scbool, which opens tbis year on Mon- day, june 20, wà.s eld Tuesday of this week, when students nôw attending scbool work were asked to fil1 out * .lanks indicating the suhjects they eiect for the sumnier. This year, because of the uficertain- *.ty of the tax situation.*and tbe-con- dition of business in general, tble New Trier board ýof education feit tbat -it would be advisable to operate the stnnmer scbool on the tuition.5basis.ý Ini the past summ er scbool work bas been to New Trier Town- ship studeûts. Thie summer scbool will continue for eigbt weeks, meeting five Élorn- nie . a week from ',8,to 12,:40 o'clock. The morning will be. divided into three class periods of one and a balf hours eacb. lu commenting on tbe advantages of attending summer scbool, W. L. Browýn, director of researcbi at New Trier Higb school, wbo wi.ll bave charge of the. summer session agaîii this year, said: Cites Advantages "h seems to me tbat every parent ouglit to see tbat bis cbild bas some kind of an organized summer pro- grain., He sbould e itber be sent to soine camp with a definite prograi,ý or shiould gçt_a,_job, or if neither one- of thÎese two is possihle,A4hould at- tend sunimer scbool. It is not a good thing' for a boy or girl to loaf three montbs witbout any definite programr for bis days. Not only is bie apt to go to.seed mentally, but he ivili -find that- bis days get long, and that Ioafing for a long tume is one of tbe * most tiresome tbings in tbe world f0 do0. Since tbere will be very little work for..bighi scbools boys and girls lu 'us summer, and since many par- e lis do tiot. feel tbat tbey can* afford t send their cbildren away to camps, Stu er sçbool sboulld offer tbe par-. ent the logical means by wbýicb lhe can keep. bis'cbild's tim.e occupied. As. ve bave summer sâcbool arranged, it lyrovides a reasonable allocation of tune to bQoth work and play. The in.orning is spent in work and the sociology IV, civics IVY, general science IA, biology IIA and IIB, cbemistry IIIA and IIIB, physics IVA and VB, Latin IA, lB, lIA and IIB, French lIA, IIB, 111A and IIIB, Spanish .lIA, .IIÉ, IIIA aând IIB, com mercial aritbmetic: I, vocational civics, I, com mercial geograpby -.II, busi 1ness administration III, commer- cial, law IV, typtwriting, penmansbip .1 mechanical drawing.. woodsho'p andi swimming.. Final regiàtration for, the. sunimer school wilI be held on May 26 and 31 and June 1 toa3. Additional registra- tions wilI be accepted up tothe open- ing of sumfmer, school i t is, announced. Mary Katherine Gleason Wins Whitemnan Audition -A talented young Wilmette girl, isl Mary Çatberine. Gleason, daughter of.,Mr. and MrÉs. H; G. Gleason,,whlo has recently won'the Paul.Wbiteniau audition and is singing each Friday evening with Paul Whiteftxàn's' or- chestra on the air over W G N. Miss Gleason is a freshman at the 'Northwcstern university. Sbe bas a deep contralto voice of unusual beau- ty and critics say she sbould go far i ber' work. Thôse wbo have h'eard ber in the college nigbt broadcasts witb several of the Cbicago orches- tras, are loud in acclaim of bier sing- in g. Mr. and Mrs. John Boyleston of Chestnut street, WVilmette,. are grand- parents of Mary Katherine. Mrs, Gilbert W. Kelley. 412 C2un1ý nor road. -Kenilworth, bias just re- turned fromn a three weeks' visit to Washington, the Virginia gardens, and V'assar college, 'wbere she spent a few days. with bier daugbiter. Eliza- 1)ethI. Mr. and Mrs. . William WXhite (the formier Miss Jane Younig) bave reý- cenitly.fmoved into thieir new home on Cuninmings avenue ini Kenilworth, . -A $108000 stock.of Ladiesý' Fino. W.aring Attire will, b. placed on sale-to clos. out -MAY 20- fatr 6elow h seasonris unusually low prices. Sutfs-2 and 3-Pi.ce---up to $65 Prced $25.0 Fur-Trimmed, Coats-Drastie Reductions Hats--$3.O0, $5.00-VaIued fo $1 2.50 CorseIettes, Girdies, Sashes, Brassiers-1/2 Price, Boucles--il2 Price Dresses and Acessories GreatIy Reduced VIOLET TYLER 43 3 Eighth St. (Residence) -W*II.tIe FUI?. 'age. ~1 lat«tftr.s Ouy'm.a PETER VAN BRE 818, Coneruy. Blg. 0. Bukg te.t a.g. ig hefore you with CHARLS]1 30 West Wi suite 12111 jlrst step. n Street 1723 13ENSON AVENUE, ~L LVANSTON Winsletka1332..