Ani.mais I Did You Ever Try Haviug a Crrck ,et for a Pet?9 Somne friends of miÎne have had ai! interesting experience this winter. lu the late faîl they discovered. a cricket chirpiug in' their basement, and thinkingý he was-a rather pleasant and cherry little visitor,. tried feeding himn. tEach day they wonld' place a' freslî pan of .water -and a spinach1 leaf on- the fl oor near, the furnacc., near where 1hei must have been hiding for warnîth. The cricket soon learned te cenie thiere for bis, food, for, they would ind the spinacli leaf .pàrtly .eateii. His checry.little Song could be heard nios;t of the day and he grew qu ite tanie. They placed a little sigil on the' basemnent door, saying "Cricket" io remnind tbem te look, lest thev- forget anid steponi the littie creature. WVhen my, friehd whisties. the cricket usua.lly-,ansuers with a que er chirping. sing-seng. Itý is now late, in April.but flie little sign Stijl, hangs. on the door and freslb spinach. still chtters the refrigerator., When snm- iei cornies.it will be liard. for theni, te part with tht, cricket, which will "tnidloubltedly seek the' green fields ami graiss. Perbap)s. von can try tainingi acricket next. fall.-Frances Rapp, H-oward 8B. . Bert la an Intelligent Çat, as This Story Reveals- The. nuost intelligent. cat I knowj l)elcngs to oie >of our neighibo.rs. flis I1 inile is Bert and lic ias .a. glossy. coat of black fur. -1 ain gging te tel yeu tht' mtost interesting story.that 1 Fkjiow about hin., Ont' day Bert's mistress founidimiii, Sitting in lier best, chair. .She -told him to get off two or three timies ,but he did not mmiid. Fiually slîc becanie impatient and slapped hini off. At ti" Bert went intoi the corner and( sulkel.,I" SNow B3ert's imistress bas another cat called Sonny Boy.. Soon Sonny Boy caine down the' stairs and immnediately jnnipedit READ HISTORY STORIES In our room we are reading in our history some very interesting stOr.ies.ý One cf tbem is * "Life Among the P'uritans. 'lu thi s stery it telîls how tht' Puritans made tbeir living9 and miauvir more interestiug thinig.-Rob:. e 1 t Gordon Mann,-Heward school. stolp 1lC. Sweet Girl Sings Just as Her Naine Sound& I bave a pet bird at home. The bird l'have at borne is almost always singing. The' bird's niame is Sweet Girl,. luI the morning when I go te te. (Ie a lot ef stnclyîng trying te tînd points te bring up in the' debate. -Idso vout have te, study on both sides of the' debate so yen cati bing ont your epponents' wea4nesses iin rebuttal. 1 guess it's fun when yen get finished but theeis- a lot cf work te, do be- fore yenhave the d e b a t e.-Hall Clark,oStol., lC.. Iversen, H-oward 7A. ENACT HISTORY LESSON When we have a bistory lessonl. we read. Then we act it ont. Last time we had a history lesson w.e acted out the Dn tch people having ameeting-P a t'sy Flynni, Howard,. i4h, gradç. ---" 1 school, my bird sings. Whenii coine Huge Monument "Swet irlhas been sin sag the for Washington sweetest melody." The n mother'sa I Th me .p. she was 'singing with daddy .while élI The T p . *was playing 'the piano today. Then i ýIni composition we were1 assigned i lauglied. and mother asked nie wbat oral themnes. The "returius*" of.the I. was laughing at. I told hier I wvas! assignment were v e r y' suc-ccssiiu. laughing because. Sweet Girl wvas' The subject 1 chose was "The WNa'sh- singing so sweet and nice.' Mother ý'ington Monument." said, "You struck, it right theni." Ml The monument is a. litige oibelisk. sister, likes >My bird, too.-Lou c in Washington, D. C.- south of' the Grahain,' Howard SC. WVhite House ini a hutge park. on the Potomac river. Turtie Strays From. Suc-h a monument was proposed, Zoo and Finds a New Home during Washingtn' ifetimebu ia There is a park withi a zoo ini it not started until "forty-niiie Nvears, in ýVashington, D., C., where 1 li'%ed later, in 1848.1 A shortage of funds for two and one-haîf years.. Thle caused the building to cease luit iii, Zoo's largest bird is the-ostrich, wlio 1878 building was, resuînled. '.Ilu e eat s ý vhole oranges and you. cati monument was, finished and dedi- watch .the'orange go down blis Ilng, cated in 1885.: Washington National thin neck. Some.of the animais can Mo1ýfnument societ 1 vstarte d the stru!c- be seen from the road; one of teeture but it was iatér..strned over te. is the turtle oeius u fte, the Vinited States govcrnmef. turtles escapes and crawls across the1 It is 555 feet highi, 55 squaref feet. at road.. Once we saw one escapilng 'the bottoim, weigbs 43,633 'tons ani We took it home ani. kept it in a;,the total céost wasý $1,300,00M. it ;s tank with ýrocks"iii it for' about almd fpr hteMrln uri wee; ten e to.kit ackto heand is capped with alùtiiui. The zoo.-Nancy Durgin), Stolp l 12. I top may.be, reached by 898 steps or, a. spacieus elevator., Inside are relics Dog luvadea Heu wLair; fron the world over. At 504 feet Fiuds Himsef .a'Prisouer fronti'the grounid a, go o edIview et 1 read a book of a boy. His inlle1 Washiigton, D., C., may bce had.- -%Vas. Charlie. He had a dog. Te Vera 'Schapire, Stolp, 1B3. dlog*s naine -,vas Bingo. They ven to the countr. Bin o tild ba rk Famous Naval Batties .it tlhe chickens. Ollé inight etil( ai- Ti i Gadr er broughit a lien home wt him. ThilEnut rdr Trhe next day Bingo wentl te the i The l-Howard eîghth g'radles are licii's house and barked ai thie nistildving the' faions navà atle u lien. Tie heii chased îinîi in Ille the W\\ar of 1812. In one of the, bat- blôtise and, kelit hini for a prisoneré tics Lietenanit Commander Feû. 1(:rry, -MIaurine Mav, Howard 4A. WIOCshipl lawrenice was sinking.: ______crss(lover to his next làrgést sii>, Sea Co la Morued i the Niagara,.,resuiei u cîmn AqaimVisitors P I .lw-on thé' figlit witlu an inierior An iieIwitt h quarium (.ce This battle took place onýlake OttetimeI ~~nt e th aquriu . rie. Some of the' conînanders o Isaw ,asea cow. A few,:<îi(la itiNwr ere Cat.lsac -dI c thisanuai lie. Wen t ~as ap-the 13. S.. S. Constitution ; t.apt. David, tured thley injured it in the tait. 'llie jPort.er of the U. S. Frigate se It duu . ad sp)read an ic;lc 1nftio Capt. Tiionuas NMcl)ototigh, with a ead n ifectonfieet of fourteuin ships; Capt. Ianics tlîroigl i s body. He de froni this. Lawvrence, of the U. S. S. Chesa- People coic to the' aquarium am(ji -il peake, and Capt. Stepheni Decatuir. (lquire abouit hîm like old ,frieis.- of the U. S. S. United Statc.-]Elnwir Frances Ebas. Howard 5C. Stone, .Howard, 8A. Flora's Loud Barking MANY FINE. PROJECTS 's