Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 May 1932, p. 3

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jietual Harmony. Convention" or caucus for the sélection of canididate, for offices, and to-determine questions oc public policy. 'l'le plan, as carefully. workedt out by nonpartisan, civic mninded citiztus, 01 i. designed, it .is announced, to eli- iluinate the strife and contention of r- the present sysItemn, and te give oiu- portunity for the expenditure of time, effort .and money in, constructive- activities that will redleund t.o thi glory of \Vilmette."' Thie 'Perpetual Harmony Conven- tion- plan .bas been submitted. to varieus civic organizations in the Vil- lage, and' is published in, detail on1 Page 16 of this issue 'of W'ILI.ETTFLI.ÎF. The plan, it is pointed .eut. is ne('t oîiîv non-partisan but, in as much as f ili v'ear w.ill have elapsed before an- other, Village election is held. oppor- I tunity is given, afte.r reading it. for the deliberate and thorougfi consid-, eration such a procedure merits, Irt' fron 'pre-jtdic-ed atrnostphere. 90-Minute Parking Is Ordered Near the Beach Ninety-minute parking again 1Will Ihe the- rule thi.s on. streets i, the vicinity of the Wilmet.te batbing beach,, the Village board decided, at, it,ý regular nionthly meeting Tuesdav n iglht. Village Manager -C. Mv. 'Os- borni suggested that the board take soniie action on the mnatter se thatth V illage would have ample timie to pt. up the parking signs ini case the board -decided to continue the iiinetv - minute parking regulation. Board Establishes, Funds Depositoriés "we ordinances, one, creatinig lhe 13.eard -f--Local Improvemients. for the ensuinig year and another establish- ing depositories for the f unds of the village of Wilmette, were passed !)N the inev Village board at its first reg- ular meeting Tuesdav night. The' D). -. N '. Hawkàùi, [ Vili.ette healtit coni îissiopier for se%-eral yrars, f0'rîalv tendered lus ,esiy- uutimt to Pl>residet C. P. )ubbs and the ' jIiage' iboardi *a con,- 111inication dirf'ctL'd 1tlte Officiais Il t'duît'.c; Dr. Hawkins fuîictioned as health conimissioner during the past year without formai appointinent and had flot been appoinited ,for tle new fiscal year. Iriibi4 letter tn the board I)r. Haw- kinis stated "The duties of Healtlî Coiiiiissioni- er require a salar . suficient to MaKe. Up for tinie lost ini private practice., '*The Board lias seen fit to inake aý drasticceut ini this salarv, out of al proportion to ot her budget reduc~- tions. Since this appears te tme te have been doue as a direct effort té force minv ýitlidraNal ini order to fui- fil ail election promise macle over a y'ear ago.1 i ereby resp)ectftull%, sub- tïit mny resignation. effective this date, iii order tliat 1i ma.v(levote ai 1m1vtime t-bm-pcte. 1 I)~ IISR II U ii e isusen a expenditures. But, there's a big IF mneeting of the local George Wash- connected, with the happy tidings. ington Bicentennial committee Mon- The scbool will open if the full au- da ihMy9 a t uutn' thorzedanluntof ax ntiipaionParish flouse just north of the post- warrants can be. sold. Read details office. ini a stateient issued by the board! J . oten hirman of the bi-' Proposition is made to int.roduce acetnilcm teeisudata- Perpeëtual. Hàrrmony Conventionpan ment this week. urging every organi- for -selection of candidates for Vil-i zation in the Village to send reprc- lag e offices. A full page is. given over', sentatives to, this meeting. In select- to the detailed outline of ,the plan. ing the committee an effort was made' to choose one or more representa- The Kenilworth Village board per- jtives f rom every civic, fràternal, mi ts ice, cream autos te neçgotiate the church and social group ini Wilmette.. streets. of the village., There miust.: .4f any organizations, havé' uninten- bowever, be no, belis, chimes or other tionally bieen overlooked in. selecting similar attention -compelling devîce.s the committee, we are inviting: thein, in, on or about the .conveyaiices>. to send representatives to this meet- A .n ohergapin he hrogh igh ing." Mr. Wortheni said. The meeting 1 Anoter ap n te trouh hgh-will start at 8 o'clock. %N y , .which wili extend northward PaiZDy eerto tbrough the township paralleling thel Tentative plans f or the George North' Western tracks on the west, Washington bicentennial observance- is opened this week in the comple- in Wiimette cal for 'a two-day cele-. tien of. the stretch from Winnetka'irintob hedncojcio avenusouth mtote anKenoex- ' with the Viilage's annual observance limts. Wirnete nd le~oe or-of the Fo-nrth of July. The Fourth tions of the highway will be under ilso odyti er centract seon. tîso odytî er On Sundav morning, juiy 3, the Wilniette Village board will hiold an. Wilmette churches will be asked to- adjourned meeting Tuesday, May 10,' hold serv-ices appropriate for a cele- at whicb time it is expected that an-Ibration marking the two-hundredth iouncement will be made that a suita- anniversary of George Washington's hIe purchaser for the $600,000 water birth. In the afternoon it is planned, revenue bonds to finance the pro- to hold a comimunity sing on the lake posed waterworks 'ias been secured. front. - The Moîwdav program, according ro The 1Kenilwyorth Village board cemi- the preliminary plans, will include a mittees,' and personnels- of Zoning para-de froni the central business dis- board and other appointive municipal trict to the lake front, where a pro- bodies~ for the new fiscal year are an- gramn will be staged by the childreni iîounced by the Village president. of the Village in the afternoon. There - will be a speaker for the occasion Schultz and Nord and the Village aIse,-. It is pianned to-have the floats Cleaners, two separate concerus erst- in the parade depict scetiesin Xash-. whie operating under cemmonin an- inigten's life.* agement, were merged May 1. The JHomecoming for Villagers niew. nanie is Schultz, and,,Nord, Inc.. The bicente .nnial committee 'hopes Village C(aners.. to make 'he celebration a 'homëcomý- Musi grupsat e~~ Trer ighing for former residents of the Vil- -us" grups t Nw Trer igblage and frfiends 1 and relative s of, ichool w~ill present their'annual spring those who live here now. Villagers concert Saturday evening, May 14, In wili be asked te invite their. friends the Leslie F. Gates gyminasium. t oet irèt n eert -. - - -with thenm. Thie Wîiniette Bicentennial commit- tee mneets àlonday evening, May 9, inc St:' Augustine's clubliouse. Repre-. senta.tives of c ivic groups wiiI attend. rr -Village board approves annuitaL..1M of thbe that no News ......26. ~e...... 34. SVvednesdaMa l one eise 'imthat vicinity lias reporteci For complté satisfaction malté - a, May seen the robbers leave or en- your sélection from among those. Officiais elected to Village offices ter the shop. listed hure. on April 19' were formally. installed Mr. Armand noticed that one of at Village board session Tuesday o-f his assailants- wore a dark overcoat, Sthis week. President Dubbs namnes and that the other had a striped hboard committees for new fiscal year. sweater uinder bis coati

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