Ainong the shrubs the soil needs to be loosened deep, preferably with a fork. as a spade or shovel cuts many roots. At the same time à littie ligbit trimning should be done as you work y'our way around among the h)ushes. FERTILIZINC Oit FEEDING. Ov-er fertiîizing is as bad as- over- heating, and even the fertilizer sale3- mien iwarn againist it. Many gardens do stil! get too much manuire or too înluch cotmerci'al fertilizer. A. garden out, ini the 'openî sun- slîine,. planted heavily, watered we needed, tilled thoroughly, grows vol-, unie of crops -and needi heavv feed'> * ing'~ and will stand manuring eachi f ail. The, opposite case -might be a gar- demi planted in partial shade, planted, so thick that it cannotbe. cultivated, and consequently it ýdoes flot' thrive or d rav hbeavi 'ly on the soit Piling plant food on to' this groutid eacli * 3ear, soon makes a ma-mire bed of it and the' plantings become rank, un- even, floppy -and give poor bloomi crops. Farm-ers do not maànure their ,.rr0u1d. every year,. and neyer 1did., A Robert Steif ens, son of Mr. and 'feed lot or*hcavily pastured fi.eld, or Mrs. J. .M. Steifens, 1611 Wash- *a clo'ver field,,plowed under, wili oftea infiton av*enue, iiliette, ai ter four fail to produce a good grain crop the 1cars ipt the tra fic division> of the first year, but wîll go to st raw or fod- Standard 0O1 conipapty of Indiana, *der instegd of to grain. These over la e»toserdt h evc fertilized fields* must first be broken. Sales deparhinent. i n .%Itit a .year's usage and will thien. Foling an itsve raig give better returns.1 oli an ntsve riig Bécause you'see someone spade in course, Mr. Steffens bias taken ôver the manre ver lu i th cttig gr-management of the Standard Oil serv- dens r tevegefabl nte garden, does ice station at 531 Main street, Wil. flot rv that anule rnanring does mette. Pot,.provrue gtanul aorn i In addition to being an expert in the > g-nra rdeor godpractise. . il business, Mr, Steffens bas achieved STARTIdisPLANTSon as an amateur golfer. He FORTHEG -PA NS is the possessor of several tournamnent FGRI'HE GRDENtrophies,. Many annuals grown out of doors f roin seed,:will corne blooM 1 JuSt Mr. and. Mrs. W 1alter, H. Andersen,, about as quickly as by any other 127 Robsart road, Kecnilworth, have re- rnethod.. In this, class: are the zinnias turned fromi a very deligbtful trip with and larkspurs. . Mr. and 'Mrs. Curtis Steen, 155 Birch* Some others..nay just. as well he street, Winnetka. Tbey went to Gulf planted in. the out-door seed beds, His. Miss. Mr. Andersen then re- Juniper Pfitzeriana, 3-31/j" $700Oeach...................... Norway Spruce, 4-5' $5.00, each ........ .............i 2 f or $7,01 2 for. $5 .0O1 SHRUBS Japanese Barberry, 2.2;/ ' 6()c each. ............ ..... .Dogwooc-Red or Yellow 9 40e each ................... Forsythia, Golden -Bell,' 3.4'* SO0c each................ ....2 Hydrangea, 2-31 sot each................. .. Regal Privet, 2-3' Soc each...................... Amoor Ri'ver Privet, 18-2411 15e each...... ............. Honeysule, 3.4' 45c each................. 2 Snowberry, 2-3' »c each............. LilacVulgaris, 2.3' -50c each............. Tat*ýKix 3.4'j 60e each.. .............. A nd Many Other Bargains in This SALE CLOSES APRIL 28 for 41 forSl forSl for. 16c 2 for 46c- fo31c 2. fo 1 iC ifor Sale 61c Chie 'ie View, Lôcated on Ave. If you have self-seeded areas where there rpay appear some choice seed- lings, it. is possible to clean off this ground and loosen it witbout greatl1y disturbing the lightly covered seeds. Use the heavy asparagus knife anid firm the surface of, the, soul after it liasbeen tloosened. rBRN, SOCIBTV FL0WER PRESERVATION SOCJBTY A.MBRICAN LANDscAPB ASOcATION