Winnetka Leaders, Survey Committee Discuss Programs Scoutmnasters from the *Winnetka troops met witha Survey comimittee from the North Shore Area Couni Executive. board at the Winnetka Comffnunitv House, under the. direc- linof Robert B. Brown, Winnetka District commissioner, 'ruesday. May 10. The first part of, the meetinp was given over: b discussion and pro- motion of summer Camp Ma-Ka-ja- WVan. vhicti resulted in a splendid outlook for summer camlpinigfor,,the boys of' this district. Then H4arry Stannard of. Glencoe. and Dr. W. Metcaîf. of Deerfield, represénbing the~ Executive board, led discussions:and questibnj as b o o* scouting could be imnprovýed to benefit the bovs of thearea. This commit- tee is checking with the, leaders of every district, endeavorîing 10 find out anv weaknesses. and how beter to ineet the needs of stoutiiig ini the area; also trying to develop. the teami ivork between the district organiza- tions and the central Scout head- quarters in H-ighland Park. Other men at bthe meeting \v ére Bob 'Mebren. scoutnmaster of Troop 24; Ed. Gritzbaugh, assistant scout- miaster. Troop 24: Harry Roberts. comnissioner; : J- M,\cl.adzean of Treop 15: Robert B. Brown,. co 11- misioner: Harold Warner. scout-- miaster. -Troop 87: johin WeTst, scout- ,naster: Troop 17: johin Roos..-skipper, Sea Scout Ship "Albatross": .Ralph MI. jaeger of Sea Scout Ship '-AI- batross".: George Getgood of the Communiitv Hbuse in \Winnetka; Heath Davis. commrissioner: Tomi Larson. scoutnmaster. Troop 14: Jimi Lyons. scoutnmaster. Troop 18; Sber- inan Aldrichi. .commnissioner; Mvron, C. Ryb)oît, scout executive. and Carl Mcansassociate scout executive. Ma-Ka-Ja- Wan Lures North Shore Leaders- During the past week several more 1Bry 11481 Area Troops Adopt j Camp Savings Plan With th2e Hiker Here is a plan that will hielp the boy attain bis trip this sunînier and Eagle Scout Paul Gilbert ôf Troop a 1will also bie a "good turn" on the part, 13, Kenilworth, and,'his cousin, Eagle eof the Troop commit.tee., The plan Scout Walter M. Eorster, jr., of Phiil- has been announced only two weeks,- adeiphia, were moving fast. in their and twenty-eight .out of- fifty-Six European traverls when the last Jet-. -counicil troops,1 or 50, percent, have ter came. Here are a few. amusing adopted the savýings scheme. and interesting ffighlightsý. They y The plan is this: The scout, hlm- spentý April 25 in Cologne, Visiting Sself, etarns, $lü of. his camp fee: one the fine zoo and taking a trip up _the >dollar of this he pays before. june I1 towier -of the ýcathedral. The boys as bhis camp registration. Tien, the walk. on an average of fifteen. to, North Shore Area councilý will add twentyý miles a 'day when sight-see.- ea dollar to the boy's:moiiev, m naking a. ing, and Paul Gilbert plans to get bis sum Of $11, provided that the Scout, hikinig menit badge on the strent troop, throughi the Troop comimittee of it wheni he-returns. e.wvill add another dollar. thus complet- ,"We, went before dinner t0 the ing the fee of, $12 wbich the~ scont, Dom again,". Gilbert writes,. "and. as d needs. However, tlut. Troop comuîit.- tîere was no. mass going 'on. wC in- ,tee, must, at the same time, registei- spected the inside more careftlty. tan adult leader to lead the scouts and at nooù,,following the guide's in-11 wlile t cmp.structions, climbed up the long spiral Thepla sves$2 oreac sout sta.ircasc to the first landing. 30 met- ,vvho earnis and saves his monie ,it'r padde n p eesmr encourages his earning ability and it to thec beffinnipng of the spire itself l1f giVes the Scout t welve hap~py, lîeaIthy meters high. The view wvas excellent.1 scout camping days at Camp Ma-Ka- and Walter took some pictures of the .ja-XVan, the leaders declare. nleiglilboritig spire, we being thefli south onle. Charles A. l3eard.Talks "we 'saw the belîs. the largest 1 bc forTusda Boadas ued only for special occasions.l If the little ones niake such mi ft On Tuesday evening, May 24, bthe kî-tseouht eae îe regular weekly series of talks 0on close up-I. wonider what kind oft "You and Your Governiment" will be scunds comé out of the large ones.r conducted over Station WVLS from 7 On the descent, with sonie 600 stairsS to 7':30 o'clock. Charles A. Beard, winding in a close spiral, wvhich imade : historian. -will discuss "Issues of Do- onîe too dizzv to walk- straighit. weR mebcP I*c3," The following week. walked around at bhc 30-meter Ici-el ýTuesday. May 31, Arthur, N. Hol- *nsde tlhe church. inspecting the nar- combe frorn the Department of GO-vliqStandgaswnos erntnent of Harvard -tuniversity, will Bromles 8ýtudeu1t of Duleli speak on the subject, "Wýhy- v\XTe Have Paul dtidied Dutch hard for the Nvel< Political Parties." AIl scouts arc before gfoing bo Bruwseis und 1ofltîid lind -to my srrs I foUnd ny'.d(f urged to listen to thiese programis. ,ouite able to read ail the PJutch s'j in flelglum except in the large ectitts, ci 'here French, Je niostly spo4kcn. e. University of couting Lot. to a -hotel in time, foi, dinh(, in Bru.,,el,, and 'had a typical French <din-r Fias 3 More Sessions ner, with the butter ofteîî rani-id* nd Three more mýeetinigs of the tUite plates dirty, but the food gcoodI. lu ve'iyof Scouting m-ill be hield tîîiS the night we were awakened, by the vesîy naling and dashing .aroünd of a ;c'tat spring. On Monday, May 23, at the or caitso.. the roof, apiparentlvhain E lm Place school. a special session 1i fiht. is scheduled for' the First Aid and -We hatd as-ked for a. bath thit nieht, A ~ - iC' - _. - but since il: was 'in use' vv we iw,î.tn'. LoreWORTHEN'S, .- L lu) " t 1 I iutsl at least Is real! It was a bil hour Irtificlail ilîl with the lion statue on to, but t -eaebed by 226 stairs Up thec side. We was Ae had t have a special guide b s-ee thi.,, it rnu md he exfilalnec ini the moôst peeuliarly fi t." Gain New Honors at District Review At the districb-wide board of re- vie-,\ held in thé Winnetka Village hall on eMaY,6,. the requiremnits for the, following tests. were'passed: Troop 14 ý-- Tenderfoot: .)Dax i< Gooder, Sam Smart; second class: Theodore' Buenge r' Neýd Smnith:. Star - Bob. Henkel, Hubert Howardý: Life: David Hoffman; Press. Club, QuilI: Paul. Eiden; menit badges: Paul iii- den, safety; Bob, Henkel.' fireinari- ship; David Hoffman, a.thletics. pio- [neering, first aid; Hubert, HoNvard., 9wimming; Jack' Metcalf, pioneeriig: John Rice, firemanship. Troiop 1S-Tenderfoot:. jp'rk Urig- ham,: menit badges: , Fred B, ius. per- sonal health, 'safety; IHenry Rich. hàndicraft;, Bud Riley, pninting; Schuyler Watrous, handicraft. I'rnop 10m-.Meni't badge: BillI WNrighit, swîm-ý ming. Troop 17-Tend'erfoot: Ju1snus Chancellor; .first class: Tom E1101: nient b>adges :. Bo> Bernardl. iiiiUSW Tomn IEliot. carpentrv, electrlnIcîî, .-\thuir Littlefield, swinming. Troop 18-Star:,Cla4relnce Ilineb"cr-9 er. Stanley Joyce, Dave Earlv.ý Frank, Lyle; mnent badges:- jack'Erun first aid; Tom Getmaàn. first aid: lfa-k: Kidd. first aîd; James ýNewton, ftire- nianship. printing: 1,Edward i'Nfalda- ner. first aid;, Rov- Reninacker. life saving. first aid; M E. Sharp. miark-ý nxanship, reading; Ri'chard Weil. 1 rst !aid. Troop l9-merit badges: Sde Craig, bird study, Iife saving. Troop 20-Tendefoot: Dick Jobn- son: star: Lansing Hinri'chs: ]if(.: Bob) Radin; neiet badges: o Brown, bird. study,, personal health. Lansing Hinriclis, ccoking, handicraft: Bob Radlin, first aid. Troop 24- Menit badges.- Phil Hoza, firemIarI- ship. reading; BiII Mehren, sigfialing- Donald Sclhmidt, firemanship. The following -men. acted as coiln- scIons at.,the .l>oard of review: R. B. Brown, .S. Aldrich, H. W. Roberts, Dr. El, Robent Mehren and Herbiert meV 1 U4[.IlI'j. alone --not he ve :had perlo( the sanie mes sominds, rd that it a fighb;. focturnal