TEURS. WUL.SAT. m igeN. SPCIALS Chiko asspertod for-lb. '70 02g o Lm b,erIl IL.80 Powk Tendelola Ib. 420 Deef Tongue Fre'ulalb21 Daon (Creuly 3Ib.690 I awu Grass Seed Dest qualty Ibo........ .. !5e 1 bse..... 10 CoffO e :;p lb. 350-3-lb. cm $1000 whom were elected at the regular The Glee club is composed of 80 meeting of the parent-teacher àsso- business men andi is sponsoreti by the ciation last week, are: Mrs. joseph Chicago Association of Commerce. It Reagan, vice-president.;,Mrs, Arthur was organized 20 years ago andi has Schwall, secretary, andi Mrs. Williami become one of the leading. choral or- Morrison, treasurer. Mrs. Morrison ganu.z.ations under the..mus ical leader- akgo served 'as treasurer tdurin » the ship of Arthur Dunbam. past year. The installation of officers Maliy noteti opera ýstars have- been Will be followed by'-dancing in. the soloists at their concerts intluding Galli- school auditorium. ICùrci, who appeared with the'club as Gavel Club, to Hear Prominent Speakers WXilliam Klein, a member of the Xew Trier' High scbool forensic board, bas been 'delegated to arrange the programs for meetings of the Gavel club, debating. organizationi at the high school, for the.remainder of the year. Prominent speakzers are to be. brought- in to talk before. the club, and on certain occasions mem- bers of -the club -tbemselves %vill fur- nish, the program, according to an apnouncemnent tbis %%,ek by Chester E. Nlaci-eaii, faculty sponsor of the group. Strittly 2 o . Fresh Learot Fancy 4glassesý chir~eeI Tomatlo Canada Dry Spint bo (Pus epsit) doun $ 1050 Grapeuu'i Libby's No.A fitIs 'Gira eitr i'-t(A Beal Bargutin> d4 -j .... ...49e, 1...$...1 -Butter Breell Nut Extra Large Howdy- Ma'am! I'm Mister ""C. LECT EGG" -resh jroas W IELAND'S" White andi of extra-large Suze, y'aever tuted a better egg. Serv- ed amy style ..., youil like me. soloist the year .Mie made ner opera debut in, Chicago. Aniong lhe menibers of the Glee club, living ini Wilmiette are:- Herbert'B. MNuf- ford, Walter S.,Campbell, George W. Ro.se, and Frederick Budinger., The'lat- tfer is president.of the club, niow, serving a second, term., The.other officers.are: A., U. Harper, v1ce-president; H-. A. Miller, secretary; C. W. Judd, treas- urer; A. R. Vantoîl, member at' large; J. P. Wàhlm 'ail,, chairman, per sonnel connittee; J. G. Gallaher, chairman, entertainnient commnittée; A. P.'Tot- ten, librarian; Frank A. Mitchell, edi- tor of the iee Club "Howl"; 'William Stunrner, accompanist. Prairie Fires' Lead in Record of Alarms. Prairie fires again kept the \Vil-ý mette Fire departmnent busy ine ftic week ending Tuesday, April 19. i- in three hours \\ednesday- of la';t w.eek tlhe firemen received four Cat1s to extinguishi such fires, none of w,%hich did any daniage. The location of the fires and t:ie hours when the firemen receiveti the cals %ere: 9 :30 a. m., 924 Chestinut aventie; 11 :20 a. mn., Third street and Gregory avenue; 12 :25 P. m., Sher- idan roati and Lake avenue, and 12 :45 p. ni.. 1725 Wilmette avenue. One other run was made last \Ved- nlesday, ,about 3:40 o'clock in the afterîioon, to extinguish ail automio- bile fire at 215 Ninth. street4.. Damîage amouniting to about onhe hundred (101- Jars resulted from this, blaze, accord- ing to Fire Chief WValter Zibbl S, estimate. The department made one run last Friday to extinguish a prairie fire. and( flfldther ofn l1l1(lv.whe.n 2an il i I q 8*U m UEAN'. App-lesaSeleeted fort I. Cooklng IL 290 MflUgatOz. Peawu.* . ............ eah23e I ffliied vitIs Suider-' Ridge and Lake Aveu. .-J. B. Seyler, Mgr. Phone Wilmette13l6. I 4,, a ý