new ALI i. A-' 'n ME S MORE PEOPLE are playing','contract"than ever before. Ping-pong lias been revived. ln fact, al kinds of home entertaiuments firoen crossword ]Puzzles to back gammon.. yes,) even jigsaw puzzles. . . are becoming more and more popular every day- or rather every eveningo. People are reading, mo re. Libraries are loaning-more books. Theatres, and movies are selling fewer tickets. Automobiles are sopending evenings in. the garage isedo dashing out places. Transportation facilities are being used less. Figures prove it. There is no doubt- about it. These times' have1 brouglit out a new, interest in the What does this mean? At ýfirst it might appear that the cont of an Cevening at home" seems to have. gone up àa bit. Bu it really hasn't. It's, leu.s ,if anything. You are merely buying more of them. When you, stay at home you naturally burn more lights, cook more food, wash more dishes. If your bill for gas or, electricity is a bit higlier at the end of- the month, it should be. You've used more. 4 v Where can monéey be spent more econom-. ically, or with a greater'return--in satisfac- tion, than in the use of your home for the. enjoyment of your fauiily and. friends?