Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Apr 1932, p. 25

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Comili. ivii beaccpted later than the Wed- Typise: Eleaulor Mayer and Vlu.ginin nesday preceding the dinner. White. 1 Capt. J. H. Heclley, the main speak- er, will give bis thrilling lecture, on THINK IT OVER "-Ramblig Through the Air." Cap- 'tain Hedley was one of -the Britishi The other day a teacher. Nvho!aces during the World war. He will lias raveId ivth the varsitv tell how he feli from bispae bn teêarn for - manv yea 1rs. stated ']"ee miles in the air and over the tha ascholbasmoe o aGerman , unes.' He flew 300 feet that schol .bas ore f' athrough -the air witbout any safety "kik"ludefeating us than per-!deice -a 1 lnded astride the rear Ihàps aliv other team-,. becausée of the fuselage of bis.own plane. wehave the repuitation of be-; This experienrce in combination' ing ~with many others earn ed for him, the ingsnOl)ib!sobriquet of "the luckiest man alive." Are Wve silohbishi? We Sul- Besides these bair-raising stories, hie ceel op ot Ta'saaw i give a resumé of the bistory of -fui repuitation to have, aviation from 242,.B. C. to the prés- Mavbe they 'are righit, and ePt, 41i addition be will present bis tîie areviews on the future of îviation. iuav e wron . bu ~~i1Y Besides Captain Hedley:there will spend timie arguing that pointbe, another entertainer, Andy Murdi- As long as we have that repli- son. the famous Scotsmfan,. who ïal tatin. w xnst tar t dovn;givebi hiUne of jokes and songs. tatin. %-e mst e.arît dwn.Unlike Henrici's,. music will be fur- We knw ivehavea lot0f: ied during the meal by Ralph prestige, but are vv'e Ioast fi?'Kline and bis. orchstra. Hicr's'al That's one of the faults of snob-: Tri-Ship affair you can't afford (0 hisliness. Miss. Be - heré April 28 at 6:30 'We calnnô't be con sidered 1- 'cok, it is urged. --ports, nless %vilare more hilili- N. T. Girls' Team Wins blé.. We* don't 'vaut a reputa-:. ti Ïlke that. so it's upii to each Place in Rifle Match and everv one of us, to alter anud i The* Waller R. 0. T. C. Rifle club it. hiu itov(.il Chicaigo took third place in the repirNational Rifle association's inter- scholastic rifle championship match, LECTURES AT MUJSEUM completion of the officiai scoring at Scenes in some, of tbe world's Most headquarters at Washington, D. C., beautiful and mysterious caves and bas revealed. canyons iil be shown. ini stereophicon I Western High school of Washing- slides accompanving a free lecture to ton, D. C., woni the match witb. a be given for the general public Sat- scor~e of 2916 and F'resno (Calif.) High * urdav afternoon, April .23, at Field was second with 2854. The Chicago Mu11seum of Natuiral Historv. "Caves aggregation's score was 2846. Deer-: and Canyons, of t 'heCarlsb;ad Cotin- field-Shields Higb, at Highland Park,, try" is the .title of, the lecture, and finisbed in fifth place .with' 2790. Carl B., Livirigston, -of 'Carlsbad, New: New Trier Township Hîgh school Meéxîco). well-knoxvn as an auithorityj finished, second in the girls" inter- on the. archaeology of the southWes ,~ scholastic team champfionsbip wi th ai wili be. the' lecturer. Mr. Livingston score of 1395. 'Central High seho wilbe heard at. 3 o'clock in, the',\wshington. D. C... scoring 1449. wton)t *James Simpson theater of the mu-'the mý iatchi. seuni. No tickets are necessary for *admission. Mr. Livingston has ex-;B hadaSrneW l plored .the caves in the Giadaliupe etsaiayhrn WiI28 *Mountains of New Mexico since bov. Give Pla nA rl2 Free-rhowmig Clarence "Goog" Dabi won the school free-tbrowing contest by sink- ing 59 out of 75 baskets. Bill.Schrarn was second with 56, and Don Chape third with e.0 The first two were the.sophomore and juniior class'cham- pions, respectively. Walter Hiawkin- son won the senior cbamipionsbi'p, and Simpson and Kiembofenl tied in the freshman division. Swim"ig Funkhouser and Jones respectively woni the senior and junior, swimni.îng1 tities. The o ther class chanmpionsh ips1 ilbedeci dd this week. Entrie.s were posted this week for.' golf, tennis, handball, and horsesboes. « No defiinite date has been set for the rounds. The freshman doubles5 champs, Condv and H. Sobel, are the only ones to be deccded thus far. The ré- miainder will be determined this week,; DON'T MISS THIS EVENT! Parents, .neigbbors, students patronize the Girls' Club bake sale at 1105 Central avenue, WiI-. mette, on Saturday, April 23. The proceeds go for scholarsbips. Don't loue time, ý boys Who are goi It's fortunate 4hat cards are flot given out on Monday. That, com- bined witb the shock of getting back to school after à çdandy vacation, would be just too mucb for almost. everyone. 0 f course, some may want ail tbe bad news ono .ne day and. get it over. witb, but I tbink just, getting [accustoi»ed to scbocil is quite enough for the averaget student on the first day. This -is for you, and you, and .you, Who enjoy' staying in béd in. the morning .until gotten u p by . sheer force. Don't forget> that Saturday. be- gins day4lgbt-saving time. No ad-. visor will- get .tbrilled over receivinq a bunch. of red slips. And, if you're an offtnder, y'ou'hl probably find that out, to vour own embarrassment. Finaliste to Vie Soon for Honors ini Oratory ,Final contestants of the public speakig oratorical contest will com- pete for the scbool title at a Senior assembly within two weeks. The speak ers were chosen by the mens bers of the tbrete public speaking classes and were aIl elected by quite a decisive vote. They are Virginia Koomjian, Ross Blaylock,, Jack _Broad, and Fred Robinson. , I Umm% 4MORE W - A-N-T BOYS ~E-D fellows! There are places for four more 4ng to enjoy these Iittle pleasant and profitable work that north entrance. ilworth announces an evening bridge party on Wednesday, April 27, at. the Mr.' and 2Mrs. John P. Oleson, 240 Kenilworth club. The public is cordially Warvick road, Kenilworth, returned invited tii attend and tickets may be ob-, last wveek f rôm Sarasota, Fia., wbere tainedi irom Henry Taylor of 431 they spent two nîonths. Essex road, Kenilworth, or *at the door. e, $166 CASH VALUE $125, A REAL VACATION AWAITS THEM

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