Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1932, p. 16

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Noeehoeton iveritY Gyîunasu EVANSTON: 5GALA CONCERtTS MAY 23-24-26-28, 1§804 TU*14 ilmurà. & Sat.Ev.. Sat"udy Mathmee FREERICK STOCK Festival Chorus off mO Chkildr.."a Chorus et 15W United ceuab Mau. Chorus.. Universty G"'CClubs Chicao ,Symphony Orchestra RENOWNIfD SGLOIST5 N f lJeautnette Vreeland, Soprano Iobu Chas. Thiomas. Baritone Ev . t FESTIVAL CHORUS CiaoSymphony orchestra Go.eta Ljungberg, Sopranio J eanette Vreeland, Soprano TUes. IEdward Molitore, Tenor Ev. Chose JJaromeo, Baritone INay 24 FESTIVAL CHORUS .j,,,Chicago Symphony Orrhestra IEdward Moigiore, Tenor ThLm V I ted Germon Male Chorus Ev. (MR. RECKZEH-. Conducting> Way 24 FESTIVAL CHORUS ChcaoSymiphony Orchestra Peary Grainger, Piano ~rr CHILDREN'S CHORUS APT. (MR. BEATTIE. Conducting> riNs7U Chicago Symphony Orchestra Dsoelna Glannini, Soprano Sat. Benlainino Gigli, Tenor EVE.I FESTIVAL CHORUS Ifaj 28 IUNIVERSITY GLEE CLUBS j,,bicago Symphony Orchestra SINGLE TICKETrS NOW ON SALE LYON à JflALY's OBICA*O EVANqsToN their way to E~urope. ThursdaY evening, May 12, in~ ad- dition to the family dinner groulps there were niaxiy dinner parties. Mrs. Clarence G.; Haskell, of Boston was the guest'of Mr. and Mrs. William r. Clark. Mr. and Mr.s. %NilliaMij Clark. Jr., and Mr.. and Mrs. R.. H. Pairclough -of Winnetka. were arnong the guesgts. Mrs. A. Spion"of Forth Worth, ' Texas. vas the gues. of .M rs. T. P. jGrey and lier family. Dr. \Vill, Wa-ý ter u-a*s the guest, of Dr.: William Sand at (inner. Mr and Mrs. E..1L. Hicks, Jr. en- [tertainled gpests from Chicago, Mvr. and Mrs. A. R. Render and, Mr. and Mlrs.. H. Reynolds. Mrs. H. L. lippincott of \innetka was the guest of Mrs. Joseph H. iBrown and hier daughter, ýDorothy. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Terry andi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fulton- were hosts for the Saturday' informiaI diii- ner'l)ridge May 14. Among the niern- b.ers. playing 1 notic-ed' .Mrý and Mrs. Marvin Harmis, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Newart, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hub- bard, MIr. and Mrs. John C. Sander- son. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warwick. Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Libbey, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Harwood, Mr. aiuJ Mrs. George Paddock, Mr. and 'Mrs. Sherman Charles, Mr. and Mî\rs. Carl ,Plockmani. H. V. Hughies %vas host to a get-together party for. a group of friends C. W. Harris of St. Pat!, Minu., Ueatty Sfevens of Oakland. Cal., H. W. Ettlesen of Forth Wortii, Texas; C. W. Dunson of Kanswas Ci- ty, Mo., D. T. Webb of Evanis-ton)i, anîd \V, G* Boumhogger of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Thomnas Covne (,I- tertained a group of friends at (inner Saturday evening. The Covne di( lier informally opened the esp)lanade. The' evening was warmn and lovely and, dinner was served out. of doors.. 1Mrs. Louis W. Sauer. and her lovcly daughter have been acquirinig sun tan oh the beach. They will have aç- quired tfle desired shade when others of us are passing throughi the various shades of sea red. *Ralph Zimmerinan and bis small Cook county superirïtendeiit of i week. wchooIs, on Wednesday, Mav 25, wheil The progr am for the graduation the annual spring festival and pic- iee' se sa flos flic of Division Nô. 3 schools will eSc((Iah held a-t the Morton Grove fores*t pre- Pre.Sentaktio)n of diplomas-Otto . P. 11i, serve. Elmer Carlson is ini the sev- Iire-tor o)f Education for Dvs. enth grade and Lenora SianihastialiN o. :%, Cook Counity schools. in the fourth grade. Xddrcess b3' Mr. Aken The , Highcrest school. also ill 1)v Cs <urn dilli... ........Primaiv3o reprsented in the vocal. and instrul- Pa,~ln Henpeck's Vote". mental nmusic contests to l)e held in ........... .......Upper grade r<n connection with the spring. festivali Two eiglîth grad e pupils at vc and, picniç next Wednesday. Evely vili eev hi ilms ila Borre will represent the school 11%iii and Wv thil lm nas:lial Twi thé vocal contests. and Charles Beck Quolsirnbavdîe f..tect% in tlhe instrumental contest. Cliarle> coati vrge f heet will playa Hawaiian guitar. . pupils were about the same. Lillian' Theschol làyals etite a a-.Quirnbach's beingone or t%,vôpits The chol my alo eterhigher. .waîîni guitar trio.composed of Charles Beck, )Evelyn Borre, and' Phyllis The play, "Hannaly H e îp e c k S lerer i the instrumental -coitest. V'ote," is a mock trial writt.en hv F. 1 ~Emerson Andrews.,'flhe cast 11 I characters is as follows: 1UlhIitegste r il.B. Wise, the judge..Edward W~r g te Noiah Heep,.counsel forth for i gh Scoolprosecution ...........WilliamA ha. Eo ih ç o l M T Brane, cou nsel for thé. jùii* B.>r AGimne. s Mennyr, defendant.... Regi$tration for graduates of tlie . .....Leonard..,w-u eighth grades in the grammer schiools Owe~n Bilkg, 1. C' *tittle, Bo Veen ;.d of he owshi wo ecpet o a~- Moses Hienpeck, wlttnesses »for the of hetowshp ho xpct o t- prosecution.....Wayne Gersdorf, tendNew rierHig schol feNt Jaek Anhalt, . Joseph Levernier and faîl was completed last Friday an<l Robert Bartz. Monday of this week. Studet,ts o Hannah Henpeck,, Philljp Keggs and 1Irna .attending the high school who will Purnpkin, witnesses for the defei»-- Lîllian Quirnbach, Ol.tfLindqist. anld return to New Trier next year ,vill RtGrundstrun., register on May 26 and 31, and June I Soýil . Sn %eezoer........_Robert Ànhait, .to. 3. A prelimninarv suimmer sehiool Phil Bert............ Marian K9ares, registration wvas heki Tuesday of tîis A od... . .Adeline Graf week. The final registration for the summner school, whichi will be cou-, ducted on the tuition b)asis .tis ve ,ar, will bc held at the saie timie as the prescrnt freshmenl, sophniores andjunii- .iors at Nev Trier register for the 1932-1933 regular school terni .Addi- tiotial registrations Will be accepted tup to the openling Of sununiier sciooi .01imue 20, if is ainouinced. Loyola U. Summer Schoôll*.Opens June 27 Loyola university, of Chicago ô l conduct summeér scbools in al its de- partmentls itW as 'announced this week by the Rev. Frederic Sieden- burg. S. J., dean, -Classes ini the Col- k i *wa I. Boys Attempt to Steal Chestnut Avenue Bikes Three Chicago. boys Were 'thwartedl iii their attempts to. steal bicycles at the Edward L. Ives residence,..9900: Chestnut avenue, Wilmette, on Suni- day afternoon. S. . Davies, .9(j4. Chestnut avenue. saw, tle boys and' chased them. Officer J. Schmnidt oU the Wilmette police force took ,the boys to the station. A bicycle> vhicli they had taken from the ;Hollis G'. Gleason residence, 910 Chestm* av .e- nue, was recovered, in a woods near- The boys, who were turned ov-er their parents, are Ralph Fiacco. 113, 1300 Auburn avenue; Doniinick ,Tri- WIEBOLDT'S -ýEVANSTON ]LV 01Caci *fi . uin '-*b'- eW'-' vvl rdU, Icit KInCiJWUILII MVJ.UIU4y wr a cr Jl'A VVLKAiI LIIMeIInciIis are la- at the Avoca sclîool Monday .of this visit of à week with ber father. WNil- mlous,. They are in a variety of at- week by-a representative of the Kim- liam H. Pier, at Flint, Mich. tractive sizes. hall company. These. tests, known as -o- the Kwalwasser-Dykema tests, show- Patricia Davis, 256 Woodstock ave- Ro Osgood, 423 Essec road, Keiiiî. whether the cbild lias ability in the nue,' Kenilwortb, will be home f rom worth-kjt Friday - withr a group of field of miusiÉ,. even though he nay Kemper hall to spend the coiming bankers -for a vacation of ten days not- have studied it. week-end with her parents. at White Suiphur Springs.

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