cosing at Arden Shore, will bring to- jgether at that Lake Bluff f resh air camp a gatlaering expected to ,be the. largest in camp history for such an occasion. Boys who have been graduated f rom bhe watecamp rth e prgand othe yeary fternoon and the tea to f ollow the urprn t re r tecmp cois eAri 13,bad peations foiret welstafund way. tos il mk M h a rank L.Beroelwl gia bhorttamk tor the oysa hefilthe, of laend P arkpresien t o folt Thoar rs. Robner te B. Gregory ofm Ccag ooseAril1,apredet, ill gfre thes boy being graduated adtre- tvl urndg. alu yiadate ilflo t ajor, rOgank . B Ail o ina shor artheabysewfrinds, e l e tendedhcordarnvttintb pres nt.ofth boajo. r BsisobertoB:rgorylao- fhor boys, a diresidthe R. O. eT.C thn aoysthe Cicga chooand he srted aun ingterst ndae iifolï Rtent igrmproveniens byf Arden Srepai rnte lie-muchre ef tedw ordoa nvttinto e rm st sha part fcieianpogam of werkcam ortudy,stand phdirclt hRini0, whCh frehbinamp bhuiltoderit thm t b rainte teork ng thertikiences-f tahe fork the supteof terfam ies bysthe ard of teducrationof the Chi camp , ee nd ore atraininvwiin of ntred this sping. erae nis s a pr evailing spirit of accomplishment. against gr eat odds in the existing economic and uhemploymnent. situation, which is a' matter of genuine gratifica- tion to the staff and board members. The camp has been filled to its capacity of ffty boys this winter as it was iast, * year. Lord's Studio Photo by Tyck:) Mfrs. Burt J. Denian -of 21 -Linden avenuýe,' (aitihe left), and MIrs. Garbon PM Dubbs. 1004 M1ichigan avenue. Wilpiette, (ai thie right) are to bo hostesses in the lois go of the OrIrington. hoiel Friday afternoon, Mfay 6. ispn lte occasnoi <1 the annual bridge Part>' and style show .wIich thje Mary Crane l'agwsc of the National College of Education is sponsoring for the benefit of the Mary Crane -Nursery sohool ai Hull House. The event 7vilI be held in the, and Lord's store «'iii present thse style show. Paor those who do >ot ziish to Play. bridge the lea queis offerin.q a de- liqhtfill hour of rcading ' h'i Aiss Eleaizor Perkins. the suebiect of zvh ch ~ii!l bc onnounted later. Girace Patterson Sets May 2 1 for Wedding Saturday, May 21, is the date chosen by M~iss Grace Patterson. (laughter of C. A. ,Pattersonl. 220 Greenleaf avenue, f-or her niarriage to Robent Moulds, son of Mn. and MNrs. W. R..Moulds of River Forest: The cenemony will bepenfonmed at, 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon at the First Methodist church of Wilmette. Attending the bride as maid of hionon will be Miss Marjorie Cowan of Chi- cago. The bridesmaids will be *Miss JeaInnette Uhlemann of Winnetka. Miss Helen Blaess of Chicago, and: Miss Virginia Klapp of Glenview. Richard Moulds will serve his brother as best man. The ushens are to be Episcopal Church Circles Meeting Fridag, Apt. 22- The four circles of the Woman's guild of St. Augustine's Episcopal church are meeting for -the third time since they were organized Friday, April 22. 'The South circle is to mneet at the hiome of M ns..-Merle Snyden, 215 Woodbine avenue, with Mrs. L. C. Douglas and Mrs. Frank Swinls- as assisting hostesses. 1Mns. William F. Arnold, 920 Green wood aven ue, is to, be hosteÉss to the East circle with Mrs. Gordon, Bird and Mns. George Maclean assisting lier. The rcle is to be enter- alumnae May 6 and 7, and the Wo- man's Athletic club the locale for'the two àIl-day sessions. Miss Ellen, F. Pendieton, president of Wellesley col- lege, Dean Coolidge, the newest ad- ministration officer atý Wellesley, and Miss1 Margaret. Chtistiani, assista nt dean. of residence, are coming on from college for the conference. Guest speakers wilI be Chauncev 'S. Boucher, professor of American his- tory. and, dean of'the College of Arts_ Literature, and' Science of the'Uni- ýversity of Chicago, Perny_ Dunlap Smithý, headmaster of the North Shore Country Day school of Winnetka. Miss Anna Raymnond, headmîstress of Milwaukee-Downer seminary; Francis. L. Bacon. principal of Evanston Township Highi school,,and Mrs. ýWil- h;i- in B. Hale of Winnetka, Bryn Mawr alunina. Mrs. Wiliam Sherman Hay of Win- netka is to preside at the opening ses- sion, Friday, May. 6, at 10:30 o'clock. The general program. %vill concern "Relationt- of AIusmae to College." Taking part in the talks and discus- sions will be Mrs. Francis Broonieli. Mrs. George.Frost, Miss Pendleton. Mrs. Frederick G. Atkinson,. Mrs. Stewart WT. Munroe, Mrg. William'A.- Vawter, IL. Mrs. Henry Hoyi Hilton wihI pr-- side at the luncheon hour ,prograin at 1, ivhen Prof, Chauncey Bou cher %vill speak on "'Modern Trends in Higher. E-ducation." _Mrs. Bruce MacLeishi of Gletncoe is to preside. at the afternoon session conimencing at 3 o'clock, with discus- sions by Mis M. Elizabeth Patter- soni, Mrs. Chester Woodley and Dean Coolidge. The Saturday miorning session iiv11' have Miss Ruth Lester presiding anid will be divided into the discussion of two general subjects, "The Secondary School." and "Uses of College Plants ini Sumimer.» Perry Dunlap -Smiith, *Miss. Anna Raymiond, Francis L. Ba- con, 'Dean Coolidge and President. Pendleton> will give addresses and lead discussion in the first part of the Pro- grami and Mrs. Gowan C. Wiliams, Mrs. William B. Smith, and Mrs. Wil- take a job.' Mns. Frederick Tilt is chairman of $he Wilmette Arden Shore board, Mrs. Alfred L. McDougal, Kenilworth; Mrs, Arthur J. Mitchell, Winnetka; Mrs. John i eugene Davis, Glenco.. tUI enaiMJIIy. 11001. Il S hower for Bride- to-B e Tt the. On Tuesday, Mrs. John L. Wilds, andl Mr. 244 Oxford, road, Kenilwvorth. gavé were thei a shower for Miss Harriet Johnston. Keelen ha a bride of the near future. 60Pr e returucu avenâue, in n Evanstorû whom live ini Evanston. .L. Miller Out-of-town deliegates to the con- r. and Mrs. ference will. be entertained in the ir home' at homes of Chicago and north shore nette. elslyalumnae..