Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Apr 1932, p. 48

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te elther Rates-5 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a uine In any two papers. 3cents a ine in all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE ONE DJOLLAR. Average oft ive words te the line. No black face type used., 10% ud1seount on all cash wlth order advertlsements wiaen brougbt to olar oleie at 1232 Central Av i l mette, or 661 Lineold Ave., ýWlunetka. Deadline for Insertions_classfled advertisenients will be for WILMETTE LIFE or ail three papers; Wednesday 9,'P. M.. for W%,INNETKA TALK and Thursday 5' P. M., for GLENCOE NEWS. Te lephones: Wilinette 4300, Winnetka 2000, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 5687. -2 LOBA^Nb POUND -LOST SAT.-.%ALE WIRE HIAIRED terrier, year old, nmostiy hitew.itih black spotm on. shoulders aid- tail. i-eward. Ph.. Winnetka 2234. 2LTNS.1 .ft. LOST WHiT. AND .BIOWN POINTER hunting dpe : No. 1850 on t: 'Uar. If foundkindly cali Glencoe 138. iteward. * BUILDING AND CONTRACTINO CARL BENGSTON CARPENTER1 AND BUILDER * REMODELING AND REPAIRING PH. WINNETKA 2480 8LTN47-tfe S USINEUS SERVICEI DAVID JOHANSSON, CLOCK EX- port - Chime hall, antique, dlock re- palring. Learned trade ln old coun- try. (Formerly with Tiffany.) Cal at your home, Estimates free. Phone Diversey 2041, Chicago. 9LTN47-tp FOR YOUR NEXT BRIDGE CLUB, serve Angel Food, delidous creamy double liig, large size $1.00, Sunshine cake, 70c. Ph. Wilmette 3407. 9LTN46-tfe $8.0. WILL MAKE NEW DRE~SSES IN order to keep my work room bus% during depression. Claire Modiste. Wlnnetka 147. 11,TN4-tf DRESSMAKING. ZREMODEINCG AND alteration; relining coats; prices very reasonable. Ph. ýWihnette 2248. DRESSMAKING.AND ALTERATIONS at your home or mine. Prices i*ean-- able. Mrq.,Klude. Ph. Wil. 3997. 11LTN51 -1 te C(ULLETtE SOEU RS-D RESS M A T Elt'. Remodeling, altering. Also cuttlng, fit- ting. a nd basting ser-vice. Winin. 1011. 15 * INSTRUCTION- Instr-utitlgand eoaehýing o! Beginners and advanced Studeis l'y Promintnt Radio Artist on B4ANJO-ýNIANOLIN-GUITARI FOR RADIO WORK LESSONS FREE With .purehase of instruîueilt for tdetails phonë Winnetka 278 or .f Gleneoe 1386 *15LTN 5 1ltp wi1l give pivate le.sonls foi%uii e" lit $1.25-per lésson, beginnig May 1. *aS59Eli .St., Winsnetka. PboiieWlii- netka 1'25; 15t'T'Nol It .-.~LAUNêD1Y FA-MIL,'ý \ASHI1NÇG KNUT MEHL AND COMPANY 6818 N. Washtenaw Ave. Arduiore 1497 * 24TTN4.ý-Rtfl LORING EN EL;SCOTTIES, Wlres, Pekes. Cockers. ,Chows, others. $5up. (Dogs. boarded.> River Rd, Schiller Pk., 111, Ph. Franklin Pk. 2174. 26L51-ltlb 38 RADIOS BRUJNSXVICK 8 TUBE CONSOLE MODEL, PERFET condition. A bargaýin for quick salé. Ph. ýGlencoe 1413. 2SLTN51-lte 33 WEARtiG APPAà£L FOR SALZ-SPPdNG AND W1NTEI overcoats and suits. Excellent condi- tion. 13 yrs. size. ýPh. Wil. 1808. 33L.TN51-1t se BUSINcESSOPPORTUNVITIES WvILLý-- EXCHANGE NEW BRICK gasoline service station andi nearby smnall miodern home ini Niles for smiall modern home oit North Shore. Dee Stoker, Winnietka t2S869 or Central 63-0. 35LTN51-lte FOR, SALE - MEAT MARKET, BIG bargain,i best location in W ilmiette. Write. B-8, Blox 40, Wilinette. 35L,51-tl LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Make and buy lot and 2nd mortgages. EVANSTON BOND & MTG. CO.' 618 Grove St. Greenleaf 5600 38LTN35-tfe 41 BT. WANTED-YEMALE REMOVAL NOTICE ON AND AFTER 7.MAY 1ST. PAULINES E NP. AGENCIES WILL, BE LOCATED IN SUITE 4 522 CENTER ST., WINNETKA PHONE WINNETKA 2662 41LTN51-2tc NURSE ANY CASE,. FEMALE OR male. Salary reasonable.:,lRef. Long- beach '1537. CHICAGO PRACTICAL NURSES CLUB 41LT51-lttp EXPERIENCED HELP No charge to employer.- Efficinet service for the No. Shore home's. We investigate references. PAULINE'S ENIP. AGENCIES 5 Subur-bant Offices 74S Elnx St. . Winnetka 2662 41LT'N36-tf(e MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WANTS Ri-, ing te take home. $3.50 per daay. Cahl for and deliver. Winnetka 2991. 41LTN51-1te EXPER., REFINED NURSE, GIRL, fond of children, or wlll do second w ork.. Ref. -Ph. Wilmvette 4470. 41LTX51-lne Gernan-28 yrs. old, 4 yrs.' Winnetka ref. as cook. Fininishi-42 yrs. old, 5 yr.s. wlth present employer. wants general. Swedish-30 yrs. old, 3 yrs.' -N. S. ref., wants cooking or general. Irish-First class cook, excellent Lahc, Forest ref. .CALL.US>FOR NURSES Germa.n-Anericafl-25 yrs. old, 5 yrýs' N. S. ref., wants. genieral. Daniish-29 yrs.' old, 4 yrs.' local ref., as gen eral. Norweian-27 yr.old, 4 yrs.' ref.. general, Irish-32 yrq. old, 161 yrs.' Glencoe ef. Bohem'ian.'-32 yrs, old, 7 yrs.' ,Winnetlztt ref. * as cook., References Personahly luvestiga ted Over 5.000. Noirth Shore homes have Secured help) from PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCIES 748 Elii St. Winnetka. 2662 41LTN;1 -1 te RELIABLE -WOMAN WISHES ,TO take care of chlldren, day or nlght, 35e hr. Also college girl to do sanie. Can do serving. Ph. Wilmette 4203. FfEPl. GERMAN WOMAN WANTS: l;uvndryv and cleaning. Ref. 2Nrs. Wtiegner. ýPh. Kenilworth 2304. 4lLTIN5I-1ne YOIUXC SCHOOL !IIRL WISHES TO take care of children evenings; rea- sonable. Phi. Wilmette 4861. 41LTNS-I-lnc WOILKINd HOUSEKEEPER, COOK- ing. or upstairs work withi children. Good mianager. Willing to, leave town. Winne-tka.13.2. 41LT5-ltp EXKPER. WHITE WOMAN WISHES *position -ts cook,ý or 'general house- work. N. S. ref. Winnetka 2751. 41LTN51-t EXPER. WOXIAN WANT'S LAUNDRY. *or oleftning by the day.. Call,.Vil- mette 4288 after 5:30 *P. M. 41LT51-1ne EXPER. AND R-ELIABLE WHITE womian will do catering. .Also fIrst class lauindress. Ref. Ph. Wil. 4552. 41LTN51-1nc RELIABLE. WOMAN. CARE 1FO1R ehildren by hour. Peasonable-. Day or evenlng. Rief. Miss Wilson, Win- netka 1440. 41LTN51-Itp, GERMANr GIRL WISHES WORK B day or heur. Care of children, sew- lng, -serving, ironing. Winnetka 186. 41LTN51-iie EXPER. AND. RELIABLE WOMAN wishes laundry work to do at homfe. IVilli call for and deliver.,lRef. Ph. ICeiiwoth4730.' 41LTN51-lnc EXPER. COLORED WOMAN, LAUN- dress, day work. N. S. ref. Phonp any day except Mondae or Wednes7- CHAUFFeUR. MARRIED,, GERMAN, a ge 35, dependable, abie, and .illing. to do any work around. house. Now emnployed. avallable at 2- weeks' - tice: Write B-2, Box 40, Wilmette, Ill. 42L5-ltp IF YOU R1QUIRE ANY:CARPENTRY or cabit makingeau . .Andeé- son. 833 Fifteenth St. Phi. Wiliinette 4965. Work dlone. either in you'r homne rr mine. My work and prices are right., 142LTNiZà-lnce YOCING ENGLISHMAN, WAR VETER- -an, chauffeur;. good meéchaie and adaptable. Flrst-celass' refs. ,Exe. character.. B-4.. Box 40, Wilmette. 111. 42LTN51 -ltp EXII. YOUIJNG M1%AN, GERMAN- 1-ungarian, wlshes position, as house- man, .blutier,. chauffeur, or ga rdeiîer. or any kind of work. Best N. S. Èe Ph. *Divrsey 9156. 42LTN51-1ttp FILIPINO - CLEAN, HIANDY. RE- hiable. wlshes position -[n ,I)ivate fanIifr*Do' eeok4îîgand hotisework. Likcs gardening. Ref. Call for Frank, seeley 6953. 42,TN571-ltlp CHAUFFEUR WANTS POSITION OR wvill do keneral'housework- and yard mrork., 15 yrs< experience ont the North Shore. Good-reference., Ph. Wiliiette 2541. 4L5-n YOUNG '.MARRIED MAN NED work. will do garfleniing. wîiidow wahn àit -ý adoffher ýodd Williiette 59.42 TN1-1nc EXPER. (IARl)ENIEHAND) HOUSE- wok.Good work gua ranteedl. G ref. Rensonabke. Winnetka 32704. 421,TNS-I-ltip RELIA13LE EXPERIENCED A for delivery. Has widewed sister and sick child to support. Phi. Willette 4-10:t. 42 1 r 5 -n ('ELIOS('Al,IMNINET), $1-51) 1P; i'painted. $5 u other siii.ll p)alning jobs very reausoni- ab)le. Ph. Wlette 2088. 42,TN51-lilc EXERWAN WANTS 1-1OUSE ANND lawn work. Excellent North, Shore ref. 50c perhour. Cali Harry, Vil- met.te 2088. 421.TN51-lne MARRIED, MAN WANTS ITUSE- workc, garden, work and diving., Ph., Wlmette 189., * 42LTN51-lflc YOUGR OPPORTUNITY Carpenter with 20 years' experience wvants work. Aüy kind. Pli. il. 3254. 42LTN5-ncii GARDEN WORK DONE BY IXPER. *and rellable man, Also bousewvorli or odd jobs ofany kind. Rief. 1P1. WiI- me.tte 2345.42LTN51-1ne rAND CG td snîoi Serving. Ph. «V '3, nette4 RL WISHES 1 EXPÉRIEN-CED. MAN, WASH Wil 333. V. dows, care of, furnace.- garden -wor 41lLTN51-Ine etc. Phone ,Winnetka 1552. *42L61-1, ka ne ic tpj il I

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