Qne of Ainerca'e suo-st dlstlnguished ;p o e tî. Author of nurnerous bookçs for both childréft and adult,; among whicli yolE wilfind ABRAHAM-IN OLN The Prairie Years GOOD MORNING AMERICA ROOTABAGA STORIES Have a copy, of thé.. SELECTED, POEMS of CARL SANDBURG autogralibed .,heri yt Iîeaur hiun lectsure at the semoblance of autlieiiuiciy and iogicia consistency. due more to their' f actual itit i he fraqrant gardesi aisies detail than to any meit> in bis literary In, crystal shtoizer.s the waters play, style, wvhich comimend them to foilowers The pools a-glean i wth raiinboze iights of realism. But in -Tragic America" rheir mnarbl i nphs do uirror ail the 1Mr. Dreiscr- lhas stubbed his toe. da ' . Ont of a mass of f acts about profits and oul companlies and f reight rates and, The lonely huc-téscested air, thse alliance betweenl capitaligmn and thse Loivhiof 0 bees that nsiusic seemsl.- churches nothing constructive or en- The iIie:ý swa ' s ie hae lighiteningglhas been evolved. . A fanstasy o;f chýldhod' deas. Dreiser niayhave had definite ideas as 1h Leita lH. McCafidcy *to isow lie could enlighten t1he reading!o ast. public and- couvert America t on 1miunisin and the methods of the Soviet Suggests. Booksfor Union. But lie became so tangled in Yo rA riRed g tie miass of weighty .and undigestedi Y u Ap lRédn statistics, so burdened Wth. his own In this exciiting and torsnenting year over-%vroughit fesings, of indignation of 1932 readers are, seeking books and distrust of 'the çapitalistic society with> both etnertainment and; ideas, ini which:lhe lhas alwvays lived, that bis Miss Amie L. WNhitmiack, librarian, at attempted effects are. lost long befone thse Wilmette, Public library finds.- tise.book is finished. WJ~ith this in mind Miss '\Vbitiinack One layýs "Tragic' America" aside lias prepared the foloveing iist of %vi th the feeling Theadore Dreiser is books, as- suggestions. for April read- suncere 'in bis belief s, earnest, ini bis ef - ing: forts. to imipart themn to others, and Cotton-Keeping Mentally Alive. overIv credutojis negarding bis ability For those who want a guide. to do so. But l is futile endeavor is Filnger-Footloose in tise. West. If iore tragic than the situation which he anything, more enchalating than 'Ad-. depicts. Even his miost ardente ad-1 venture, Under Sappisire Skies,."* inirers will find his latest book more. Travel in Colorado and California. discorncerting than stimnulatingý. Anid Goode-More. Profitsý Froniý Adver- wili lie uever leanui the art of good tisinig. A book of facts applied to this writing? momenit's problems of sales and dis-, , 'lixe'-New Masses"--Iationial pub- tri-btin-CnfctotleIiida lication of comuîuistic interests in' and tîe Mass intiose vdemaol Anrica-boasts proudlv of Theodoreante ias.,'h Mdr\Vl. Dreiser, JohnlosPssan ote A short but sharp analysis of is leser ighs aosg Patso nrbtor .pnoblems presented by the deuicratic There are, fexv thinking people in iel Aieiatoday who will disagree wit Peterkin-Brighit Skin. A tiovel or the rini a teeoomcc plantation negroes and. the t\wo () boh the remie tht te ecnomi co ,i-vent to H-arlemn. tion in \which we find ourselves is in Beebe-Nonisuci: Ethustiiastic and ,îee ofsom sot ofreoganzaton.appreciative book of bis recent stuldies But if Mr. Dreiser thinks that America h ieBruaIlns is ]l. such a tragic state of affairs that Josephsson - jean-Jacques Rous- his mnuddled, facts and fancies. based eau. A fine, g-enerous,,atd distin typon the experinierit of Soviet Russia,guse bo. will solve al our probleis.,,lie is 'due Angel-"Utnseeni Assassins. No peo-M' to héeenlightened 'as to bis own ii- ile iii the: world want war, vet thiere effeettualne,èss as a pwopagandist.' 1 ar .e 1reparations, for. warý on. everv Side. anid a uiniviersal. conviction that Wbien a nian drives three thouisand afiotiier miajor war is sooner or later iles across thse country to attend aiinevitable. AngelI writes on this party and then drives three th'ousand paradoxial tisesis. miles home again, hé should be tise Br k-Leof niso. Te IYES Greeting end 1for AU 1 1724 OiRRiN Orrinwton EVA:q :"da ON AVENUEL [otel BIuIg. TON Eniglisli publishers were so confi- A D6iaNGE denit of the 'success of Way of the~ Louis Trî Lancer, Richard1 Boleslavski and BIOGRAI Helen WVoodward's story o~f the Polish THE STOI Lancers, that the Britishs riglits were Clarence ' sold even before the publication, of. THESE R] the'book i this country, Bran.chsC lîves and loves in a country-Italy- %vhich is now holding the stage of public interest, is most welcome. Sucls a book is "Philippine." The plot of the story is sight, .\. Grenadier, proprielor of the Grands Bazars of Paris, having gained a cer- tain amounit of- fortune, de cides to. tur>n his ability and ýnatural genius ,toward the. political arena; and. so the. "C'ontemporary .Reviewv" is, ac- quired, and Monsieur, with his lovelv uiaive daughter Philippine as secreta rv to take field notes, sets,.off. to ,Ital'% to- make an intensive stud-v of "Or- ganized Authority"-ani artivhich lie feels that country hasý mastered. an(d which he, a public missionary, will bring back to his own, benighited land. The purpose of Italian %vomen, M Grenadier finds,- is' to prodice mo re IFascits-hence the, scarcity of fem- inte forms on thse streets-and hience, also, tise stir, *not to say riot, that the free 'and lovely Philippine creates. before she. and ber expansive father are asked to retrace thei.r steps across the frontier. If you are looking for thick plt lieavy action, and hot. romnance, "Philippine" is not for y-ou. But if yoit are iuthse.Inoo(l for satire, sonie vicariou s jabs, at "Organi'7ed Au- thority," chàaateranialys;is,,and ludie- crous human pictures, you ivili enjov the booki, ougis at tinies tise atutlior's sati1re does séeen a bit heavy, and bis' iand(ling of tlie, romiantic scenes a bit incongruous. Thougis anyone, -%with isalf anuy. can see why Mussolini \Vould not particularly appreciate tise l)oýok.-M.\ary \Vin ner Hughes. A Balanced Ration for a Week's Readingj JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU.. By. Matthew Josephson. Harcourt, Brace. A biography-of Rousseauwhich is also a pict ure of his time and his eux- vironment.. MEN IN DARKNESS. By James Hanley. Knopf. Five stories of the men of the sea- National College of Education April 27 8:00 P. M. Tickets, by the way, are $1 .00. Onà sale aM Chandier s Fountain Square Evanston raw. ($ic LESS . H 1(McBr