6mba rr? Jrec1 from n From tbs. convenient office you con secure officiai detailect information and reservaÉions for the. travel op- portunities announced on'protimate. pages, as weII as for steaMship, rail. motor and air travel. everywhere on the globe et standard tickcet office rates-no iàhigiier. TH E M11iîia Mimon, TRAVEL SERVICE Afifiaued wgî'h, State Bank and Trust Compan y Eve nto n re. 51000;Wl.5. SOOIr.SOOO m'~ me11 mîauîîc in wniiiLi bfiiislhèd netal withstoo battering of the steel "If was, the best and ing demonstration. of of porcelain .finish for that could be asked, NewelI, Frigidaires nev in charge of sales. Sonld the shadowof a ability of, this finish N%-hy we.,refer. to it àa celain'." 1~ <Jnce Ued- Chicago to AIysUd Te. LOUIS L.Chicago (Uni on Station )1il:30,arn Alr. St.Lous a(UnionStation). 6:00 pi Sometime-maybe very soon-you'J1 go ta St. Louis. The trip takes only 6y/2 hours- middayto dinner tinte-on the world's hand. smeet train. Lumurions equipauent-therm- r impresseu U3Y ent, trom withi n eir ranks, lxmnuu ýI the porcelain stage stars and ,new amateur d iscover- od the incessant ies, and wrîtten their own mnusic .and, h alls. sketch to forin what Guy Robertson, d most convinc- musical comedy principal, has called a the superiority brilliant show after witnessing one re- r a refrigerator hearsal. ,says H . .Prominent society ivomen ihave taken W vice-president over the first gala night, and. headed by "It showed be- Mrs.. WaUer Borden, .Mrs.ý. Freemnan tdoubt the dur- Hinckley and Mrs. Chauncey McCor- and, the reason mick, are, selling* boxes, and. tickets. s 'lifetime Por- They have established headquarters on the theater main' floor, and debutantes niingle with men f rom the breadline in promnoting this benefit show. TPhrougb strange circumstances there I are *Phi ýBeta Kappa mnen in the "flop- houses," however. One of the produc- ers bas f ormerly .held. the 'chai- of sociology at a New York university for fifteen years and written- more than I t hree text books now.being use d in the E ast. Another, twenty years ago,* won the national dancing c ontest, in the * Majestic, and a trip abroad, and nowv * is coming back f roni the breadline to ____________a new faine and a new service. expenses attendant, upon a production of >ti .s size, They for.ned. their own Éast, r ehearsed in a hall they promoted, contacted and interested soc iety and.pro- cured a. theater, are securing c ostumes and make-tip .and scenery for.nothing., North shore women wvho admire their spirit are organizing to assist the show. . si ~Lest*r.,Arnour, is treasurer, a nd the "Breadline Frolics" bas a blendedý chorus of forty fine voices and an inner circle on1 minstrel style with twelve stellar. perf orme rs, while its second part is. filled with singing, dancing, anid in- strumental thrills.. The- depression. theme:is carried through with chorus in shelter nightgowns and stew pans instead.of 'tambourines. *The showv is an outgrowtb of recreational activity: organized by Major W. C. Bechtold,, director of shelter recreation, for. the' entertainmient of jobless men through the past winter.. INDIANS, PLAN BENEFIT Scott H. Peters of. Wilmette, an- nounces the, annual' beniefit of the Indian Council Fire, the pfionee 1r or -, ganization in its field, iniIllinois. for Suinday, May 1, at 3 o'clock at 3-1 West Randolphi street, Chcago. . Mr. Peters w~as recentlv reelected pre-.i- dlent of the Council Fire for the eighth consecutive year. Indians of Chippewa, WVinnebago, Pucblo, Siouix, Oneîda, ~Ottawa, and other tribes wil give a programn of song, dance and .story, with Indian girls giv-iilg special features. There ..will>be a display of indian lhaidicraft.* J.Ralph ýStarr- and hîs son, Ralpb, 30Raleigh road, Kenilworth miotored to Iow.a rece.ntly through *h Ozark mountains, stopping at Eureka Springs, and return ing last, Sunday. GOLDM ** BELT mmmUR PANY Tne U. S. Depariment of the Interior ALASKA R1tAILROAD (Mt. McKinleye Parlk Route)(> Q.C. Diekens, General Pue rAgent, 33North Miehigan Ave., Phono Stae 578,Ccmgu L -