Sepd ber a BOOK with juet the. right card for MOTHER'S DAY May 8th 1724 OiRRiNC(ToN AVENUF1 Orrlngton! Hotel BlIpr. EVANSTON story, Phyllis, bas been'. given a year îl mes aoheîo; hr-egd at college by ber aunt, and althougb emvsaohrcg>sapegd she does flot expect to be able to tom- precise, plete the usual four years, she want, >et a third cog inoves hii»i. He t*rns, to make that one year a happy one. they turt.. Phyllis has the sanie struggles, ýad- mthuader amnosec.i ventures, bard luck, andi gooci ti nies Thrust; and revolving in fai area.c that every f reshmnai ha-.;; but the book 1rTnqîetioningly unseen hierarchies centers main1y on lher relations witli Ieey ne.,into the Joit flide ber roommnate. Before comi ng ta col - o pac 0 n ntm, rvoinnq nd ,*e lee sbe idealized bher fut-ure rôoon- volving mate,,and now finds it bard ta realizec (ogs to immnaculate and nasired ends, that the- two actually ;are fiot suiteti Re-moteI3' planied: -This is the, im'w for each other. The roomniate. tries earth, completely to, absorb Phyllis, andi to bînd. th is the neu, heaî!4nP'" keep her f rom baving any other frientis P roin "71e Thr-e Phai-aoihç" Phyllis is Well on ini ber freshmnainyear b emanil gd,~ before. she' faces the, truth-tlîat slw, ismissing the friendsbip of rnany at- f tractive girls. Tt is bard for..hler, bt " THE BUSY BOOK" she refuses to let one girl. domitiate Onie of the cleveres -d~et iost her entire life,, and. froni then on ber comprehien'sive reviews of 'Thle Busy attachment to ber roommate is broken. Book"ý by Floy. Little Bartlett, of W'ii- and ber f rientis are greatly increaseti. netka that we. have yet the n Tbis prohieni is common to many buin- found. in: the New Vork Heralti dreds. of girýls. and shoulti be of great T rribuneé. The review is as fonllws: iilterest to the readers of tbe book. "~The Busy Book" is a. scr-apblook One of the charnis of this tale i,; tlat which keeps a householt ini a state of it represents real college life, flot the preparedness against thosce many as cs;phiticated or rab rab type descriherl: when. the clîildren mist keep qiethe- in other books on college. northec (on- cause someoîie is. iii. .ind(oors lieause tinuous series of wild gond times thit Itit 15leeting, in b d bhecaluse (fý the one secs*ini the movies. Tt, is flot a 'croup. Tt isý, tb ougli dotted %v~itIi un- serious hookç,,nor does it bave heatitif i distinguisheti lîttie stories abotit.fhidel> style or a gripig plot, but it telisý andi Captain Kitit, a v-ery fine nostrini witb mnucbhuntio(pr anti vivacitY of the 'against racket and fitigets .ani~h career of a normal,. typical littI" fresh- ing. Wbatever cani we do? Well, man. what about mirror 1 riting, andi tw enlty- fseven minutes put in chalking f rom "OLDIROSIDS'ofigure to figure -on. that page wvhiclu OLD RONSDES"promises that if you draw froîn one Pauli Revere furnished th-> coorier. to two andi so on to ninety-nine or boits andi spikes for the U. S. F'+ it'tereabouts a picture will be disclosed? Constitution (now known the i \What about riddles, what about scrolis over as "Old Ironsides"). andti te whoi *oigia1~stor ofbunin~foror cross-word puzzles, or. pig latin? lier flags was the handiwork of tfile!fhr r hmn ae niwr celbraetiBety Rss f Pilaelpii~ Igames, andi 'I pack my trunk for South celeratd BtsyRos ofPhiadeffli-iAfrica,' this ta b.le pluyed hy spellers, Whén the ship was launcheti on Oc- andt hat by young geographers, az sang tober 21, 1797, a 4'numerous and brul- to sing, rebuses ta decipher. andi the liant collection. of ciizens"-to quote dot box gaine, ,and' paper ta be foldeti, the press of the day-gathered to sce etc. This is a useful little hook worth. her "desicend into thé biisomt ofth ocean."t as weiglit iu lozenges, anti doî'ts and. In "On the Decks ofOlti Ironsides." Ell!iot Snow, Rear Admiràl, U.S.N, ~ ~ .5 Ai (~~II ~ j STORY ABOUT DOGS ýToimm ATm , Iné. 1627 Sherman Ave. Day. 2400 Opposite Postoffice EVANSTON toIrs tor me geiral public, 10 DC given at Fieldi Museumn of Natural I-istorv. On- other days at the same liaurs subjects .will be: Tuesday, "Egyptian Art" ; Wednesday, "Dwel- lers in the Far North"; Thursday, a general tour of anthropological, botan- icaýl,, geological and.i zoological exhibits, ism and Comnmuniistun. and Friday, "Borneo, java andi Sum- atra." These tours, conductet i by,'staff lecturers, are open to ail musýeum vîsi-, torsi.,Parties assembeinic h north entrance. in parnhiet forrn this dra'matic poemn, "The Three Pharaohs," which bias delivered by the author at the 150th anniversary of the Harvard chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Twenity-fivec years ago Mr. Hagedorn had reati, on the samne'spot, bis class poer* The present. financial depressionl or economic catastrophe has béeî widelv tiiscussed iii prose, but thiq' is prob.- ably the flrst tinicit bas been writteici ab)out in poetry. The author coin- vares Amnerican materialism with. that oancient .E vpt, He stands on 1Broadway, which, is- symbilolized as Prospeity, ani watches the streanis of unemiployeti and(l tôse wvho have l)een- ridden (1own by Iiîdustrialisin dying at the base of the great. Pv- ramid., The tbree pliaraohs rep. resent Industrialism, Comîmunisin, and the human heart itself. The atuthor wonders if. we are always .to have, that War betwveen Iidustrialisîni andi Communism. Oh comirades, floWting- darkly tg) the marshes,:*1 Oh, ever-widening, ever s iftr ive,. Must we be tos-sed forevei* ind forovf' p Between the saible and scarlett pharaoll? Ts there na ehoosing, savte a choice or But out of the sioke of liat tic alîi from the turtînoil therc, cones tlit vdice. of a third pliaraolu ýÂlio apleals toI the spirit anti soul of in .ail ta 'rise above this niaterialisîn ai greeti foi golti. Mr. ,i Iagedorn chiutt' lî poem with this Elle -"'There is l'l ina n a singing flot of earth." The Red PPharaolh, in bis jdcafor- comrnunism says: "You shall flnd self, forsakýing self:; fixud rapture, Reli nquishing destre: lnsiîîg thie one, Achieve thegor of the inany ia one." The poet replies:ý f"Seductive -spirit, what riof the prison- Wall? What of the iwhip, the whip acî'oqs thec sky" To which -the Redi Pharaoha- swers: "ýFool,, fool, the streets shahl be su0 smioothi and shining, -..1 . Sn néatly patterned path and sod'and. flower, Your downward-ataring cyes vil lineer The prison-waIl, the whip *across Ili(, The poet's reply ta the so-callleti "idealist.ic" theory of cornintunisni is as follows: 'Tharaoh in scarlet. we are flot inadc, A FINEI BI NDI1NOC for -MOTHER handi Fountein Square ers Evonston g - I