Most Sentsati.onal Discov.ry. In" Ye rs ... Sofi. natural. W1tthout Mèchin.ry or Pr*iCes l n ail linos <e"Unti Juui. lot OUr Sp98a Wave Cabrieleen Duart Directors whose ternis expire ini- cluàe 1Louis D. Jones,. Walter A. Krioop, Clyde P. Ross, Arti'uir W. Wakeley, and Joseph .J. White. Charles. E. Driver is president of the club and Herbert B. Taylor is secretary. Mis. . P. Oleson. 240 Woodstock avcnue, Kn %vh. ~as bostess. to the members of ber sewing club1o Monday,. May 9. MAY SALE Ai i Isilew li Fi!ilats, dreSses a nd potWear gt prices %htasure >yot great' savings, Ail <uallty 'merchandise. Summer Dresse& prep-es ili a i,'I vrlety, $69 as 10w as Sports*éar K nsi tit ed ngteriaîls. x uarantee~d il 1t *t. streteh, $9 .a% l>w lis.$59 Coats S4eetIouîsare euslly ii flde (mn. our varled $47 stock $1.7 M. B. OKEAN Furriers,lac. &46-48 Lincoin Ave. WVInu. 2ý81 NEW ONES FoRn OLD- OINES fn teni. UEver since 1 ts organiza- tioni flic Ain'erican Legion lias cou- sidered -h care of the disabled its mao pur-pose. As. a. resuit of its activities approximlately 250,000 n'en are. drawing compensations; 59.00»0 tubercular, 54,000 mÙenital wrecks. and 140,000 niedical. There are approxi.- nîately 30,000 in ýhospital.s,,iore than 3.600 of: theni being.,ini Illinois. Our lr0llem grows.. Mental cases have increased 90 percent ini tle last four vears. "Poppy sales are handled by iîearly ail American Legioni Auxiliary uîiits, cornposcd of the, mothers,.vwives and sisters of the inembers. of thie' Ameni- can Legion. Thev .are a - splendid ,ro p of wonien,-and ecd vear they demhonstrate their unselfishness anîd patriotism by serving our disable(I comnrades, and we owe tîem a debt of. gratitude for this.dévotion. "Because. of liard timnes. miore vet- crans and niore of!the depcîîdents of deccased veterans are exýpecting the Aierican Legion to assist theîu both inancially and iiin atters of clainîs. herefore, it seenis al[.imîportarit tliat we' niake tliis a barnier vear ini receipts of Poppy Day. The follow- ing is a report of the, expeiîises anîd obligations of the Ser vice (lehartmlent, of the State of IIInIoIs: -1. Maintailîs the largest Serviîce departient in the United States. -2. Has a conîplete set-up of cotIn- tv anîd district service officers. "3. Securcd oni closed clainîs for compensation, penisions and dcath Ieîefits, a total of $756,618.37. 4. Fxpended for direct relief byv posts and the auxiiiary, the sui of $1 13,253.55. -.5 Paid to disabled veteranis in hios- pitals for iinakitg poppies, $7,115-25. 1,. urni'shîed 11.560 jury jolbs, to (lis>al>lec' l iii Col<couttyalonc. j. xî>eidcd :for nîeals and<- lodgini.g. -8. Expcended :for traiisl)rtatioii to ,tranded vetcraiîs,.$715.14.. "The little red *poplyy is full of îueaning, nepres.entirîg the sacrificial Wlood of the boys wlmo fell. anidserv-, Paul -.riont ancu jean A ianuusî. e- hearsals of the senior cast are being held under the direction of Miss îElizabeth Stanwood and Gordon VanKirk. The settings are in a haberdasher's shop ini Paris, in the drawing-ron of, the Prefecture. at Evreux, in the cellar beneath the Paris. shop, in the beclroom of Laurette in Saint Cloud, and ini the tollPhoIise at the North Gate of *Pâris. The time is 1803when Napoleon was the reigning power during the aftermath of the French- revolution. The plot is centered about a group of royalists, with their headquarters ini the. haberdashery and the sce cellars beneath it. They' are eni- deavoring to restore the throne of France, and behind, theru works a mysterious ally,, unseen and unknown. a man of unbeJievable daring. wvho abducts citizens of raük from, under the noses of the police and holds theni for ransom. His work is the keynote of'the royallist-cause. He is thec Pur-ý pie Mask. Soine of the rôles have double players; one for each of the two per- formances. The folloving is alist of the leading menibers of the cast: Armand, Comte de Trevieres. Paul Husting; Clamvorgan, jack Broad and Bill Sundiaf; de Morleve, Leonard Crupnick; Captain Lavernais, Bill Sundloff and Bill Nords trom'; Fouche, Ned Shapker; Brisquet,-Walter N.ier- rill; Valentine, Margaret Cobb and Jane Dement; the Abbe Brochard. jack de Beers; Lieutenant Roché, Kenneth Stilling. Laurette, t h e heroine, is played hy Helen Hiolton and Lesley Champlin. Dramas and Exhibit to, Feature Guild Meeting Two) once-act dramnas and an exhibit, .f i.le,-rçligious education activities of the Church' school W'ill feature ýa dimîner meeting, Wediesday evet.inig. Mvay 25, sponisored by tue.Nortbwcst circle of . the First Congregational. clhurclî Women's Guild. Higli sclîvol freslinmem girls %viII present a onie-aet play for childreîî anîd tlieir parents at 7 :30. Following -vthe exhibit of phones: Wilm.fte 320-321-781 Evanuton Phone: Gre.nleaf 7441 Member WUlmette Chamber of Commerce was partially demolished, but ho other IMr. and Mrs. W. R. Wilson and damage was done. Itlieir three small children moved into the F. E. M. Cole home at 315 Essex D i ck OConnor, 149 Kenilworth road, Kenilworth, in April f rom Clhi- a v e nue, Kenilworth, entertainedý cago. The Wilsoinshave purchased twelve boys on his eleventh birthdlay the Cole's home. ton Mforday of this wcek. p h Mme. Hunting tord cosmetics used exclusively i i 26. Central Ave. ýPho4e'Wilmeue 4582 I -c 'h.