Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 May 1932, p. 44

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and the Economie Reconstruction By J. R. Foots Ail up and dow n the .street, old ne.,iglibors are moving out to, distant citieg, to Chicago apartmentsp to leaSS pretentions roomis nearby. or niovinig out and back .ýto ,the cvountry home. T .hey. have sold outý or rented out, and, clustered aréunld each famnily Sehift is a story wîith plenty o, interest. WVherèvcr a. family inoves Out, soifle other family mnoves in, f roin De- trot, f romn Chicago, from the Eas. o maybe newlyweds.- And thlere is cause1 to guess tliat the family coming ,in has leen liaving sonie financial good luck. just as vve have reasèn t o guess that the family, just inoving ont is clianging to adjust the declining fainily budget. There i agood slor% surrounding the faniily ùmoýing in,. and perhaps it is a more liopeful An Ourdoor Livin~g Roo0M created by our Complete Landscape Service SAVE at , CLAVEY'S V IS IT the CASH and CARRY DEPARTMENT of the Lake Shore's Iargest and finest nurseries. Ma ke your personal selection from the LARGEST ASSORTMENT 0F EVERGREENS, TREES, SH-RUBS, and PERENNIALS IN TH-E CH-ICAGo AREA. Ail sizes. freshly dug, balled and bur- lapped. ready for you to take home. at Special Low Prices. OPEN EVERY DAY AND EVENING INCLUDING SUNDAYS S AVE T HIS AD. It'is good for-ont .Japanes e Flower ing Almond or Flowering Plum wheni presented at the: nursery. F. D. Clavey Ravinia Nurseries, mnc. The Lake Shore's Largest Nurseries OFFICIE'AND NURS DEERFIELD, 'IL. West Deerfleld Road , . - .. . AMERIGAN FERN SOCIETY WILD FLOWBR PRESERVATIONSOCIETY ALMERICAN LAND)SCWPE ASSOCIATION The widespread transfçr of .owner-. slips and changes of occup~ants, does, and wil1, bring plenty% of garden ac- tivity, fltting. the gardens to tlhe needs and likilngs of the inew occpants. FREE LANCE GARDENERS- (A4 Reco>s.ructioit PeriodBy-Product) AIl of these reorganizations, re- I FREE ties peculiàr to their 'freshness,, and yet the grocer's Wonderful stock of good garden produce will stili sup- ply rnuch ,that' the year- around table requireS. THÉ FAMILY GOES GREIG Balaâcing thé budget m1ay call for smnaller expenditures for grounds up- keep., so, the family înust experience the comforts of work. clothes. and manage someho-w to. get the nieces- saries done in fainily style. Now dad lias. to be a good sport and set the example for the fainily and let golf. go hang on Saturdlay afternoon, take his place at the wheel. and try out th'e,'wleelbarrow. He w111I find that the kink which devel-, . ps 'hI i ïsl)ack Sutiday mrnfing, and. iinproves the Nveck, will not fast forever, and his appetite gets bet- ter, his nerves less and his disposi- tion .becomles remarliable. Really. lie ýet to liking gardening and lie.fiiîds, out t , ings about lis famly ir-vliicli lie tiever knew, asý lie mixes. withi themn S41workinig clotlhe.s., Tlie' corner lo t .basebaîl gang is tiot s0 well or regularly ý-patroiiized, ais the big.lboys have appointuients at honme. gatherinig leaves instead -if scopinlg up grounid ers, sortitig ont tilhei 1weed's froni the flowers, pushing hle latest inodel lawn inowcr. Terribly humiliating, what? But the garden f ever growýNs witli the genieral rise in temperature, and someliow, hiomiele- cornes more honieSr .Motlier's bridge gang is goaig to siffer,' but there are two s'des "to e'vecry story,., so, mrany 'arc, taking: a chance, and trying out their. own, 1,kilts at gardening tlis Nvvar. avn nioney, uniting thé home, ,atic! who kntows wliere this tliing Nvill, end. GAR DEN EXPANSIONS: DEFERRED. Iu the big estates, operations ýwhic1i emlplo.ycd1 five, ten or 'fifteen men.. have been boiled down to wliere thex are liandIed by a mere retaining force of onie, two or three men, just doing sucli things as will preserve the plantiigs which are permanent, mow- Vie ne'W neighbor wlio lias bouight the honte las visions no0w Of IhavýiIIg that 'dreami garden,,the. garden she has always wànt.ed, with plenty ,of old fashioned flowers, 'a rooiv lawii. a cozy nook out, under real tree:s.,.andý the kiddies, can have a dlo- and pair of banties. Thie new renter, îvith a, lease aI signed and sealed, for a year. or tw.N cati iio% go out and actually cut a bouquet of flowers for tlie itçloors. *heneve'r site wants. and cati revel I in giving away a blossomn everv niow\! and then.i O f course the lawns and gardens: w111' need soîne littie attention and int t knowing a sunmac froîn a horse chest- nut lias its influenceon the getieral gaýrden problenm, but these trf-es a.-re snuothered in the. joî, of watcliîng eacli, plant. shoot aud. eci shoot I grow. These new homnesteaders have not I liad dtie rising lu .garden surround- ings, garden clubs,, tliey usually knowv., littie of Landscape Gardeningas auij art, but they enjoy flowers, fresli air. and they are going to get as big -. kick out' of gardening as anvone else, I betcba. The vegetable garden epsiode wîll show Up the advantages and disad-. vantages of buying f roi the stores

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