ineure appearancin u 55 n4isse Resolutions of condolence, carda of thanks, obitu- arien. notices of entertalnmnefts or other affaire. where an admittance charge la published, wi be charged~ at regilar advert1silg~ rates. Somie years ago we heard a sermon on the ýtextý-evidentlY flot frorn the, Bible-- "dRespect the' Burden." The idea con- xeyed hv text and preach- Respect the .er .-was1 that a, p ersoýn car- Budnrying a. burden, physical or mental, should 1)e given special considerationi,. We wvere -urged to keep in mind thé fact that we _were. deal- ing with1 a burden bearer and that xve should act accordingly. Tpday the -world is full of burden-bear- ers, men and wvomen staggering u tnder, crushing loads. In the. market place one meets hundreds of men on the. verge of, collapse because of tremnendous l' In the homes are muliitituides of xvom en Who are sharing thesé losses. Such qonditions eall for unsual patience and forbearance. A man' may totter along under a heavy physical burden and yet whlen the burden is removed may quickly recover bis norm-, al posture and, behavior., But the ýeffects of carrying day after day.,a heavy mental burden remain long after the load has been eased. We should.there.fore treat tbpught fuliv those xVvho havebeen and are -stili .beng -xvo(rried b v ng husiness cares. "Respect the buirden !"- Eveil tbougha the certainty of t high schoQl next *take. summer courses will decide a to take advantage of this excellent tun îty. 'We have an idea that professionialpo1i-' ticians are as littie sûsceptible to the.beau- ties'of nature a .s any otherý group of human beings. \Vith their May on the thoughts on, the. question North Shore as to how they can mos t safely short-change the taxpayers, they may. be safely supposed to have littie time and energy for conten- plating the beauties of-n'ature., But eVenl professionai politicians must have noticed howlt attractive the countrvside. is ini th e first haif of Mv if there is a pro politician or flot., wh<o has flot noticed the. numberiess charms of nature, wvild and tamne, on and not far fromi the north shore, ht' should devote a Saturday or Sunday afiernoïon tO aà littie motor tour along the shore of. Lake Michigan through Lake Forest and, then west to Barrington and so pn down and back to his starting point. If he-and there should certainlv be a she alongy with hini-doesn't gasp vvith plea sure over landscape, level or rollingf, and the blossoming trees, thien wc shall bc forced to admit that somre ex-es and, enotions arc incapab)le of .appreciating even thé most '0io f natural cams Poppy Day coines on Thuitrsdav, iMay tv26. Remember that ail procceds are to go in-, to the relief fund for disabled and needy veterans. If by our littie contributions we cati help those whbo sacrifired so much to help. us, we should do so promptly and )(>,,s itu net 'seemni ttcp, ion, oitg.lit To .trive Io ban ish sad, idepressive thougght, mnd Jet Peace and contentinent reignl Noca' loi'e(vlfl av is zwith us once agini. -E. E. L., GIcni'icý. jolin P. Harris. %vho seerns to have beenci dlling ~m e righit smrart- travelin' around t.he country. ta'Kçs urne ëcff tu pas§ alonig a few of his observations "I)o vou believe iîii siguis ?" he inquires.-1ve iiotüdI some ipterestinig ones at, Waco, 'Texas. I. sa.for instanice,:. Great Cash Reducing Sale' in box, car letters on Cohieris Fair. Yes,, my, cash lias l)eeil redlluiji, too." At Wye Mich,,1 sav 'Tank and Tummy- F-iiiiýg, Staptioin ýdocling a lively business, and, last lit b l'io means least interesting, this iii advertise- nient il a I>allas, Texas, .daily: 'WANTED-MEN. 'Who loat their pants during. the depression.- I can match that coati. etc., etc., etc.' -Yoiat weteonte." \Vilin tes central business district swarmed vvith humanity Tfuesday noon of this week when. What ap-_ peared to bc a police patrol-paddy Wagon to you- came clanging noisily do wn the street. The con1- yeyance stopped at one, tWo, 'three, oh a dozeni bu siniess places, cops' rusbied in and out came thec p-rîson)iers securely handcuffed. Great xvas the con-, iusion over this apparent. whiolesale raiding business xviçh led, many ýto suspect that State's Attorney Swanson \vas on the job) picking off Wilmette ganibling dens. But, no, it vas merely the Wilrnette Optimist club atte.ndance committee corralling tardy nernibers. In one. instance, the offending Optimist, who .was' hlavitng.a decidedly pessimistic timie tryingto niake, a sale, xas ushered. out of bhis store bef ore,,the very eyes of the potential (or .was he? customner. Which. Ivould appear to be rather- a -shabby trick in thèese davs ni conoxvic distress. As inierred f romn the timnely verse heading this' pillar of whatnot, thermonth of May is at hiand pro- -iding its usual weather surprises. Last Saturday and Sunday, as you nmay have observed, were. raw- tl-ir wazrnl days, while Moridav and TuesdaV re- We do no.t see howv any student body miorning to inspect it and found ail four could have sho,,n its loyalty and ability at wheels niissinig. A day or two later she a more opportune time pr in a more sig- fotind the body missîng. It's just as welI. nificant way than did the New Trier stu- Wheels without body or body without dent body wýhen, in the face of almost cer- wheels isn't (or aren't) of any great use. for enitertainnient. Saturday afternoon at this season minus some sports event up north to claini our undivided attention offers a most irritating pros- pect. To venture to the South side and Sox park would, we fear, be muchi too perilous. Ask AI. -MIQUE.