the university and le is a iember of ia, Phi, Eta Sigma, tinior Men's- honor Mr. and Mrs. Josýýeph j. Borre, 2801 Lake avenue, announc 1e thé birth on April, 27, of. a daughter at thec Memorial hospital.- VISIT OUR NURSERY You are cordially invtd You will be getting bargains If you purchase your trees, evergreefls, -shrubs. pereniais and annuals frorn ue. We »Ill nothlng but the finest-heavy, sturdy trees and shrubs-Iarge healtby clumps of .1lowers-at prices that are lower than you would pay at Gas Stations and Roadside .Stands. Corne and see for yourself before you purchase elsewhere. -Corne to un for advlce conceeniflg your landscape problers-we will be gIad _to advlse you Fréee of Charge. CHARLES FIORE NURSERIES Speciaists in LANDSCAPE GARDENING PltAIRIE VIEW, ILL. Office Telephône LIbertyville 630 Residence Telephofle Highland Park .52 i.ocated ou Route '22, -lle West of Milwaukee, Are. Openj Sundays.,- I - IIIUIIIIIIIIIIilhhIiilhflhIflIilhIIUtflhIIflhIIINhIIIIIIflflflflIflhflhIIIIIflhflflhIIIilIWIItIilhIflIilhIIIIIIDhIIII You are cordially inwited to the TUL.IP SHOW DUNDEE ROAD mue miwest et siky R.rbor PANSY PLANTS PIamte for' Rock Gard» Plamtiat of Wlmduw Rext. FILLING- BOXE$ AND URNS, White it is stili earlv and there will be unsettird weather, - yet the need- is urgent and' each day scecs rnany boxes bloom out wfth: the bot hotise pampered' plants. H Bot days will corne to cook tbem, cold and winds nip and whip at themn,,but if protected-. an& ca red for, many will corne through with littie, apparent harm.ý 0 f course, plants transfîrred out, Of pots are the least affected by tbe transplanting, provided tbey havef been in- the- pots. long enough to lbe1 sturdy. Plants which haveha a littie outdoor epeineaethe best able to stand tbe.change, but they should not be the abused sort wbich are, so often found in. the. truck., stand and sidew'alk displays, wiltyý, dry anld wind whipped. The growers see that the plants becomýe pot-boufid, the roots crowd- ed i the pots, before they are' changed into larger pots, because tbis is a great aid in forcing theni into bloom. They are started in the seed beds, then placed in small pots and later changed once or twice before. sold to be planted out. Windowv boxes must bave soit whicb is tiot worn out, must be prop- erly drained, and then when planted, must be well watered down, even un- der the most favorable conditions. A 1miulch covering is of ten belpf ul. 1Sm-ail plants such as can be bought inî two-inch pots, jlanted out early, niay, on the average, give as good and as much service as the larger, showy specinien -planted at the saine time. Later in. the season the story is different and the plants fromi the four-inch pots are better for use after Decoration Day. - aCrowding many, plants together iii ,a bx o urdosnogive any great- er showing- or more bloom than wheu the planting. allows room for the pas- sage of light and air among tbe in- <ividual - plants. Crowded 'plants INC. DISCOUNTS for cash and carry' and on larger lots. V. DMZDEK & SONS 2246 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 1065 ANNUAL BORDERS When an amateur gardener makes out a list of the flowers she wants the landscape mani or the greenhouse man to plant, this list wi11 of ten con- tain severalf items which are flot an- nualsa ail1, but bulýbplants, such as, gladiolas, peretinials, such as holly- bhocks,e which take the second, year to cone hito bloom, and -the ist shows clearly that*it is the resuit of a hasty perusal of the catalogue, with pencil in hand. Many of these varieties listed may be, grown fromi seeds. sown directly where they are. to stay, or. may be planted in- special beds and then trans- -planted. Again, others ni ay. be se- cured by buying plants in flats, f rom the large goers, or in. pots just as'. tbey areabu readly to bloom. Some are much more apt to be burt by a belated frost, and should miot go out until after Decoration Day.- The beds may be partially filIed with the -seeds, the, bulbs, andI the hardier sorts of plants, so as to get some realiy early bloom, and then may - e more safely and at smaller expense, be filled out later toward Sumnmer. In setting the small plants, -it iS, extremely important to catch a fav- orable day, quiet and cool and cloudy if possible, to firm the soit around eaclx plant -very firm and very care- fully, water it well and if it is - at al - possible, to cover any tender plants, when the bad days corne along, vou, may be weIl repaid for doing the wvork well. Small beds cati bc planted toward evening, as the sun is low, and- the plants will have until late morning the next day 1to get set; a good -ad- vantage if the first day out hiappens to bc a trying one. 1CUTTING BEDS -- Most housewives dream at, one - time or another of the time when they rnay have their own garden big enôugh so that they may have flowers to cut, for the bouse,- to pass along 'to friends, for just what- ever tbey Want, and, flowers whichi they have actually grown. In making out a list of suchi cutting- flowers, the amateur will usually in- clude - nany flowers which are- not n)ractà'ca with due aPologies to the also Sac Society. îem, a Plan a Dayac Franken's and Lear o Know Tuhips. MMI