PILLOW CASES. grade of casing. Made of good. 2 C' BATH .TOWELS. White. center, colored border, 12-fC LINEN TOWELING. Ail linen with colored border.,5 Yard .... .. . . . . 5 RAG RUGS. Hit and miss50 patterns, 25x50. Each ... C CHENILLE. RUGS. in colors, S 24x48. .Each. .... $1. Lesting cjfor eigh ays aleclses -Saturday nighl- April 3M.h. Take1 advantage of tIhe -unusuàl, prices quoted and save money. PEPERLISHEETS, 72X99, each.. PEPPEREIL SHEETS,l 81 X991 each... PEPPERELL CASES, 42 or 45-inch, eacb . ....- BED PILLOWS, agood grade of tick ýand slce fahreach. BEDSPR EADS, B8Ok 105. nice for sleeping porches, each. 78c 88c 22c s'- s' HOUSE DRESSES of fast colored 'print, very specll. 45c Very Special Sunlight Ger-, mantown, yarns. R e g u Iar 35c' ba ils. EACH. 25c, Broa dcloth Pal*amas. 1èv W. $1.oo Mads to sel for' a muh bighe. Price. MaYstyles and -colors for your P-electioni. Both one and two-piece. Your choice of water and creamers, bowls, candle sticks, etc. pitchers, sugar vases, platters, Made Made Panties ýand Bloomers,' of non-run rayon, many.lace triýmrned, to seli for more money. 2 for $jý 1 CHILDREN'S SWEATERS. Discarci that we can't reorder. on, ývalues to $2,60. Eçonomy Sale....... numlers 88ce CURTAINS-FILET PANELS. 32 inches44 4, 2¼/ yards, nice design, e ach pane 44 FILET TABLE CLOTHS. 72. nd $~*9 72x90. Economy Sale ............ MISSES' and WOMEN'S SWEATERS. Ail the ne.w Spring styles and color tI" combinaions. Economy Sale.~ CREPE DE CHINE UNDERWEAR. Al 'lpure silk Step-ins; ail pure'silik DanceýSets; 9 ail pure siîk Teddies......... COSTUME SLIPS, Mde of'o sliptex fa b-59 ric, nice for mornings or for sports, eacb 'THEN' Wilmeift Ave., Pho0n, Wil. 588-589 Pewter*Saleý $1.00 +